
Terms for subject Microsoft containing posto | all forms
aceder manualmente por telefonedial in manually (Dial in to the audio conferencing provider from your physical telephone when the audio conferencing provider service cannot call you)
acessibilidade por telemóvelphone accessibility (Built-in accessibility features that can make it easier to see, hear, and use the phone)
acesso por rede IPin-band access (Access to host via a connection that does use the IP Network)
afinidade por hardwarehard affinity (A mechanism by which a thread can only run on a fixed set of one or more processors)
Agrupar Contactos por DisponibilidadeGroup Contacts by Availability (An item on the View menu that rearranges the user's contacts based on each contact's current status)
Agrupar Contatos por DisponibilidadeGroup Contacts by Availability (An item on the View menu that rearranges the user's contacts based on each contact's current status)
alça de seleção por toquetouch selection handle (A handle that enables touch selection scenarios that are not possible or are difficult to accomplish with standard touch gestures alone)
arquivo de valores separados por vírgulacomma-separated values file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
arquivo de valores separados por vírgulacomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
arquivo delimitado por vírgulacomma-delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
arquivo delimitado por vírgulacomma delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
arquivo separado por vírgulacomma-separated file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ataque por terraland attack (A denial-of-service attack (DoS) in which the attacker opens a legitimate TCP session with a spoofed source IP address and port number that match the IP address and port number of the targeted computer so that the targeted computer will try to establish a TCP session with itself, causing some TCP implementations to go into a loop and the computer to fail)
ataque por trojan de denial of serviceTrojan denial of service attack (A type of Trojan that creates a denial of service attack)
autenticação por palavra-passe segurasecure password authentication (A feature that allows a server to confirm the identity of the person logging on)
batimentos por minutobeats per minute (The number of heartbeats per minute)
bits por pixelbits per pixel (The number of bits (e.g. 8, 16, 24, or 32) used to store and display the color data for a single pixel. This is the standard unit of measure for bit or color depth)
bits por segundobits per second (The number of bits transmitted every second, used as a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer data)
bits por segundobits per second (The number of bits transmitted every second, used as a measure of the speed at which a device, such as a modem, can transfer data)
bônus por eficiênciaefficiency bonus (In computer games, an additional score or points given for efficient play)
CAL de RDS Por DispositivoRDS Per Device CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
CAL de RDS Por UtilizadorRDS Per User CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
CAL por Dispositivo aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDS Per Device CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
CAL por Usuário aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRDS Per User CAL (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
caracteres por segundocharacters per second (A measure of the rate at which a device, such as a disk drive, can transfer data. In serial communications, the speed of a modem in bits per second can generally be divided by 10 for a rough determination of the number of characters per second transmitted)
carateres por segundocharacters per second A measure of the rate at which a device, such as a disk drive, can transfer data. In serial communications, the speed of a modem in bits per second can generally be divided by 10 for a rough determination of the number of characters per second transmitted (CPS)
Centro de Serviços de Licenciamento por Volume da MicrosoftMicrosoft Volume Licensing Service Center (The Microsoft site that lets Volume Licensing customers manage licensing agreements, enrollments, and purchases)
classificar por vencimentoage (To become mature or past due, as in a mature account or a past due account)
classificação por estrelasstar rating (A shape that consists of a number of stars (e.g. ★★★). Used for data graphics solution to visualize the data)
classificação por liquidezliquidity classification (A systematic organization of time intervals that predict the liquidity of a party)
classificação por liquidez de evento contábilaccounting event liquidity classification (The liquidity classification of an accounting event)
classificação por vencimentoaging (The process of categorizing, by time period, amounts that are due to a company after a given invoice date or bill date, or the number of days the account has been outstanding)
classificação por vencimentoaging bucket (A time category to distinguish between items with different aging criteria)
cobrança por etapamilestone billing (A method of requesting payment when predefined milestones are reached)
codificado por corescolor-coded (Classified or identified according to color)
Coletar Dados por EmailCollect Data Through E-mail (A feature that allows an end-user to collect data via E-mail using Access, Outlook, and InfoPath)
comando de discagem por tomtouchtone command (A command transmitted by touching buttons on a digital keyboard which transmits tones for each key press)
compactação por hardwarehardware compression (A feature available on some tape devices that automatically compresses the data that is being stored on the device. This is usually an option that is turned on or off in a backup program)
compactação por modemmodem compression (A technique used to reduce the number of characters transmitted without losing data content. The transmitting modem compresses the data and the receiving computer or modem decompresses the data back to its original state)
computador gerenciado por agenteagent-managed computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
computador gerido por agenteagent-managed computer (A computer that has an agent installed on it and that reports to a management group)
computador por assinaturasubscription computer (The computer offered to a customer by a solution provider where the customer chooses from a range of packaged services, including a computer, genuine Windows software, and broadband Internet services, which are included in one bill. Computer time is purchased for a specified, regular time period (for example, on a monthly or quarterly basis))
computação por assinaturasubscription computing (An approach in which telephone and internet service providers offer PCs to their customers, who then have the ability to pay for them over time through their monthly bill)
Conferências por Acesso Telefónicodial-in conferencing (A feature that merges public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Voice over IP (VoIP) conferences, which allows participants to dial in to a conference from anywhere as an authenticated user without having to be on the corporate network. Typically, a local number is provided to avoid long-distance fees)
Consulta por ConteúdoContent by Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
Conteúdo por ConsultaContent by Query (A Web Part that queries data from multiple sources within a site collection and presents that data in a custom view)
Controle por vozSpeech (A phone feature that enables speech recognition, pressing and holding the Start button)
conversar por chatchat (To carry on a real-time conversation with other users by computer)
conversação por mensagens instantâneasinstant message conversation (A real-time communication over the Internet in which a sender types a message to one or more recipients and the recipient(s) immediately receives the message in a pop-up window)
conversação por vídeovideo conversation (An instant message conversation in which one or both participants is broadcasting a video feed by using a camera)
Conversação por VídeoVideo Conversation (A button in the conversation window that starts a video conversation with the participants of the current conversation)
criptografia por chave públicapublic key encryption (A method of encryption that uses a pair of mathematically related keys: a public key and a corresponding private key. Either key can be used to encrypt data, but the corresponding key must be used to decrypt it)
custo por cliquecost per click (The amount an advertiser's account is charged each time the advertiser's ad is clicked by a search user or site visitor)
custo por usoper-use cost (A set fee for the use of a resource that can be in place of, or in addition to, a variable. For work resources, a per-use cost accrues each time that the resource is used. For material resources, a per-use cost is accrued only once)
data por extensolong date (The standard long formats to display a date)
debate por tópicosthreaded discussion (In an online forum, such as a newsgroup, a series of messages or articles in which replies to an message are nested directly under it instead of arranged in chronological or alphabetical order)
delimitado por tabulaçõestab delimited (Having values separated from each other by tabs)
depreciação por declínioreducing balance depreciation (A method of calculating the depreciation of a fixed asset as a fixed percentage of its net book value at the start of each depreciation period)
descodificador por softwaresoftware decoder (A type of digital video disc () decoder that allows a DVD drive to display movies on your computer screen. A software decoder uses only software to display movies)
desconto por volumevolume discount (The amount subtracted from the unit of a product or service based on the volume purchased)
Detector de Conexão Keep Alive dos Serviços de Notificação por Push do WindowsWindows Push Notifications Keep Alive Detector (Windows Push Notifications (WNS) component that analyses network conditions and determines an optimal ping interval to keep the connection alive)
detecção de intrusão por envenenamentoanti-poisoning intrusion detection (A mechanism that detects poisoning intrusions)
Discagem por NomeDial by Name (A feature that enables a caller to enter a person's name using the keys on a telephone)
discagem por tomtouchtone (A form of dialing that uses multiple-tone signaling. The user hears a series of tones (beeps) when dialing)
discagem por tomtouchtone dialing (A form of dialing that uses multiple-tone signaling. The user hears a series of tones (beeps) when dialing)
encaminhamento para ocioso por mais tempolongest idle routing (A routing method in which the agent who has the longest idle in the hunt group is offered the call first)
encriptação por chave secretasecret key encryption (An encryption algorithm that requires the same secret key to be used for both encryption and decryption. Because of its speed, symmetric encryption is typically used when a message sender needs to encrypt large amounts of data)
entrada por toquetouch input (A feature that enables users to provide input through the screen of a Windows tablet or PC by using a finger or a pen)
enviar por correio eletrónicoemail (To transmit a message or file through a communications channel)
enviar por pushpush (To deliver data to a client without a client request for the data)
Escalonamento por Fração Justa e DinâmicaDynamic Fair-Share Scheduling (A method, used for scheduling threads, that dynamically scales quotas based on load instead of requiring the administrator to explicitly specify quotas. It also adds the flexibility of aggregating thread quotas based on sessions instead of just users)
Exchange por TelefoneExchange by Phone (A feature that allows a Unified Messaging-enabled user to access their Microsoft Exchange Server mailbox over the telephone. Users can navigate through their mailboxes using telephone-key or Speech input)
extrato por contaon-account statement (A report of invoiced on-account transaction amounts for a project)
ficheiro de valores separados por vírgulascomma-separated values file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ficheiro de valores separados por vírgulascomma-separated value file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ficheiro delimitado por vírgulascomma-delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ficheiro delimitado por vírgulascomma delimited file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
ficheiro separado por vírgulascomma-separated file (A data file consisting of fields and records, stored as text, in which the fields are separated from each other by commas)
filtragem por limiarthreshold filtering (The process of reducing a full-color image to an eight-color image. This is done by setting a value for a threshold, which is the cutoff value for each color component of a sample)
filtragem por limitethreshold filtering (The process of reducing a full-color image to an eight-color image. This is done by setting a value for a threshold, which is the cutoff value for each color component of a sample)
Filtrar por EntradaFilter For Input (A technique for filtering records that uses a value or expression you enter to find only records that contain the value or satisfy the expression)
Filtrar por FormulárioFilter By Form (A technique for filtering data that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type the values you want the filtered records to contain)
Filtrar por SeleçãoFilter By Selection (A technique for filtering records in a form, datasheet, or data access page in which you retrieve only records that contain the selected value)
Filtro do Servidor por FormulárioServer Filter By Form (A technique that uses a version of the current form or datasheet with empty fields in which you can type values you want the filtered records to contain. The data is filtered by the server before it's retrieved from the database)
Fornecedor de Credenciais por Impressão Digital do WindowsWindows Fingerprint Credential Provider (The Windows component that provides fingerprint information that is used to gain access to local and network resources)
fotogramas por segundoframes per second (The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture)
gerenciado por agenteagent-managed (Pertaining to a computer or device that is managed by MOM and has the MOM agent installed on it)
gerenciado por direitosrights-managed (Stored on a server or client computer that is configured to control access to content by using information rights management (IRM) technology)
grupo de computadores gerenciados por Gateway de Área de Trabalho RemotaRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
grupo de computadores geridos por um Gateway de RDRD Gateway-managed computer group (A list of network resources (computers) on an internal corporate or private network that users can access through an RD Gateway server. You can configure RD Gateway-managed computer groups by using RD Gateway Manager after installation of the RD Gateway role service)
identificação por radiofrequênciaradio frequency identification (A technology that uses radio frequencies to identify products. An RFID-capable product has an RFID tag that can transmit information, such as serial number, to an RF reader, which converts the information into digital data that can be sent to a computer)
inicialização por DVDDVD boot (The process of starting a computer from the retail product DVD and then installing Windows on the hard disk by using Windows Setup)
Iniciar uma Conversação por Vídeo...Start a Video Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts a video conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
Iniciar uma Conversação por Áudio...Start an Audio Conversation... (The item on the Actions menu that starts an audio conversation with the person the user selects from the corporate address book)
instalação encriptada por BitLockerBitLocker encrypted installation (A feature of BitLocker that enables IT pros to encrypt a disk before a user begins to use it)
IntelliSense por ZonaIntelliSense in Zone (A Visual Basic IntelliSense feature that displays certain items in the statement completion list in a different color if they do not have enough permission to run in the security zone specified. This design-time support allows you to run applications in partial trust)
interface de discagem por tomtouchtone interface (An interface that is used to navigate the menus of a Unified Messaging (UM) system using DTMF or touchtone inputs)
introdução por multitoquemulti-touch input (An extension of the conventional touch input feature to allow multiple fingers touching the computer screen at the same time)
introdução por toquetouch input (A feature that enables users to provide input through the screen of a Windows tablet or PC by using a finger or a pen)
intrusão por envenenamentopoisoning intrusion (A type of intrusion that targets the DNS (Domain Name System) or the DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) and which directs end users to malicious websites)
junção por igualdadeequijoin (A join in which the values in the columns being joined are compared for equality, and all columns are included in the results)
licença de acesso de cliente Por Dispositivo para Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso de cliente Por Utilizador para Serviços de Ambiente de Trabalho RemotoRemote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
licença de acesso para cliente por Dispositivo aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Per Device client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one device (used by any user) to connect to a remote desktop server)
licença de acesso para cliente por Usuário aos Serviços de Área de Trabalho RemotaRemote Desktop Services Per User client access license (One of the two types of Remote Desktop Services client access licenses (RDS CALs) that permits one user to access remote desktop servers from an unlimited number of client computers or devices)
ligação por cabocable connection (A communications method by which you use a cable to connect your mobile device to another device)
ligação por infravermelhosinfrared connection (A way to wirelessly connect computers and devices, using infrared light to send information)
liquidação por bruto em tempo realreal time gross settlement (A funds transfer system where irrevocable transfers of money or securities take place directly from one bank to another without waiting periods)
mala direta por emaildirect e-mail (The distribution of marketing materials in e-mail over an intranet or the Internet, usually to a large number of recipients. The e-mail goes directly from the organization to each recipient individually, giving the appearance of the communication being sent personally)
Mecanismo de Interação por ToqueTouch Interaction Engine The engine that detects and decides what a gesture (tap, pinch, zoom) means (TIE)
megabits por segundomegabits per second (A measurement of data transfer speed over a given connection equal to one million bits per second)
mensagem por vídeovideo message (A short video sent as an email message to someone in the contact list)
milhões de instruções por segundomillions of instructions per second (A common measure of processor speed)
minibarra de ferramentas, Sistema de Acesso por Tecladoisometric (One of the presets for 3D rotation effects. When selected, specifies that the object will be rotated isometrically)
modo de licenciamento Por DispositivoPer Device licensing mode (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per Device client access license (RDS Per Device CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a device can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
Modo de licenciamento Por UsuárioPer User licensing mode (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per User client access license (RDS Per User CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a user can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
modo de licenciamento Por UtilizadorPer User licensing mode (A mode in which the remote desktop server requests an RDS Per User client access license (RDS Per User CAL) from a Remote Desktop license server so that a user can connect remotely to the remote desktop server)
modulação por impulsos codificadospulse code modulation (A technique for digitizing audio into an uncompressed format by assigning a value to the amplitude of the signal at fixed intervals)
Mostrar-me como Ausente quando o computador estiver ocioso por:Show me as away when my computer is idle for this time period: (The option in the Options dialog box, on the Rules tab, that changes the user's status to Away after the computer has been idle for the selected time period)
mudança por compatibilidadecompatibility switching (The process of reverting to legacy code when Windows detects that an application needs it to run seamlessly for the end user)
método de depreciação por consumoconsumption depreciation method (A method of depreciation based on the usage of the asset)
método de depreciação por fatorfactor depreciation method (A method of depreciation that uses a progressive or digressive factor. For example, if the factor is >50, the depreciation is progressive, which means that the amount of depreciation increases each depreciation period. If the factor is <50, the depreciation is digressive, and the amount of depreciation decreases each depreciation period)
múltiplos conjuntos de entidades por tipomultiple entity sets per type (The ability for an entity type to be defined in more than one entity set)
Navegação Orientada por PesquisaSearch-Driven Navigation (A set of controls that helps users navigate directly to where they want to go in SharePoint, without having to navigate the hierarchy or edit the URL)
Navegação por CursorCaret Browsing (Browsing or navigating through a page using the arrow keys, PAGE UP, PAGE DOWN, HOME and END keys)
navegação por facetasfaceted navigation (The process of refining a search for information by filtering on individual properties or facets of the items being searched)
NetBIOS por TCP/IPNetBIOS over TCP/IP (A feature that provides the NetBIOS programming interface over the TCP/IP protocol. It is used for monitoring routed servers that use NetBIOS name resolution)
notificação por emaile-mail notification (A message automatically generated by the occurrence of an event)
notificações por pushpush notifications (The sound alerts, alerts on screen (text), and badges that are pushed by applications to a device. For the Windows Phone, push notifications are available through the Lync Server Push Notification Service. For the iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch devices, notifications are available through the Apple Push Notification Service)
Oportunidades Indicadas porOpportunities Referred By (A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity)
Oportunidades Referidas PorOpportunities Referred By (A field that holds the name of the person who provided the opportunity)
otimização guiada por perfilprofile-guided optimization (A feature that allows you to optimize an application based on most-likely used scenarios)
pagamento por desempenhopay per performance (An employee payment system that is based on measures of goals and reviews. Employees receive increased compensation for their work if they or their team, department, or company reaches certain targets)
Painel de Expressões Matemáticas por Tinta DigitalMath Ink Panel (The ActiveX control of the Math Input Panel and Math Input Control that handles inking, recognizer calls, and correction experience)
palavra-passe por imagempicture password (A picture-based sign-in method that authenticates a user by checking gestures made on a picture of the user's own choosing)
período de classificação por vencimentoaging period (The number of days in a time period used to report an overdue customer payment balance)
pixels por polegadapixels per inch (A measurement of the clarity or fineness of detail of an image displayed on a computer monitor)
ponto de publicação por difusãobroadcast publishing point (A type of publishing point that streams content to multiple users at once, similar to a television broadcast. Content streamed from a broadcast publishing point can be delivered as a multicast or unicast stream)
pontos por polegadadots per inch (The standard used to measure screen and printer resolution, expressed as the number of dots that a device can display or print per linear inch. The greater the number of dots per inch, the better the resolution)
por conexão síncronasynchronous connection-oriented (Pertaining to a Bluetooth data link type which is a symmetrical, circuit-switched, point-to-point connection between a master device and a subordinate device, primarily used for voice traffic)
por contaon account (The extension of credit for purchases)
por expoentesuperscript (One character (or more) that is slightly higher than other text on a line, such as a footnote reference mark)
por padrãoby default (How a program's action is determined if the user does not make a choice or supply a required value)
por predefiniçãoby default (How a program's action is determined if the user does not make a choice or supply a required value)
posse por usuárioper user ownership (The virtual machine ownership under which, if a self-service policy is created for a group, each group member owns and manages his own computers and, if a virtual machine quota has been set, the quota places an individual limit on the virtual machines created by each group member)
postar empost to (A UI option to share a message on Windows Live, Facebook, or both)
postar no Facebookpost on Facebook (To post messages or upload photos to Facebook)
problema causado por memória insuficientelow memory problem (A difficulty in computer operation caused by insufficient memory resources)
processamento de imagens por ficheirofile-based imaging (The process of capturing information at the file level into a single volume, with metadata describing the files)
processamento de imagens por setorsector-based imaging (When creating a Windows image, the process of capturing every non-blank sector into a physical file. This is not the process used by ImageX)
projeto por tempotime project (An internal project for which only hour transactions are registered)
projeto por tempo e materialtime and material project (An external project that is invoiced as work progresses based on the consumption of hours, expenses, items, fees, and on-account transactions)
projeção por redenetworked projection (A feature of Windows Vista that allows a Windows Vista computer to detect a nearby projector that is a network-connected device and lets the user establish a connection through a wired or wireless, ad hoc, or infrastructure network)
Proteção por IPsec contra ataques Denial of ServiceIPsec Denial of Service Protection (A feature that helps client machines to provide basic protection against denial-of-service attacks)
protocolo PPP por EthernetPoint-to-Point Protocol over Ethernet (A specification for connecting users on an Ethernet network to the Internet through a broadband connection, such as a single DSL line, wireless device, or cable modem. Using PPPoE and a broadband modem, LAN users can gain individual authenticated access to high-speed data networks. By combining Ethernet and Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP), PPPoE provides an efficient way to create a separate connection for each user to a remote server)
publicação por correio eletrónicoe-mail publishing (The process of publishing photos or blog entries by sending an e-mail message to a service)
publicação por emaile-mail publishing (The process of publishing photos or blog entries by sending an e-mail message to a service)
quadros por segundoframes per second (The number of video frames displayed per second. Higher frame rates generally produce smoother movement in the picture)
quilobits por segundokilobits per second (Data transfer speed, as through a modem or on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bits per second)
quilobytes por segundokilobytes per second (Data transfer speed, as on a network, measured in multiples of 1,024 bytes per second)
Reativação por LANWake On LAN (The ability of a remote network device (either on a wired or wireless network) to remotely cause a host PC to wake from a sleep state so that it can provide some service to that remote device)
rede de comunicação por rede elétricapowerline network (A network that uses your existing electrical lines in your home or office, without the need to install specialised network cable)
registo no diário por envelopeenvelope journaling (A type of message journaling in which the original unaltered message is included as an attachment in the journal report)
replicação por solcitaçãopull replication (Replication that is invoked at the target)
Restabelecer Conversação por Mensagens Instantâneas...Reestablish Instant Message Conversation… (The item on the right-click menu for a participant in a conversation that reconnects the selected participant to the current conversation after disconnection)
restauração por botão de comandopush-button reset (The ability to easily return a PC to a prior state, either by reinstalling Windows and keeping their files or by resetting the PC to the original factory state)
segurança por retorno de chamadacallback security (A form of network security in which a remote access server calls a user back at a preset number after the user has made an initial connection and has been authenticated)
seleção por toquetouch selection (Selecting images and/or text by tapping)
seleção por área de toquetouch targeting (Using the touch of your finger to guess your intended target instead of the actual target)
sensor de identificação por radiofrequênciaradio frequency identification sensor (A type of sensor (such as a proximity sensor) that uses radio frequency identification (RFID) for a numerous purposes, such as identification of physical items, automatic log on, location of people, etc)
serviço de dados por pacotepacket data service (A Windows service for transferring data over mobile networks)
Serviços de Notificação por Push do WindowsWindows Push Notification Service (The feature of Windows for sending tile updates and notifications to users)
sintaxe de consulta por palavras-chavekeyword query syntax (A query syntax for enterprise search that supports free-text expressions, property restrictions, and specified operators)
Substituir porReplace with (A UI element below which are listed items. A user can select an item from the list and it will be put in the place of another item)
Surgir por Baixo e AumentarZoom, Up and In (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
suspensão por inatividadeidle sleep (A sleep state that occurs when a system or device remains idle for a predefined length of time, as specified by the user in Power Options)
suspensão por ociosidadeidle sleep (A sleep state that occurs when a system or device remains idle for a predefined length of time, as specified by the user in Power Options)
tabela de estados válidos por tempovalid time state table (A table that tracks the state of an entity over time using a valid-from and a valid-to column)
tabela por hierarquiatable-per hierarchy (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that includes the attributes of all the types in the hierarchy in one table)
tabela por tipotable-per-type (A method of modeling a type hierarchy in a database that uses multiple tables with one-to-one relationships to model the various types)
tipo de letra por quadrícularaster font (A font that is stored as a bitmap. Raster fonts are designed with a specific size and resolution for a specific printer and cannot be scaled or rotated. If a printer does not support raster fonts, it will not print them. The five raster fonts are Courier, MS Sans Serif, MS Serif, Small, and Symbol)
tomografia computadorizada por emissão de fóton únicosingle-photon emission computed tomography (A type of computed tomography (CT) scan in which a small amount of a radioactive drug is injected into a vein)
tomografia por emissão de pósitronspositron emission tomography (A nuclear medicine imaging method similar to computed tomography that produces an image of functional processes in the body)
trabalho por tarefapiecework (Work that is paid per unit made or completed)
transação por contaon-account payment (A fixed installment payment that is agreed to in a payment plan)
Transação por NFCNFC transaction (An exchange of information between two devices using NFC, or near field communication. Using NFC transactions, a person can use their phone to make payments in a store or as a bus pass)
transferência de arquivos por infravermelhoinfrared file transfer (Wireless file transfer between a computer and another computer or device using infrared light)
valor da variação por unidadeunit variance amount (The amount of variance between the invoice net unit price and the purchase order net unit price when invoice lines and purchase order lines are compared)
ventilação por minutominute ventilation (The volume of gas inhaled or exhaled from a person's lungs in one minute)
virtualização de IP por programaper-program IP virtualization (A Remote Desktop IP Virtualization mode that is configured on the remote desktop server in which specified programs are assigned unique virtual IP addresses, while all other programs use the IP address of the remote desktop server)
virtualização de IP por sessãoper-session IP virtualization (A Remote Desktop IP Virtualization mode that is configured on the remote desktop server in which all programs in a client session use the same virtual IP address. Each client session is assigned a unique virtual IP address)
vídeo por demandavideo on demand (A technology that includes systems, services, and standards for the interactive delivery of streaming video to multimedia clients such as digital set-top boxes)
áudio por computadorcomputer audio (The use of the Internet Protocol (IP) for transmitting voice communications. VoIP delivers digitized audio in packet form and can be used to transmit over intranets, extranets, and the Internet. It is essentially an inexpensive alternative to traditional telephone communication over the circuit-switched Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN). VoIP covers computer-to-computer, computer-to-telephone, and telephone-based communications. For the sake of compatibility and interoperability, a group called the VoIP Forum promotes product development based on the ITU-T H.323 standard to transmit multimedia over the Internet)