
Terms containing architecture | all forms | exact matches only
gen.adaptive architecturearquitectura adaptativa
gen.Advanced algorithms and architectures for speech and image processingAlgoritmos y arquitecturas avanzados para proceso de voz y de imagen
nat.sc.advanced computing architecturearquitectura informática avanzada
ed., unions.Advisory Committee on Education and Training in the Field of ArchitectureComité consultivo sobre la formación en el sector de la arquitectura
construct., mun.plan.Advisory Committee on Training in the field of ArchitectureComité consultivo de formación en el sector de la arquitectura
gen.African Peace and Security ArchitectureArquitectura de Paz y Seguridad de África
ITALU architecturearquitectura de la unidad aritmética lógica
stat.architecture and buildingarquitectura y construcción
ITarchitecture for changearquitectura evolucionable
ITArchitecture for Interactive Problem Solving by Cooperating Data and Knowledge Basesarquitectura para solución interactiva de problemas con la cooperación de bases de datos y de conocimientos
commun., ITarchitecture of a communications networkarquitectura de una red de comunicaciones
commun., ITarchitecture of a communications networkarquitectura de red de comunicacion
telecom.architecture of a telecommunication networkarquitectura de una red de telecomunicación
gen.architecture of Europearquitectura europea
energ.ind., construct.bioclimatic architecturearquitectura bioclimática
ITbit-slice architecturearquitectura por bits
el.broadband telecommunications architecturearquitectura de telecomunicaciones de banda ancha
commun., ITcell-level architecturesarquitecturas a nivel de célula
ITcentralised architecturearquitectura centralizada
ITcentralized architecturearquitectura centralizada
med.chemical architecture of the cortexarquitectura química del cerebro
ITclient-server architecturearquitectura cliente-servidor
comp., MSclient/server architecturearquitectura cliente/servidor (A model of computing whereby client applications running on a desktop or personal computer access information on remote servers or host computers. The client portion of the application is typically optimized for user interaction, whereas the server portion provides centralized, multiuser functionality)
comp., MSClinical Document ArchitectureArquitectura de documento clínico (The standard format used to define how patient health information is transferred between systems)
el.closed architecturearquitectura cerrada
IT, el.CML architecturearquitectura CML
ITcompetitive learning architecturearquitectura de aprendizaje competitivo
ITcomputer architecturearquitectura de ordenador
IT, dat.proc.content architecturearquitectura de contenido
IT, dat.proc.content architecture classclase de arquitectura de contenido
IT, dat.proc.content architecture levelnivel de arquitectura de contenido
ITcontrol of the microprocessor architecturecontrol de la arquitectura de los microprocesadores
ITcontrol-driven architecturearquitectura guiada por control
ITdata communications architecturearquitectura telemática
ITdatabase distributed architecturearquitectura distribuida de bases de datos
commun.demand protocol architecturearquitectura del protocolo de demanda
commun.digital network architecturearquitectura de red digital
ITdistributed architecturearquitectura repartida
ITdistributed architecturearquitectura distribuida
ITdistributed data-processing architecturearquitectura informática distribuida
comp.distributed network architecturearquitectura de red distribuida
comp., MSDistributed Relational Database Architecture A connection protocol for distributed relational database processing used by IBM relational database products that comprises protocols for communication between an application and a remote database, and communication between databases. DRDA also provides the connections for remote and distributed processing. The Distributed Data Management Architecture provides the base architecture for DRDAArquitectura distribuida de bases de datos relacionales (DRDA)
ITdistributed system architecturearquitectura de sistema distribuida
IT, dat.proc.distributed-memory architecturearquitectura de memoria local
IT, dat.proc.distributed-memory architecturearquitectura de memoria distribuida
IT, dat.proc.document architecturearquitectura de documento
IT, dat.proc.document architecture classclase de arquitectura de documento
IT, dat.proc.document architecture levelnivel de arquitectura de documento
ITDocument Content ArchitectureArquitectura de contenido de documentos
construct.dynamic architecturearquitectura evolutiva
gen.earthen architectureconstrucción con barro
environ., industr.eco-architecturearquitectura sostenible
construct.enforceable architecturearquitectura regularizada
comp., MSenterprise service-oriented architecturearquitectura orientada a servicios de empresa (The SAP blueprint for services-based, enterprise-scaled business solutions that offer increased levels of adaptability, flexibility and openness required to reduce total cost of ownership)
environ.environmental sustainable architecturearquitectura ambiental
environ.environmental sustainable architecture Environmentally friendly architecture is based on the following five principles: 1. healthful interior environment; 2. energy efficiency; 3. ecologically benign materials; 4. environmental form; 5. good designarquitectura ambiental
gen.European security architecturearquitectura europea de seguridad
gen.European security architecturearquitectura de seguridad europea
gen.European Union Prize for Contemporary Architecturepremio de la Unión Europea de arquitectura contemporánea
construct.evolution architecturearquitectura evolutiva
commun.extended industry standard architecturearquitectura estándar industrial extendida
IT, industr.extended industry standard architecturearquitectura ampliada y estándar en la industria
fin., ITFinancial Applications ArchitectureArquitectura de aplicaciones financieras
fin.financial architecturearquitectura financiera
comp., MSFinancial Reporting Taxonomy ArchitectureArquitectura de taxonomía para informes financieros (A standard that places additional constraints on XBRL taxonomies that are intended to express information used in financial reporting. All taxonomies that are valid under FRTA are valid XBRL documents. However, not all XBRL documents are valid under FRTA)
ITflexible open-architecture inference systemsistema de inferencia flexible con arquitectura abierta
commun., ITfunctional architecturearquitectura funcional
ITgeneric avionics scaleable architecturearquitectura escalable de aviónica genérica
IMF.global financial architecturearquitectura financiera mundial
commun.GSM architecturearquitectura GSM
ITguidelines for an informatics architectureguía sobre la arquitectura informática
construct.imposed architecturearquitectura regularizada
construct.industrial architecturearquitectura industrial
ITIndustrial Standard ArchitectureArquitectura estándar industrial
ITindustrial standard architecturearquitectura ISA
ITIndustry Standard ArchitectureArquitectura estándar industrial
ITindustry standard architecturearquitectura ISA
fin., ITinformation systems architecturered de sistemas de información
comp., MSinfrastructure architecturearquitectura de la infraestructura (The topology of the deployment environment including protocols, security levels, and services. This architecture provides a logical mapping to the deployment environment, such as the datacenter)
ITinstruction set architecturearquitectura del conjunto de instrucciones
ITIntegrated Systems ArchitectureArquitectura integrada de sistemas
comp., MSIntel Architecture Personal ComputerPC de arquitectura Intel (Any computer built with a processor that conforms to the architecture defined by the Intel processor family based on the 486 instruction set and has an industry-standard computer architecture)
polit.International Academy of ArchitectureAcademia Internacional de Arquitectura
IMF.international financial architecturearquitectura financiera internacional
inet.Internet Architecture BoardComité de Arquitectura de Internet
gen.iron and glass architecturearquitectura del hierro y del cristal
org.name.IT Architecture, Policy and Strategy BranchSubdirección de Arquitectura, Políticas y Estrategias de Tecnología de la Información
environ.landscape architecture The creation, development, and decorative planting of gardens, grounds, parks, and other outdoor spaces. Landscape gardening is used to enhance nature helping to create a natural setting for individual residences and buildings, and even towns, particularly where special approaches and central settings are requiredarquitectura del paisaje
environ.landscape architecturearquitectura del paisaje
environ.landscape architecturearquitectura paisajista
construct.landscape architecturearquitectura paisajística
commun., ITlayered architecturearquitectura en niveles
el.line control architectureprocedimiento de control
IT, dat.proc.local memory architecturearquitectura de memoria local
IT, dat.proc.local memory architecturearquitectura de memoria distribuida
ITlocal network architecturearquitectura de red local
ITlocal network architecturearquitectura de la red local
ITmeshed architecturearquitectura en malla
gen.Message passing architectures and description systemsArquitecturas de transferencia de mensajes y sistemas de descripción
ITmicro channel architecturearquitectura micro canal
ITmicro channel bus architecturearquitectura micro canal
gen.modern 20th century architecturearquitectura moderna del siglo XX
commun., ITmodular architecturearquitectura modular
commun.multilayer cell architecturearquitectura celular multicapa
arts.Museum of ArchitectureMuseo de Arquitectura
ed.naval architecturearquitectura naval
construct.neo-regional architecturearquitectura neorregional
commun., ITnetwork architecturearquitectura de red
commun., ITnetwork architecturearquitectura de la red
commun., ITnetwork architecture functional modelmodelo funcional de arquitectura de la red
ITnetwork architecture in the customer looparquitectura de red en el circuito del abonado
commun.network functional architecturearquitectura funcional de la red
ITneural network architecturearquitectura de red neural
earth.sc.neuronal architecturearquitectura neuronal
gen.New European ArchitectureNueva architectura europea
meteorol.NOAA Observing Systems ArchitectureArquitectura de sistemas de observación de la NOAA
comp., MSNUMA architecturearquitectura NUMA (" A multiprocessor architecture that divides a system into nodes. Each node might include one or more processors, some memory, and a bus. A node's memory is "local" to its processors, and the processors can access the memory relatively quickly. Processors in one node can also access memory in different ("distant") nodes, but access time is slower.")
construct.obligatory architecturearquitectura regularizada
IT, dat.proc.Office Document Architecturearquitectura de documento de oficinas
ITOffice Document ArchitectureArquitectura de documentos de oficina
commun., IToffice-document architecturearquitectura de documentos de oficina
IT, el.open architecturearquitectura abierta
ITOpen Architecture Developers GroupGrupo de desarrollo de arquitectura abierta
ITOpen Architecture Development GroupGrupo de desarrollo de arquitectura abierta
IT, nat.sc.Open Document Architecturearquitectura documental abierta
ITopen management architecturearquitectura de gestión abierta
commun.Open Network Architecturearquitectura de redes abiertas
commun., ITopen network architecturearquitectura de red abierta
gen.open service architecture interfaceinterfaz de arquitectura de servicios abierta
gen.open service architecture interfaceinterfaz OSA
commun., ITopen systems architecturearquitectura de servicios abierta
commun., ITopen systems interconnection architecturearquitectura de interconexión de sistemas abiertos
UN, econ.original architecturearquitectura original
gen.parallel architecturearquitectura en paralelo
commun., ITparallel architecture for networking gateways linking OSI systemsarquitectura paralela para formar redes con pasarelas que interconecten sistemas ISA
gen.Parallel architectures and languages for AIP-a VLSI directed approachenfoque orientado a VLSI
gen.Parallel architectures and languages for AIP-a VLSI directed approachArquitecturas y lenguajes en paralelo para AIP
IT, dat.proc.piloting of the office document architecturepilotaje de la arquitectura de documentos de oficinas
IT, dat.proc.pipelined architectureprocesador canalizado
IT, dat.proc.pipelined architectureordenador en régimen de canalización
ITPrecision Architecture RISCArquitectura de precisión RISC
IT, dat.proc.processable document architecture classdocumento no formatado procesable
IT, dat.proc.Profile Alignment Group for office document architecturegrupo de ajuste de perfil para la arquitectura de documentos de oficina
IT, dat.proc.Profile Alignment Group for office document architecturegrupo de ajuste de perfil para ADO
ITreal-time control architecturearquitectura de control en tiempo real
commun., el.reconfigurable,embedded architecture,low-cost/low-powerarquitectura insertada reconfigurable de baja potencia y bajo coste
IT, earth.sc.register-to-register architecturearquitectura de registro a registro
gen.Revised Recommendation concerning International Competitions in Architecture and Town PlanningRecomendación revisada relativa a los concursos internacionales de arquitectura y urbanismo
ITRISC Architecture TechnologyTecnología de arquitectura RISC
environ.rural architecturearquitectura rural
environ.rural architecture No definition neededarquitectura rural
ITScalar Processor ArchitectureArquitectura escalar de procesadores
gen.security architecturearquitectura de seguridad
comp., MSService Oriented ArchitectureArquitectura orientada a servicios (A software architecture that uses policies, practices, and frameworks to enable application functionality to be provided and consumed as sets of services. These services are published at a level of granularity relevant to service consumers)
water.res.service-oriented architecturearquitectura orientada a servicios
econ.solar architecturearquitectura solar
construct.solar architecturearquitectura adaptada a la energía solar
comp., MSsolution architecturearquitectura de la solución (The architecture of the software including its structure, entry points, trust areas, and class and component relationships)
IT, tech.star architecturered en estrella
ITstarred architecturearquitectura en estrella
cultur.structural architecture programmeprograma de arquitectura estructural
nat.sc.supramolecular architecturearquitectura supramolecular
environ., industr.sustainable architecturearquitectura sostenible
comp., MSSystems Application Architecturearquitectura SAA (An IBM-developed standard for the appearance and operation of application software that will give programs written for all IBM computers--mainframe computers, minicomputers, and personal computers--a similar look and feel. SAA defines how an application interfaces with both the user and the supporting operating system. True SAA-compliant applications are compatible at the source level (before being compiled) with any SAA-compliant operating system--provided the system is capable of furnishing all the services required by the application)
ITsystems application architecturearquitectura de aplicación de sistemas
ITSystems Applications Architecturearquitectura de aplicaciones de sistemas
IT, industr.Systems Network ArchitectureArquitectura de redes de sistemas
comp., MSSystems Network ArchitectureArquitectura de redes de sistemas (A network model devised by IBM to enable IBM products, including mainframes, terminals, and peripherals, to communicate and exchange data)
commun., ITsystems network architecturearquitectura de redes de sistemas
ITsystems network architecturearquitectura unificada
ITsystems network architecturearquitectura de red de sistemas
commun.Systems Network Architecture protocolprotocolo SNA
polit.Systems Network Engineering and ArchitectureIngeniería y Arquitectura de Redes
ITsystolic architecturearquitectura sistólica
ITsystolic loop architecturearquitectura sistólica
ITtagged architecturearquitectura etiquetada
ITtagged memory architecturearquitectura etiquetada
environ.traditional architecturearquitectura tradicional
environ.traditional architecture No definition neededarquitectura tradicional
gen.tree architecturearquitectura del árbol
ITunified architecturearquitectura unificada
ITunified architecturearquitectura de red de sistemas
construct.vernacular architecturearquitectura vernácula
ITVon-Neumann architecturearquitectura Von Neumann
comp., MSWindows Open Services ArchitectureArquitectura de servicios abiertos de Microsoft Windows (A common set of interfaces that connect front-end applications with back-end services)