
Terms for subject Environment containing layer | all forms | exact matches only
adverse effect on the ozone layerefecto adverso sobre la capa de ozono
biological slime layercapa de mucosidad biológica
biological slime layercapa biológica
biological slime layerpelícula biológica
boundary layerestrato límite
boundary layer The layer of fluid adjacent to a physical boundary in which the fluid motion is significantly affected by the boundary and has a mean velocity less than the free stream valueestrato límite
brushwood layerestrato arbustivo
Committee for implementation of the regulation on substances that deplete the ozone layerComité de aplicación del reglamento sobre las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerConvenio de Viena sobre protección de la capa de ozono
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layerconvención de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono
Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerConvenio para la protección de la capa de ozono
Coordinating Committee on the Ozone LayerComité Coordinador sobre la capa de ozono
Co-ordinating Committee on the Ozone Layercomité de coordinación para la protección de la capa de ozono
Coordinating Committee on the Ozone LayerComité Coordinador sobre la Capa de Ozono
Coordinating Committee on the Ozone Layercomité de coordinación para la protección de la capa de ozono
depletion of the ozone layeragotamiento de la capa de ozono
depletion of the ozone layerdaños en la capa de ozono
destruction of the ozone layerdestrucción de la capa de ozono
discontinuity layertermoclina
discontinuity layermetalimnio
discontinuity layercapa de discontinuidad
drainage layercapa de drenaje
Global Framework Convention on the Protection of the Ozone LayerConvenio de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono
ground water layeraguas subterráneas
inversion layer The atmosphere layer through which an inversion occurscapa de inversión
inversion layerscapas de inversión
isodose curves for radiation of half-value layers of O,5 mm Alcurvas isodósicas para radiación de capas de semiabsorción de 0,5 mm de Al
layer of contaminantscapa de contaminantes
leaching in rain and foliar absorption foliar uptake at the shrub layer or stratumel lavado por la lluvia y la absorción foliar por el estrato arbustivo
Management Committee for Council Regulation EEC No 3322/88 on certain chloro-fluorcarbons and halogens which deplete the ozone layerComité de gestión del Reglamento CEE n° 3322/88 relativo a determinados clorofluoro-carbonos CFC y halones que empobrecen la capa de ozono
Management Committee on the control of the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layerComité de gestión para el control de la producción y del consumo de sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono
modification of the ozone layermodificación de la capa de ozono
Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone LayerProtocolo de Montreal relativo a las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono
ozone layercapa del ozono
ozone layerozonosfera
ozone layer The general stratum of the upper atmosphere in which there is an appreciable ozone concentration and in which ozone plays an important part in the radiative balance of the atmospherecapa de ozono
ozone layer and climate protectionprotección del clima y de la capa de ozono
ozone layer depletion The fragile shield of ozone is been damaged by chemicals released on earth. The main chemicals that are depleting stratospheric ozone are chlorofluorocarbons which are used in refrigerators, aerosols, and as cleaners in many industries, and halons, which are used in fire extinguishers. The damage is caused when these chemicals release highly reactive forms of chlorine and bromine. Over the past 30 years ozone levels over parts of Antarctica have dropped by almost 40% during some months and a "hole" in ozone concentrations is clearly visible in satellite observationsagotamiento de capa de ozono
ozone layer depletiondisminución de la capa de ozono
ozone-layer depletion ratevelocidad de empobrecimiento
peat layerlecho de turba
planetary boundary layercapa limítrofe del planeta
porous layer dust catchereliminador de polvos de capa porosa
porous layer filterfiltro de capa porosa
potentially ozone-layer-depleting substancesustancia potencialmente debilitante de la ozonosfera
protection of the ozone layerprotección de la capa de ozono
Protocol to the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerProtocolo de Montreal relativo a las sustancias que agotan la capa de ozono
release of substances causing modification of the ozone layerliberación de sustancias que causan modificaciones de la capa de ozono
separation layercapa de ruptura
shallow layer modelmodelo de capa poco profunda
soil layercapas del suelo
soil layer Distinctive successive layers of soil produced by internal redistribution processes. Conventionally the layers have been divided into A, B and C horizons. The A horizon is the upper layer, containing humus and is leached and/or eluviated of many minerals. The B horizon forms a zone of deposition and is enriched with clay minerals and iron/aluminium oxides from the A layer. The C layer is the parent material for the present soil and may be partially weathered rock, transported glacial or alluvial material or an earlier soilcapas del suelo
substance that depletes the ozone layerdestructor de ozono
substance that depletes the ozone layersustancia que agota la capa de ozono
tree layerestrato arborescente
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layerconvención de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerConvenio de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono
Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone LayerConvenio de Viena sobre protección de la capa de ozono
Vienna Convention for the protection of the ozone layerConvenio de Viena para la protección de la capa de ozono
World Plan of Action on the Ozone LayerPlan Mundial de Acción sobre la Capa de Ozono