
Terms for subject Microsoft containing directory | all forms | exact matches only
Active Directory accountcuenta de Active Directory (The identity of a user, which can be used to grant access to resources or authority to perform certain tasks)
Active Directory Administrative CenterCentro de administración de Active Directory (A role service and feature that provides users and network administrators with an enhanced Active Directory data management experience and a rich graphical user interface (GUI) to perform common Active Directory object management tasks. Built on top of Windows PowerShell technology, Active Directory Administrative Center makes it possible for users and network administrators to administer directory service objects through both data-driven and task-oriented navigation)
Active Directory-based activationactivación basada en Active Directory (The activation of systems in an enterprise environment by using an established Active Directory implementation and the same key types)
Active Directory Certificate ServicesServicios de certificados de Active Directory (A software service that issues certificates for a particular certification authority (CA). It provides customizable services for issuing and managing certificates for the enterprise. Certificates can be used to provide authentication support, including secure e-mail, Web-based authentication, and smart-card authentication)
Active Directory ConnectorConector Active Directory (An Active Directory synchronization agent that provides an automated way of keeping directory information consistent between directories)
Active Directory contactcontacto de Active Directory (An Active Directory object that contains information about an individual such as name, address, and job title. It can include a foreign e-mail address)
Active Directory containercontenedor de Active Directory (The identity that Active Directory gives to a collection of objects, such as a group of users or a domain of computers)
Active Directory credentialscredenciales de Active Directory (A set of sign-in credentials (username and password) for an Active Directory account)
Active Directory Delta Discoverydetección de diferencias de Active Directory (A discovery option that allows Configuration Manager to discover only new or changed resources in Active Directory independently of a full discovery cycle)
Active Directory Domain ServicesServicios de dominio de Active Directory (The Microsoft Windows based directory service. Active Directory Domain Services stores information about objects on a network and makes this information available to users and network administrators)
Active Directory Domain Services Installation WizardAsistente para instalación de Servicios de dominio de Active Directory (The tool that is used to install and remove Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS))
Active Directory Federation Services A component that provides Web single-sign-on (SSO) technologies. AD FS provides SSO by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries. AD FS supports the WS-Federation Passive Requestor Profile (WS-F PRP)Servicios de federación de Active Directory (ADFS)
Active Directory Forest Discovery methodmétodo de detección de bosques de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for Active Directory sites and subnets in Active Directory forests)
Active Directory Group Discovery methodmétodo de detección de grupos de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for the group memberships of computers and users by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory group validationvalidación de grupo Active Directory (A procedure that ensures the uniqueness of the account name of a group within a domain stored in Active Directory)
Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services instanceinstancia de Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (A single copy of the Active Directory Lightweight Directory Services (AD LDS) directory service that includes its associated directory store and its application event log)
Active Directory LookupBúsqueda de Active Directory (A feature that enables Client for NFS and Server for NFS to obtain user identifier (UID) and group identifier (GID) information directly from Active Directory)
Active Directory Management AgentAgente de administración de Active Directory (The Identity Lifecycle Manager management agent provided by Microsoft to connect to Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) or Active Directory directory service)
Active Directory objectobjeto de Active Directory (An entity that can hold an identity in a Windows environment, such as computers, printers, mobile devices, users, groups, and so on)
Active Directory providerproveedor de Active Directory (A mechanism for mapping objects to Windows Media Instrumentation)
Active Directory schemaesquema de Active Directory (The set of definitions of every object class that can be created in Active Directory, as well as the definitions of every attribute that can be assigned to that object class)
Active Directory Security Group Discovery methodmétodo de detección de grupos de seguridad de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for security group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory Service Interfacesinterfaces ADSI (A directory service model and a set of Component Object Model (COM) interfaces. ADSI enables Windows applications and Active Directory clients to access several network directory services, including Active Directory)
Active Directory sitesitio de Active Directory (A collection of Internet Protocol subnets, usually used to connect a group of computers that are physically close to each other)
Active Directory synchronizationsincronización de Active Directory (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
Active Directory System Discovery methodmétodo de detección de sistemas de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory System Group Discovery methodmétodo de detección de grupos de sistemas de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for system group resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory User Discovery methodmétodo de detección de usuarios de Active Directory (A Configuration Manager discovery method that searches for computer user resources by polling Active Directory Domain Services)
Active Directory Users and ComputersUsuarios y equipos de Active Directory (An administrative tool used by an administrator to perform day-to-day Active Directory administration tasks. The tasks that can be performed with this tool include creating, deleting, modifying, moving, and setting permissions on objects stored in the directory. Examples of objects in Active Directory are organizational units, users, contacts, groups, computers, printers, and shared file objects)
build directorydirectorio de compilación (A folder location on the development system in which the run-time image is placed during the build process)
compound file directorydirectorio de archivos compuestos (A structure used to contain per-stream information about the streams in a compound file)
current directorydirectorio actual (The first directory in which the operating system looks for programs and data files and stores files for output)
directory browsingexamen de directorios (A feature that automatically provides a default Web page of available directories and files to browsers that submit a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) that does not specify a particular file)
directory charactercarácter de directorio (" A character that is used to denote the directory, for instance "\" or "/" or ":". Depending on what OS you're running on e.g. c:\bin\dos\ would be a directory on your machine.")
directory control blockbloque de control de directorio (An internal NT file system (NTFS) structure in which the file system maintains the state for an open instance of a directory file)
directory harvest attackataque por recolección de directorios (An attempt to collect valid e-mail addresses from a particular organization so that the e-mail addresses can be added to a spam database)
directory IDidentificación de directorio (An identifier that is given to a customer record to indicate that the customer is the same as a corresponding customer record in another company that shares the same directory ID)
Directory Management ServiceServicio de administración de directorios (A service used to manage distribution lists)
directory partitionpartición de directorio (A contiguous subtree of Active Directory that is replicated as a unit to other domain controllers in the forest that contain a replica of the same subtree. In Active Directory, a single domain controller always holds at least three directory partitions: schema (class and attribute definitions for the directory), configuration (replication topology and related metadata), and domain (subtree that contains the per-domain objects for one domain). Domain controllers running Windows Server 2003 can also store one or more application directory partitions)
directory replicationreplicación de directorios (The copying of a master set of directories from a server (called an export server) to specified servers or workstations (called import computers) in the same or other domains. Replication simplifies the task of maintaining identical sets of directories and files on multiple computers because only a single master copy of the data must be maintained)
directory serverservidor de directorio (A computer that lists the names and e-mail addresses of people who are running NetMeeting and who are logged on to the server. This information is used to connect to their computers)
directory serviceservicio de directorio (A service that provides access to data and objects in a directory or network environment)
Directory ServicesServicios de directorio (A feature of the Hosted Filtering service that verifies intended recipients against an approved user list before e-mail is processed for spam, viruses, and other malicious software)
Directory Services Markup Language An open, extensible, standards-based format for publishing directory service schemas and exchanging directory contentslenguaje de marcado de servicios de directorio (DSML)
Directory Services optionsopciones de Servicios de directorio (The options on the Directory Services page for how mail to users in the Directory Services user lists is handled: Pass Through, Reject Test, Reject, Group Filtering, and Intelligent Routing)
Directory Services Restore ModeModo de restauración de servicios de directorio (A special safe mode boot option for Windows Server domain controllers that allows you to repair or restore the Active Directory™ service database)
Directory Services Upload modemodo Carga de servicios de directorio (The method of adding new users to an organization's service. There are three upload modes: Administration Center mode, Directory Synchronization Tool mode, and Secure FTP mode)
directory synchronizationsincronización de directorios (The process of matching user accounts and mail-enabled contacts and groups from the local Active Directory directory service)
Directory Synchronization Tool modemodo Herramienta de sincronización de directorios (A mode for uploading an address list file to Directory Services via the Directory Synchronization Tool. This is one of the three upload modes in EHS. It automatically synchronizes the on-site e-mail address list with the organization's hosted services)
directory treeárbol de directorio (A hierarchy of objects and containers in a directory that can be viewed graphically as an upside-down tree, with the root object at the top. Endpoints in the tree are usually single (leaf) objects, and nodes in the tree, or branches, are container objects. A tree shows how objects are connected in terms of the path from one object to another)
drop directorydirectorio de entrega (A disk directory in which an SMTP service can deposit incoming mail messages)
HTML form set directorydirectorio de conjuntos de plantillas HTML (The directory in which customized HTML forms are located. HTML forms can be used to authenticate users when publishing Web-based Exchange servers)
Installation directorydirectorio de instalación (The directory where the installer for the application virtualization sequencer places its files)
Internet Directorydirectorio de Internet (Storage place for information such as names, Web addresses, organizations, departments, countries/regions, and locations. Typically, Internet Directories are used to find e-mail addresses that are not in a local address book or a corporate-wide directory)
Lightweight Directory Access Protocolprotocolo ligero de acceso a directorios (The primary access protocol for Active Directory. LDAP is an industry-standard protocol, established by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), that allows users to query and update information in a directory service. Active Directory supports both LDAP version 2 and LDAP version 3)
Microsoft Online Services Directory SynchronizationMicrosoft Online Services – Sincronización de directorios (The application that provides one-way synchronization from an organization's on-premises Active Directory directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
Microsoft Online Services Directory Synchronization ToolMicrosoft Online Services - Herramienta de sincronización de directorios (The application that provides one-way synchronization from an organization's on-premises Active Directory directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
NetWare Directory ServicesServicios de directorio NetWare (On networks running Novell NetWare 4.x and higher, a distributed database that maintains information about every resource on the network and that provides access to these resources)
package root directorydirectorio raíz del paquete (The directory on the sequencing computer on which files for the sequenced application package are installed. This directory also exists virtually on the computer to which a sequenced application will be streamed)
package source directorydirectorio de origen del paquete (A directory containing Configuration Manager package source files that are used for package distribution)
Pickup directorydirectorio de recogida (A directory that receives RFC-822 compliant files from the file system for the purpose of creating message objects that can be passed to the Submission queue)
remote Active Directory authenticationautenticación remota de Active Directory (A feature that enables IT professionals to activate Windows-based computers based on user identities in the Active Directory, without requiring additional infrastructure)
root directorydirectorio raíz (The uppermost directory on a computer, partition or volume)
scratch directorydirectorio temporal (A temporary directory used by the operating system or some other program to temporarily store data until the current session is terminated)
Site DirectoryDirectorio de sitios (The name of the central location from which to view and access all Web sites associated with a specific portal site)
source directorydirectorio de origen (The folder that contains the file or files to be copied or moved)
target directorydirectorio de destino (The destination folder into which a file or files are to be copied or moved)
virtual directorydirectorio virtual (A name used to access the contents of any Exchange store using a Web browser. The virtual directory name is used to open a mailbox as well as browse the folders of a public store. This name is also used in URLs using the Microsoft Internet Publishing Provider (MSDAIPP), which includes both hyperlinks in Web pages as well as Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects client-side code)
Windows Azure Active Directory Module for Windows PowerShellMódulo Windows Azure Active Directory para Windows PowerShell (A group of cmdlets used to administer Windows Azure Active Directory. You can use these cmdlets to manage users, groups, domains, cloud service subscriptions, licenses, directory sync, single sign-on, and more)
Windows Azure Active Directory Sync ToolHerramienta de sincronización de Windows Azure Active Directory (The application that provides one-way synchronization from a company's local Active Directory service to Windows Azure Active Directory)
witness directorydirectorio testigo (A directory that is created and shared on a witness server for use by a database availability group that has an even number of members)
working directorydirectorio de trabajo (The directory in which Web server software is installed)