
Terms containing funkcjonalność | all forms
reliabil.badanie funkcjonalności systemusystem test
construct.charakterystyka funkcjonalnościfunctional characteristic
comp., MSkonto z ograniczoną funkcjonalnościąrestricted account (An account that has restricted functionality. In Windows Live, these accounts are designed for children under the age of 13 and provide a limited set of features. For example, restricted accounts don't have permission to synchronize libraries across computers)
comp., MSOgraniczanie funkcjonalności usług systemu WindowsWindows Service Hardening (A feature of Windows Vista that limits the damage that can be done to the system by an attacker by preventing the compromised service from changing important configuration settings in the file system or registry or from infecting other computers on the network. For example, the Remote Procedure Call (RPC) service can be kept from replacing system files or modifying the registry)
comp., MSograniczanie funkcjonalności usługiservice hardening (The process of making services less susceptible to attack from malicious software by running least privilege, minimizing resource access, locking down ports and protocols, and generally reduce the damage potential and number of critical vulnerabilities in services)
construct.opinia pod względem funkcjonalnościfunctional characteristic
comp., MSSkanowanie funkcjonalności sprzętuHFS (A process whereby a driver authenticates the validity of hardware)
reliabil.testowanie funkcjonalności systemusystem test
comp., MStryb ograniczonej funkcjonalnościReduced Functionality Mode (A mode which prevents users from logging on to the computer until Windows is activated)
el.urządzenia telewizji cyfrowej o rozszerzonej funkcjonalnościenhanced digital television equipment
lab.law., tech., el.wymóg w zakresie funkcjonalnościfunctional requirement