
Terms containing frame | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSaudio framezvočni okvir (One of the smaller parts (with their own headers and audio information) that make up an audio file)
transp., tech.bogie frameokvir podstavnega vozička
comp., MSbound object frameokvir vezanega predmeta (A control on a form or report used to display and manipulate OLE objects that are stored in tables)
el.mot.box frameohišje
life.sc.chimeric open reading framehimerični odprti bralni okvir
econ.Common Frame of Referenceskupni referenčni okvir
tech., met.door frameokvir vrat
el.mot.end-shift framepomični okrov
ITframe buffer bandwidthpasovna širina slikovnega medpomnilnika
comp., MSframe formatoblika okvirja (The way in which a network type, such as Ethernet, formats data to be sent over a network. When multiple frame types are allowed for a particular network type, the packets are structured differently and are, therefore, incompatible. All computers on a network must use the same frame type to communicate)
comp., MSframe grabberdigitalizator slike (A device used in computer graphics that uses a video camera, rather than a scan head, to capture a video image and then stores it in memory with the aid of a special-purpose circuit board)
el., sec.sys.frame ground protectionokrovna zaščita
el., sec.sys.frame leakage protectionokrovna zaščita
el.tract.frame-mounted motorfiksno pritrjen motor
sat.comm.frame reference burst in TDMAreferenčni rafal okvirja pri TDMA
el., construct.frame structurestruktura okvira
el.mot.frame surface cooled machinepovršinsko hlajeni stroj
comp., MSframe typevrsta okvirja (The way in which a network type, such as Ethernet, formats data to be sent over a network. When multiple frame types are allowed for a particular network type, the packets are structured differently and are, therefore, incompatible. All computers on a network must use the same frame type to communicate)
el., construct.frame workstruktura okvira
el.mot.frame yokestatorski jarem
comp., MSFrame Zoom Controlkontrolnik za spreminjanje velikosti okvirja (A control that contains a slider)
comp., MSkey frameključna slika (A video frame in which starting and ending positions of an object are given, and all frames in between are interpolated by a computer to produce smooth automated animation. Most ray-traced computer animation is created using this technique)
el.mot.laminated framelamelirani okrov
el.tract.laminated framelamelno ohišje
commun.main distribution frameglavni delilnik
comp., MSMinIE FrameOkvir MinIE (The new default mode in Internet Explorer that enables more web content to be visible and reduces the visible controls in the top-level frame)
comp., MSnavigation framenavigacijsko ogrodje (A framework that all navigation places are built on that allows users to move throughout the application. The basic elements of the navigation frame are the Address bar, travel buttons, menu bar, navigation pane and a status bar)
comp., MSobject frameokvir predmeta (A control you place on a form or report to contain an object)
life.sc.open reading frameodprti bralni okvir
comp., MSpage frameokvir strani (A block of contiguous physical memory that stores the contents of a virtual page. The size of the virtual page and page frame are usually identical. However, the size of a page frame depends on the microprocessor)
comp., MSpicture frameokvir slike (A container that surrounds the picture content)
life.sc.reading framebralni okvir
el.tract.resistor frameuporovni sestav
el.mot.rotatable framevrtljivi okrov
transp.seat frameokvir sedeža
el.mot.skeleton frameskeletni okrov
el.tract.solid framemasivno ohišje
construct.space frame structureprostorsko paličje
gen.specific, measurable, acceptable, realistic and time-framespecifičen, merljiv, dosegljiv, realističen in časovno določen
comp., MSstack frameokvir sklada (The activation record for an assembly language routine, established by its prolog)
el.mot.stator framestatorski okrov
comp., MStext frameokvir besedila (An area within a shape that can contain text)
commun.time-framečasovni okvir
comp., MStime framečasovni okvir (A period of time during which something takes place or is planned to take place)
comp., MSwindow frameokvir okna (The framework that is hosting the window)