
Terms for subject Microsoft containing enforcement | all forms | exact matches only
Application Layer EnforcementCumplimiento de nivel de aplicación (An operation of Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which provides enforcement for security policies by, in each case, trapping the event, determine what application initiated it, and query the filter engine to determine whether the socket should be allowed to proceed)
deferred enforcement modemodo de cumplimiento diferido (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately receive NAP notifications if they are not in compliance with network health requirements, but do not have their access restricted until the specified time and date)
DHCP EnforcementCumplimiento DHCP (A technology comprised of a DHCP NAP ES component and a DHCP NAP EC component and which allows DHCP servers to enforce system health requirements any time a computer attempts to lease or renew an IP address configuration on the network)
DHCP NAP enforcement clientCliente de cumplimiento NAP para DHCP (A NAP Enforcement Client for DHCP-based IPv4 address configuration that uses industry standard DHCP messages to exchange system health messages and limited network access information)
DHCP NAP enforcement serverServidor de cumplimiento NAP para DHCP (A NAP Enforcement Server for DHCP-based IP address configuration that uses industry standard DHCP messages to communicate with DHCP NAP ECs on NAP clients)
enforcement modemodo de cumplimiento (A mode determined by the level of network access granted to noncompliant computers. There are three available enforcement modes: reporting mode, deferred enforcement, and full enforcement)
enforcement periodperíodo de vigencia (The length of time that a provisioning packet is valid. It determines the frequency with which the Provisioning Server will automatically generate a new provisioning packet. Used only with automated subscription renewal)
full enforcement modemodo de cumplimiento completo (The enforcement mode in which client computers immediately have their network access restricted if they are not in compliance with network health requirements)
NAP enforcement clientCliente de cumplimiento NAP (A component in a NAP client architecture that integrates with network access technologies, such as DHCP, VPN, 802.1X, IPsec, and RD Gateway. The NAP enforcement client requests access to a network, communicates a client computer's health status to the NAP server that is providing the network access, and communicates the restricted status of the client computer to other components of the NAP client architecture)
NAP enforcement pointpunto de cumplimiento NAP (A server or network access device that uses NAP or can be used with NAP to require the evaluation of a NAP client's health state and provide restricted network access or communication. HRA servers, 802.1X switches and wireless access points, NAP-enabled VPN, DHCP, and RD Gateway servers are examples of NAP enforcement points)
NAP enforcement serverServidor de cumplimiento NAP (A component of the NAP architecture that enforces restricted network access for noncompliant NAP clients. Depending on the NAP enforcement method, the NAP enforcement server can be a component of a NAP enforcement point)
Quarantine Enforcement ClientCliente de aplicación de cuarentena (A component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) Client Architecture defined for a specific type of network access (for example DHCP configuration or VPN connections) and matched to a specific type of NAP server)
Quarantine Enforcement Serverservidor de aplicación de cuarentena (A logical component in a Network Access Protection (NAP) deployment responsible for restricting a clients network access based on the health evidence it presents and for the negotiation for access with health aware resources)