
Terms containing Government | all forms | exact matches only
immigr.Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common bordersSporazum između vlada Ekonomske unije Beneluksa, Savezne Republike Njemačke i Francuske Republike o postupnom ukidanju kontrola na zajedničkim granicama
immigr.Agreement between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common bordersSchengenski sporazum
environ.central governmentsredišnja država
econ.central governmentsredišnja uprava
gen.central governmentsredišnja država
stat., fin., environ.central-government budgetproračun
gen.central government entitysubjekt središnje vlasti
stat., account.classification of the functions of governmentklasifikacija funkcija države
gen.Committee of Permanent Representatives of the governments of the Member StatesOdbor stalnih predstavnika
gen.Committee of Permanent Representatives of the governments of the Member StatesCoreper
account.current transfers within general governmenttekući prijenosi unutar države
gen.Decision of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States, meeting within the CouncilOdluka predstavnika Vlada država članica, koji su se sastali unutar Vijeća
econ.electronic governmente-uprava
NGOexempt from the general immigration quota fixed by the federal governmentne podliježe kvotama
environ.federal governmentsavezna vlada
environ.form of governmentoblik vladavine
econ., stat.general governmentdržava
fin.general government debtdržavni dug
fin.general government gross debtdržavni dug
econ., stat.general government sectordržava
environ.government advisory bodysavjetodavno tijelo vlade
econ.government billvladin prijedlog zakona
fin.Government bondsdržavne obveznice
environ.government buildingsjedište vlade
fin.government debtdržavni dug
fin.government deficitdržavni deficit
environ.government environmental expenditureproračunski izdaci za okoliš
environ.government environmental expendituredržavni izdaci za okoliš
stat., fin., account.government finance statisticsStatistika državnih financija
stat., fin., account.government finance statisticsStatistika MMF-a državnih financija GFS
econ., fin., agric.government fundsjavna sredstva
fin.government gross debtdržavni dug
econ.government-in-exilevlada u progonstvu
lawgovernment investment expendituredržavni investicijski izdaci
environ.government liabilityobveza vlade
ITgovernment on-line servicesusluge e-uprave
environ.government policydržavna politika
econ.government policyvladina politika
econ.government programmevladin program
econ.government securities markettržište državnih dužničkih vrijednosnih papira
econ.government statementizjava vlade
account.government trading organisationsdržavne trgovinske organizacije
econ.government violencedržavno nasilje
econ.head of governmentpredsjednik vlade
polit.Heads of State or Governmentšefovi država ili vlada
environ.local governmenttijelo lokalne vlasti
econ.local governmentlokalna uprava
environ.local government policylokalna politika
NGOMember of the City Government Member of the Provincial Governmentčlanovi Gradske odnosno Zemaljske vlade
NGOMunicipal Department 26 - Data Protection and E-GovernmentMA 26 - Zaštita podataka i euprava
econ.non-government billnevladin prijedlog zakona
comp., MSOffice 365 GovernmentOffice 365 za državne ustanove (An Office 365 online subscription for government organizations that need communication and collaboration tools accessible from PCs, the Web and mobile devices)
NGOOffice of the Vienna Provincial GovernmentUred Bečke zemaljske vlade
econ.rebel governmentpobunjenička vlada
econ.regional governmentregionalna uprava
gen.regional governmentsavezna država
econ.resignation of the governmentostavka vlade
gen.state governmentsavezna država
commer.sub-central government entitysubjekt regionalne samouprave
austriansubject to the general immigration quota fixed by the federal government i.e. permission depends on availability of a quota placepodliježe kvotama
environ.territorial governmentteritorijalna uprava
NGOVienna City GovernmentGradska vlada/Poglavarstvo
austrianVienna City GovernmentPoglavarstvo
austrianVienna City GovernmentGradska vlada
environ.wrongful government actnezakonito djelovanje države