
Terms for subject Law containing co | all forms | exact matches only
agricultural central co-operative unioncooperativa central
breeders'co-operativecooperativa de ganaderos
co-contracting partyparte contratante
co-contracting partycocontratante
co-financing activitiesactividades de cofinanciamiento
co-heir who does not wish to participate in an enterprisecoheredero saliente
co-op trade systemcomercio cooperativo
co-operation with the Judge who acts as Rapporteurcolaboración con el Juez Ponente
co-operativecooperativa comunidad
co-operative lawderecho de las cooperativas
co-operative lawderecho cooperativo
co-operative propertypropiedad cooperativa
co-operative tradecomercio cooperativo
co-optcooptar, nombrar por cooptación, elegir por cooptación
Committee of Experts on the Operation of European conventions on co-operation in criminal mattersComité de Expertos en el funcionamiento de los convenios europeos de cooperación en materia penal
cropping co-operativecooperativa de cultivo
customs co-operationcooperación aduanera
development co-operationpartenariado
farmers'marketing co-operativecooperativa de venta de productos agrícolas
farmers'marketing co-operativecooperativa de compra de productos agrícolas
farmers'purchasing co-operativecooperativa de venta de productos agrícolas
farmers'purchasing co-operativecooperativa de compra de productos agrícolas
farming co-operativecooperativa de cultivo
form COformulario CO
fruit growers'co-operativecooperativa frutícola
geographical co-ordinate of pointscoordenada geográfica de puntos
grazing co-operativecomunidad de pastos
incorporated co-operative UScooperativa registrada
international co-production agreementcontrato de coproducción internacional
land improvement co-operativecooperativa de mejora fundiaria
machinery co-operativecooperativa de maquinaria agrícola
marketing co-operativecooperativa comercial
member of a co-operative societymiembro de la cooperativa
power of co-decisionderecho de codecisión
principle of co-ordinationprincipio de coordinación
producers'co-operativecooperativa de producción
Protocol No.2 to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Cooperation between Territorial Communities or Authorities concerning interterritorial co-operationProtocolo n.° 2 del Convenio-Marco Europeo sobre cooperación transfronteriza entre comunidades o autoridades territoriales, relativo a la cooperación interterritorial
register of co-operative societiesregistro de cooperativas
registered co-operative societycooperativa registrada
seed growers'co-operativecooperativa de producción de simientes
share in a co-operativeparticipación
share in a co-operativeparticipación en una cooperativa
trading co-operativecooperativa comercial