
Terms for subject Microsoft containing compression | all forms | exact matches only
adaptive compressioncompresión adaptable (Data compression software that continually analyzes and compensates its algorithm, depending on the type and content of the data and the storage medium)
compression exclusion listlista de exclusión de compresión (A list of files that are not compressed when capturing an image using ImageX. Some files do not shrink in size when compressed. When capturing an image, you can identify these files to ImageX to save time. These files will still be captured, but ImageX will not attempt to compress them)
compression filterfitro de compresión (The Web filter that is responsible for the compression and decompression of HTTP requests and responses)
compression levelnivel de compresión (The amount by which an image's file size is reduced. Higher compression levels yield smaller file sizes and shorter download times)
compression utilityutilidad para compresión (A software program that reduces a file's size for storage on a disk. If a compressed file is too large to fit onto a single disk, the compression utility copies it onto multiple disks)
double-colon compressioncompresión de dos caracteres de dos puntos (A notation that describes IPv6 addresses by using two colons (::) to represent contiguous 16-bit hexadecimal digits including all zeros. For example, 2001:DB8::2AA:FF:C0A8:640A is a double-colon compression of the following full IPv6 address: 2001:0DB8:0000:0000:02AA:00FF:C0A8:640A. (The full address in this example uses colon-hexadecimal notation))
hardware compressioncompresión por hardware (A feature available on some tape devices that automatically compresses the data that is being stored on the device. This is usually an option that is turned on or off in a backup program)
HTTP compressioncompresión HTTP (A feature that reduces file size, by using algorithms to eliminate redundant data. HTTP compression uses the industry standard GZIP and Deflate algorithms)
lossy compressioncompresión con pérdida de información (A process for compressing data in which information deemed unnecessary is removed and cannot be recovered upon decompression. Typically used with audio and visual data in which a slight degradation of quality is acceptable)
modem compressioncompresión por módem (A technique used to reduce the number of characters transmitted without losing data content. The transmitting modem compresses the data and the receiving computer or modem decompresses the data back to its original state)
on-the-wire compressioncompresión en el cable (A performance optimization in DPM that reduces the size of data transferred during replica creation and synchronization, thereby increasing the rate of data throughput without negatively affecting network performance)
workflow compressioncompresión de flujo de trabajo (A feature that helps users compress (or expand) the duration of a job without having to update the start and due dates of every task in the workflow)
XPress compressioncompresión XPress (A Microsoft proprietary compression algorithm highly tuned for speed. It achieves ZIP-level compression ratios and is currently the server-side compression implementation of choice within Microsoft)