
Terms for subject Microsoft containing and | all forms | exact matches only
bez obsługi Plug and PlayNon-Plug and Play (Pertaining to a device, such as a game controller or printer, that does not automatically work when you plug it in to your computer. After connecting it to your computer, you have to install the necessary drivers and configure the hardware settings)
BIOS typu Plug and PlayPlug and Play BIOS (A BIOS with responsibility for configuring Plug and Play cards and system-board devices during system power up. Provides runtime configuration services for system board devices after startup)
pakiet Performance and Resource OptimizationPerformance and Resource Optimization pack (A type of System Center pack that provides classes, monitors, alerts, and tasks for Performance and Resource Optimization (PRO) in Virtual Machine Manager)
Perl, Practical Extraction and Report LanguagePractical Extraction and Report Language (An interpreted language, based on C and several UNIX utilities. Perl has powerful string-handling features for extracting information from text files. Perl can assemble a string and send it to the shell as a command; therefore, it is often used for system administration tasks. A program in Perl is known as a script. Perl was devised by Larry Wall at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory)
Plug and PlayPnP device (A type of device, such as a game controller or printer, that automatically works when you connect it to your computer. The computer configures the settings and installs the necessary drivers by itself)
rozszerzenia typu plug-and-playplug-and-play extensions (A technology that makes a loosely-connected device look like a tightly-coupled device and provides identical experience for network connected devices as directly connected devices)
technologia Windows Tablet and TouchWindows Tablet and Touch Technology (Human interface technology that enables alternate ways to browse documents and programs using a digital pen or your fingertip in addition to the possibility of using a keyboard or other interface devices)