
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Space | all forms | exact matches only
color-space conversionconversión de espacio de colores (A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display)
color space conversionconversión de espacio de colores (A technique for converting a color in one color space to another color space. Typically, this conversion is from YUV colors from a video source to RGB for display)
color space modelmodelo de espacio de colores (The three-dimensional space that is defined by a set of coordinates for representing color on devices such as monitors, scanners, and printers. For example, in the LAB color space, the colors are defined in terms of their luminance or whiteness (L), redness-greenness (A), and yellowness-blueness (B); the HVC system uses hue (H), value (V), and chroma (C). The two most common color space models are RGB and YUV)
Space Bitmap Descriptordescriptor de mapa de bits de espacio (A bitmap describing the utilization of blocks allocated to a metadata partition)
space charactercarácter de espacio (A character that is entered by pressing the SPACEBAR on the keyboard and that typically appears on the screen as a blank space)
Space ExplorerExplorador de espacios (A window that displays a list of all the spaces in the drawing and all the resources associated with each space)
space planplano de espacio (A drawing that uses Space shapes and resource shapes to track the approximate location of resources in a building. A type of building plan)
space savingAhorro de espacio (A chassis type that can be reported by the Win32_SystemEnclosure class in Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) and that refers to a chassis that is specifically designed to be compact to save physical space)
white-space charactercarácter de espacio en blanco (" Any characters that can be found between words - this includes space (" "), newline (carriage return in combination with line feed), and the tab character.")