
Terms for subject Law containing same | all forms | exact matches only
appeal to the same courtrecurso de reposición
cases in which the same relief is sought, the same issue of interpretation is raised or the validity of the same act is called in questionasuntos que tengan el mismo objeto o que planteen la misma cuestión de interpretación o que cuestionen la validez del mismo acto
cohabitee of the same sexpersona del mismo sexo que convive maritalmente
document having the same legal effectdocumento que tenga la misma fuerza
immovable and movable property adversely affected by the same contingencyinmuebles y muebles afectados por el mismo siniestro
immovable and movable property covered by the same insurance policyinmuebles y muebles cubiertos por una misma póliza
in the same actionen la misma causa
in the same way persons should be able to invoke rules of exorbitant jurisdiction in the same way as the nationals of the State concernedde la misma manera
same-sex marriagematrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo
vacant at the same timevacante al mismo tiempo