
Terms for subject Environment containing support | all forms | exact matches only
Committee for the adaptation to technical and scientific progress of the directive on the quality of fresh water needing protection or improvement in order to support fish lifeComité para la adaptación al progreso técnico y científico: - aguas dulces / peces
decision making supportapoyo a la toma de decisiones
decision-support systemsistema de apoyo a las decisiones
decision-support system A coordinated assemblage of people, devices or other resources that analyzes, typically, business data and presents it so that users can make business decisions more easilysistema de apoyo a las decisiones
economic support Any form of financial assistance or inducement for persons or institutionsapoyo económico
Environmental Emergency Decision Support Systemsistema de apoyo de decisiones relativas a emergencia medioambiental
European Climate Support NetworkRed Europea de Apoyo al Clima
general supporting measureinstrumento de apoyo horizontal
Initiative in support of category III of the programme of work of the intergovernmental forum on forests IFFIniciativa en apoyo a la categoría III del programa de trabajo del Foro Intergubernamental sobre los Bosques FIB
latticed supporting wallmuro de contención celular
long-lived catalyst supportportacatalizador de larga vida
regional biomass technological support centrecentro regional de apoyo tecnológico para biomasa
support ground laboratorylaboratorio terreno de apoyo
support wallbarrera de contención
water capable of supporting shellfishzona conchilicola