
Terms containing úkol | all forms | exact matches only
account.auditní úkolaudit task
gen.bezpečnostní úkolsecurity mission
comp., MScesta úkolutask path (A series of tasks that includes the predecessors and successors to the task that is selected)
comp., MSdelegování úkolůtask delegation (The process of one team member assigning a task to another team member in Project Server. When a task is delegated to another team member, that team member actually does the work on the task)
construct.denní úkolday task
comp., MSdávkový úkolbatch task (One of a set of tasks that make up a batch job. The tasks within a batch job may have complex dependencies between them)
comp., MSdílčí úkolsubtask (A task that is part of a summary task. The subtask information is consolidated into the summary task. You can designate subtasks by using the Project outlining feature)
agric.dělník pracující v úkoluworkman paid by the piece
agric.dělník pracující v úkolupieceworker
construct.dělník pracující úkolujobber
construct.dělník pracující úkolupiece worker
comp., MSexterní úkolexternal task (A line item in a timesheet that does not correspond to a project task in Project Server)
comp., MSformulář úkolutask form (A narrow and long form that appears in the task pane, which is used to view and edit related data for lookups)
comp., MSID úkolutask ID (A number that Project automatically assigns to a task as you add it to the project. The task ID indicates the position of the task with respect to the other tasks)
comp., MSinformace o úkolutask information (Information provided about a specific task)
comp., MSintegrovaný seznam úkolůunified work list (A list of all tasks, approvals, and alerts assigned to the current user)
construct.investiční úkolplanned task
construct.investiční úkoldesign requirements and specifications
comp., MSkalendář úkolůtask calendar (The base calendar that you can apply to individual tasks to control their scheduling, usually independent of the project calendar or any assigned resources' calendars. By default, all tasks use the project calendar)
comp., MSkritický úkolcritical task (A task that must be completed on schedule for the project to finish on time. If a critical task is delayed, the project completion date might also be delayed. A series of critical tasks makes up a project's critical path)
comp., MSMoje úkolyMy Tasks (A feature that provides a search-based aggregation of tasks assigned to a My Site user across SharePoint, Project Server and Exchange to help the user organize and complete these tasks)
comp., MSnáhled úkolůTasks peek (A contextual summary of the user's task list, which is displayed in a callout without switching to the Tasks module)
comp., MSnápověda s postupy řešení úkolůtask-oriented Help (A type of Help that present the steps involved in carrying out a particular task)
comp., MSobchodní úkolbusiness task (A work-related action item that can be tracked through completion. A business task may occur once or repeatedly)
comp., MSoblast úkolůTask Well (An area in the Outlook Calendar module where users can display the tasks and other items assigned to that day (or week))
comp., MSopakovaný úkolrecurring task (A task that occurs repeatedly during the course of a project. For example, you might define the weekly status meeting as a recurring task)
comp., MSpanel úkolůTo-Do Bar (An area within the Outlook application window that can be enabled to show an overview of the user's schedule, tasks and frequent contacts)
comp., MSpanel úkolů-Do Bar
comp., MSpodokno ÚkolyTasks pane (A pane in the Service Manager console that contains tasks that a user can perform)
comp., MSpole pro zadávání úkolůtask input panel (" A small space on the To-Do Bar where the user can input tasks directly. The default label reads "Type a new task".")
transp.Poradní skupina pro další rozvoj rozsahu úkolůMission Evolution Advisory Group
comp., MSpořadí úkolůtask sequence (The mechanism in Configuration Manager for performing multiple steps or tasks on a client computer at the command-line level without requiring user intervention)
construct.projektový úkolarchitectural and planning preliminary design
industr.průmyslový úkolindustrial challenge
comp., MSPrůvodce vlastním úkolemCustom Task Wizard (A wizard that will help users to define a custom task for their workflow. Custom Task can be used to collect information from workflow participants. That information will be stored in the Tasks list for the site and can be used later in the workflow via workflow lookup)
comp., MSpřiřazený úkolassigned task (A task that has been sent to someone as a task request in an e-mail message. When you assign a task, you give up ownership of it (unless the assignee declines it). The assigner can receive status reports for the task)
construct.restaurátorský úkolspecified requirements for restoration
comp., MSrozdělený úkolsplit task (A task that is scheduled for non-contiguous periods of time. For example, a two-day task that does not require contiguous work might be split so that the first day of work is scheduled for Monday, and the second day is scheduled for Thursday)
comp., MSsestava úkolůtask report (Printed information about a project's tasks or activities. Task reports usually include information about start dates, work completed, and expected durations)
comp., MSSeznam denních úkolůDaily Task List (" The name of a pane at the bottom of the Calendar module where tasks are displayed. Tasks that are completed on a particular day "stick" to the day and are shown as a record of what work was performed on that day. Tasks not completed roll over to the next day and accumulate until completed.")
comp., MSseznam příjemců aktualizovaného úkoluupdate list (A list that includes the name of the person who originally sent a task request plus the names of everyone who received the task request, reassigned the task to someone else, or chose to keep an updated copy of the task in their task list)
comp., MSseznam úkolůto-do list (A list of tasks that are not associated with a project schedule)
comp., MSseznam úkolůtask list (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSSeznam úkolůTask List (A list of tasks that appears in the Tasks folder and in the TaskPad in Calendar)
comp., MSseznam úkolůchecklist (A set of standards that a deliverable or task should meet or a list of possible errors)
comp., MSseznam úkolů-do list
comp., MSsouhrnný úkolsummary task (A task that is made up of subtasks and summarizes those subtasks. Use outlining to create summary tasks. Project automatically determines summary task information [such as duration and cost] by using information from the subtasks)
comp., MSsouhrnný úkol projektuproject summary task (A task that summarizes the duration, work, and costs of all tasks in a project. The project summary task appears at the top of the project, its ID number is 0, and it presents the project's timeline from start to finish)
transp., avia.specialista na pozemní úkolyground task specialist
transp., avia.specialista na úkoly za letuin-flight task specialist
comp., MSSynchronizace úkolů správy práceWork Management Task Sync (A component of the Work Management Service that synchronizes tasks with systems outside of SharePoint, such as an Exchange mailbox, to enable task management in Outlook)
construct.systém odměňování práce úkolu a s prémiemipiece-plus-bonus wage system
comp., MStyp úkolutask type (A characterization of a task based on which aspect of the task is fixed and which aspects are variable. There are three task types: Fixed Units, Fixed Work, and Fixed Duration. The default task type in Project is Fixed Units)
construct.typizační úkolspecified requirements for standardization
agric.v úkolupiece work
agric.v úkoluby the piece
comp., MSvnější úkolexternal task (A task that represents a linked task in another project, providing an easy way to review the attributes of linked tasks without switching between projects. An external task can be changed only in the source project)
construct.výrobní úkolproduction program
construct.výrobní úkolwork task
comp., MSzadání úkolutask request (A request sent in an e-mail message asking the recipient to complete a task. If the recipient accepts the task, it is added to the recipient's task list, and the recipient becomes the new owner of the task)
gov.zaměstnanec plnící jednoduché úkolystaff doing simple work
gov.zaměstnanec plnící obtížné úkolystaff doing difficult work
comp., MSZměnit stav úkolu na Dokončeno a zavřít formulářChange the task status to Completed and close the form (Check box that indicates if the user wants to have the task marked as completed after it has been converted to an opportunity)
comp., MSzobrazení úkolůtask view (A view that displays task information. Task views include three task forms; examples include Calendar, Detail Gantt, Gantt Chart, Milestone Rollup, PA_PERT Entry Sheet, Task Entry, Relationship Diagram, Task Sheet, and Task Usage)
comp., MSzávislost mezi úkolytask dependency (A relationship between two linked tasks; linked by a dependency between their finish and start dates. There are four kinds of task dependencies: Finish-to-start [FS], Start-to-start [SS], Finish-to-finish [FF], and Start-to-finish [SF])
construct.úkol na směnushift task
comp., MSúkol projektuproject task (One of the tasks that comprise the tasks in a business project)
comp., MSúkol s pevnou dobou trvánífixed-duration task (A task in which the duration is a fixed value and any changes to the work or the assigned units [that is, resources] don't affect the task's duration. This is calculated as follows: Duration x Units = Work)
construct.úkol směnyshift task
comp., MSúkol vytvoření testutest task (An assignment to create test cases and test a specific area of the product, usually in the context of a scenario or quality of service requirement)
comp., MSÚkoly projektuProject Tasks (A SharePoint Web Part that displays a list of tasks as well as the Gantt chart of the schedule for these tasks)
fin.úkoly v rámci měnové politikymonetary policy function