
Terms containing general-purpose | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
econ.classification of the purposes of general governmentclasificación de las funciones de las administraciones públicas
UNConvention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its First Thirty-two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of ConventionsConvenio 116 por el que se revisan parcialmente los Convenios adoptados por la Conferencia General de la Organización Internacional del Trabajo en sus 32 primeras reuniones, a fin de uniformar las disposiciones relativas a la preparación, por parte del Consejo de Administración de la Oficina Internacional del Trabajo, de las Memorias sobre la aplicación de Convenios
gen.Convention concerning the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its First Thirty-two Sessions for the Purpose of Standardising the Provisions regarding the Preparation of Reports by the Governing Body of the International Labour Office on the Working of ConventionsConvenio sobre la revisión de los artículos finales, 1961
gen.Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions Entrusted by the Said Conventions to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and Introducing therein Certain Further Amendments Consequential upon the Dissolution of the League of Nations and the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour OrganisationConvenio sobre la revisión de los artículos finales, 1946
gen.Convention for the Partial Revision of the Conventions Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at Its First Twenty-eight Sessions for the Purpose of Making Provision for the Future Discharge of Certain Chancery Functions Entrusted by the Said Conventions to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations and Introducing therein Certain Further Amendments Consequential upon the Dissolution of the League of Nations and the Amendment of the Constitution of the International Labour OrganisationConvenio por el que se revisan parcialmente los Convenios adoptados por la Conferencia General de la OIT, en sus veintiocho primeras reuniones
econ.expenditure uses of the general government sector by purpose and by type of transactiongastos empleos del sector administraciones públicas por funciones y por operaciones
econ.expenditure of the general government sector by purpose and by type of transactiongastos del sector administraciones públicas por funciones y por operaciones
econ.general government expenditure by purpose and by type of transactiongastos del sector administraciones públicas por funciones y por operaciones
UN, tech.general purposemultiuso, polivalente
tech.general purposede uso general
agric.general purpose bodycuerpo de arado universal
agric.general purpose bodycuerpo helicoidal
agric.general purpose bodycuerpo con vertedera helicoidal
tech.general purpose bombbomba de uso general
agric.general purpose bottomcuerpo para labores medias
agric.general purpose bottomcuerpo cilíndrico-helicoidal
ITgeneral purpose computerterminal multifunción
ITgeneral purpose computercomputadora universal
construct.general purpose constructional steelsacero de construcción de uso general
transp.general purpose freight containercontenedor de uso general
automat.general purpose controllerregulador para aplicaciones diversas
ITgeneral purpose digital computercomputador digital de uso general
antenn.general purpose diodediodo universal
math., meas.inst.general purpose functionfunción universal
chem., mech.eng.general purpose greasegrasa de usos múltiples
mech.eng., construct.general purpose liftascensor de uso general
mater.sc.general purpose machinemáquina de uso general
meas.inst.general purpose measuring instrumentaparato de medida para aplicaciones diversas
ITgeneral purpose modulemódulo de propósito general
mech.eng., el.general purpose motormotor de uso general
el.mot.general purpose motormotor de aplicación general
agric.general purpose mouldboardvertedera alargada
mater.sc.general purpose packageembalaje para usos generales
agric.general purpose plougharado universal
el.general purpose receiverreceptor de uso general
ITgeneral purpose registerregistro de uso general
IT, tech.general purpose registerregistro general
industr., construct.general purpose rubbercaucho para uso general
commun.general purpose terminalterminal de uso general
ITGeneral Purpose ToolsHerramientas para usos generales
transp., agric.general purpose tractortractor multiuso
transp., agric.general purpose tractortractor de uso general
transp.general purpose trailerremolque universal
transp.general purpose trailerremolque polivalente
patents.general purpose trolleyscarritos de uso general
el.general purpose vacuum cleaneraspiradora de uso general
transp., nautic.general purpose vesselbarco mixto
mech.eng.general purpose winchcabrestante suspendido
mech.eng.general purpose winchcabrestante de montaje y construcción
ITgeneral-purpose computerordenador universal
agric.general-purpose conveyortransportador universal
el.general-purpose devicedispositivo de cometidos generales
UN, sl., drug.general-purpose fundfondos para fines generales
econ., ITgeneral-purpose instrumentinstrumento con fines generales
ITgeneral-purpose interface busbus de interfaz universal
ITgeneral-purpose interface busenlace común universal de acoplamiento mutuo
mech.eng.general-purpose machine toolmáquina-herramienta
ITgeneral-purpose methodmétodo débil de resolución de problemas
ITgeneral-purpose methodsolución de problemas independiente de dominios
ITgeneral-purpose methodmétodo de propósito general
pack.general-purpose packageembalaje para usos generales
health.general-purpose safety beltcinturón de seguridad de uso general
ITgeneral-purpose softwaresoftware de propósito general
ITgeneral-purpose softwareequipo lógico de propósito general
transp.general-purpose traintren de encaminamiento
agric.mounted general purpose plougharado colgado de vertedera fija
el.portable general-purpose luminaireluminaria portátil de uso general
gen.purposes of general governmentfunciones de las administraciones públicas
ITscalable general-purpose kernelnúcleo graduable de uso general
tech.unfuzed general purpose bombsbombas sin espoleta de uso general