
Terms for subject Microsoft containing shared | all forms | exact matches only
Burn a Sharing DiscGrabar un disco para compartir (A control that initiates burning a disc with selected pictures for sharing)
Business Data Connectivity Shared ServiceServicio compartido de conectividad a datos empresariales (A shared service in Windows SharePoint Services and SharePoint Server that provides a means for storing, securing, and administering external content types and related objects)
Cluster Shared VolumeVolumen compartido de clúster (A feature that simplifies the configuration and management of Hyper-V virtual machines in failover clusters. With CSV, on a failover cluster that runs Hyper-V, multiple virtual machines can use the same disk yet fail over independently of one another. CSV provides increased flexibility for volumes in clustered storage-for example, it allows you to keep system files separate from data to optimize disk performance, even if the system files and the data are contained within virtual hard disk files)
desktop sharingCompartir escritorio (A feature that allows a user to display his or her desktop to a meeting or to conversation participants)
Domain Folder Sharing WizardAsistente para compartir carpetas en dominio (A wizard that guides the user through sharing a folder with members of the same domain)
Live Sharing Sessionsesión compartida en directo (A session in which multiple users can work together and see each other's changes immediately)
multiuser shared database A database that permits more than one user to access and modify the same set of data at the same timebase de datos multiusuario (compartida)
Office Online Sharing ServiceServicio compartido de Office Online (A service that allows users to share calendars through an Office Online website)
Persistent Shared Object ModelModelo de objetos compartidos persistentes (A custom protocol for transporting Web conferencing content)
Pre-shared keyclave precompartida (An option that allows the user to view the code that can be used to authenticate IPSec/L2TP connections (typically VPN connections))
Shadow Copies for Shared FoldersInstantáneas para carpetas compartidas (A Windows feature that provides access to point-in-time copies of files that are located on shared resources, such as a file server)
shared access computerequipo de acceso compartido (A computer in a public environment that is accessed by several different users on a daily basis)
Shared Access SignatureFirma de acceso compartido (A URL that grants access rights to containers, blobs, queues, and tables)
shared address booklibreta de direcciones compartida (An Address Book that contains entries for every group, user, and contact within an organization's implementation of Exchange Server)
Shared Address InformationInformación de dirección compartida (An IP address of the OneNote session that is being shared with other users)
shared address spaceespacio de direcciones compartido (A Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) address space or domain suffix that is shared by two different messaging systems. For example, you may have to share the SMTP address space between Microsoft Exchange and a third-party e-mail system, or between Exchange environments that are configured in different Active Directory forests. In these scenarios, users in each e-mail system have the same domain suffix as part of their e-mail addresses)
shared assemblyensamblado compartido (An assembly that can be referenced by more than one application. An assembly must be explicitly built to be shared by giving it a cryptographically strong name)
shared bordersbordes compartidos (Page regions reserved for content that you want to appear consistently on all your web pages. Shared borders usually contain link bars - hyperlinks to the other pages in the current web site)
shared codecódigo compartido (Code that is specifically designated to exist without modification in the server project and the client project)
shared controlcontrol compartido (A Web Parts control that can appear on a Web page and be personalized when the page is in either shared or user-level personalization scope. Note that a shared control can have properties that are both user-scope and shared-scope for personalization purposes)
shared data source itemelementos de orígenes de datos compartidos (Data source connection information that is encapsulated in an item. Can be managed as an item in the report server folder namespace)
shared databasebase de datos compartida (A database that is shared out to other users. These users create their own local copies, which are periodically synchronized with the shared database)
shared dimensiondimensión compartida (A dimension created within a database that can be used by any cube in the database)
shared distribution pointpunto de distribución compartido (A distribution point in a Configuration Manager 2007 hierarchy that clients can use to download the content and packages that have been migrated to System Center 2012 Configuration Manager)
shared favoritefavorito compartido (" A webpage link saved as a .url file in someone's "Shared favorites" folder. For example, shared favorites can be created directly within SkyDrive, or via the Windows Live Toolbar.")
shared foldercarpeta compartida (A folder on another computer that has been made available for other people to use on the network)
shared folder permissionspermisos de carpeta compartida (Permissions that dictate which users can access a shared folder on a network)
shared librarybiblioteca compartida (A container for assumptions and metadata (dimensions, hierarchies, forms and reports, inter-model mappings, DTS packages that are used by PerformancePoint Server, and PerformancePoint Server data sources) that are global to any child model site of the root model site, or of a model site with which the library is associated. The assumptions and metadata of a shared library are for the exclusive consumption of these child models and are not available outside their immediate model family)
shared line appearanceapariencia de línea compartida (A telephony feature that makes two or more phones behave as if they are linked; that is, that a call to one number causes all phones to ring)
shared lockbloqueo compartido (A lock created by nonupdate (read) operations)
shared namenombre compartido (A name that consists of an assembly's identity-its simple text name, version number, and culture information (if provided)-strengthened by a public key and a digital signature generated over the assembly. Because the assembly manifest contains file hashes for all the files that constitute the assembly implementation, it is sufficient to generate the digital signature over just the one file in the assembly that contains the assembly manifest. Assemblies with the same strong name are expected to be identical)
Shared notesNotas compartidas (The OneNote pages that are shared with everyone in a Room. Once created, they appear in the "lists" panel in the Room UI panorama)
shared ownershippropiedad compartida (In virtual machine self-service, the ownership model for virtual machines under which all members of a group can manage all virtual machines owned by any member of the group and the virtual machine quota, if one has been specified, applies to all virtual machines created by all group members)
Shared photosFotos compartidas (The link to photos that only you and people that you select can view (versus public photos that anyone can view))
shared printerimpresora compartida (A printer that receives input from more than one computer)
shared resourcerecurso compartido (Any information, file, folder, program, device, etc., that is available to multiple users on a network)
Shared Resource ProviderProveedor de recursos compartidos (A logical unit consisting of shared servies and shared resources. A farm could have multiple SRPs)
shared scheduleprogramación compartida (Schedule information that can be referenced by multiple items)
Shared Services Providerproveedor de servicios compartidos (A logical grouping of shared services and their supporting resources)
shared stepspasos compartidos (A group of test steps that can be reused between test cases)
shared user accountcuenta de usuario compartida (A single user account that is logged on to by multiple users)
shared user profileperfil de usuario compartido (A file that contains configuration information for a specific user including settings and restrictions applied by Windows SteadyState)
shared viewvista compartida (A view of a list or Web Part Page that every user who has the appropriate permissions can see)
shared Web Partelemento web compartido (A Web Part added to a Web Part Page by a user who is working on the page in shared view)
Shared with MeCompartidos conmigo (A view that displays a list of documents and folders that are shared with the user)
shared workbooklibro compartido (A workbook that is configured to allow multiple users on a network to view and make changes at the same time. Each user who saves the workbook sees the changes that are made by other users)
sharing modemodo compartido (The client view that the presenter sees when he or she is presenting a Sharing slide)
Sharing slidediapositiva Compartir (A slide on which a presenter can show a shared application or desktop to other meeting participants)
simplified sharinguso compartido simplificado (A streamlined process for sharing Office documents with others)
virtual shared foldercarpeta compartida virtual (A mailbox folder structure on some IMAP servers in which mail folders are accessed with the administrator username and password, and shell login access to the mail server is not allowed. Access to specific mailboxes is managed by access control lists. This means that users are assigned the permissions to only access their mailbox folder, while an administrator has access to all mailboxes. This allows organizations to use administrative credentials to migrate e-mail from an IMAP server to Outlook Live)