
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Self | all forms | exact matches only
DPM Self-Service Tool for SQL ServerHerramienta de autoservicio de DPM para SQL Server (A tool for SQL Server that enables backup administrators to authorize end users to recover backups of SQL Server databases from DPM, without further action from the backup administrator)
internal self-transitionautotransición interna (A transition segment that begins and ends on the same state context, and that has neither a chained incoming transaction nor a chained outgoing transaction. This transition is a combination of the group and history transitions)
power-on self testpruebas automáticas de encendido (A set of routines stored in read-only memory (ROM) that tests various system components such as RAM, the disk drives, and the keyboard, to see if they are properly connected and operating. If problems are found, these routines alert the user with a series of beeps or a message, often accompanied by a diagnostic numeric value. If the POST is successful, it passes control to the bootstrap loader)
self-healing technologytecnología de recuperación automática (The relative capacity of a system to dynamically reallocate available resources in order to be unaffected, or to undergo graceful degradation, when subjected to unfavorable environmental factors)
self-joinautocombinación (A join in which records from a table are combined with other records from the same table when there are matching values in the joined fields. A self-join can be an inner join or an outer join. In database diagrams, a self-join is called a reflexive relationship)
self-maintenancemantenimiento automático (The process in Application Diagnostics by which the database automatically manages data growth and automatically purges old data by using rules)
self-monitoring, analysis, and reporting technology An industry-standard, reliability-prediction indicator for both IDE/ATA and SCSI hard disk drives. SMART provides early warning for some hard disk drive failures so that critical data can be protectedtecnología de supervisión automática, análisis y generación de informes (SMART)
self serviceautoservicio (A service that an employee can complete independently, such as completing an online address change form)
self-service BIBI con características de autoservicio (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
self-service business intelligenceinteligencia empresarial con características de autoservicio (Analytic tools and processes that enable users in an organization to access data to create, use, and share reports without relying on IT for report creation)
self-service policydirectiva de autoservicio (A collection of configuration settings that determine the conditions under which a user or group can manage their own virtual machines through virtual machine self-service. The self-service policy assigns virtual machine permissions and templates. Self-service policies are configured for a host group)
Self-Service PortalPortal de autoservicio (A Web interface that is configured by an administrator so that end users can search knowledge, create requests, and read IT announcements)
self-service registration modelmodelo de registro en interfaz web (A Certificate Lifecycle Manager (CLM) registration model in which a certificate subscriber performs or requests certificate management activities directly using a Web-based interface)
self-service userusuario de autoservicio (A user who creates and manages his own virtual machine(s) within a controlled environment by using the Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service Portal)
Self-Service User ContentContenido de usuario de autoservicio (A node in the Library workspace that displays the resources (for example, .vhd files and scripts) that self-service users have uploaded for authoring templates and for sharing with other self-service users)
self-signed certificatecertificado autofirmado (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed with its own key)
self-tracking entityentidad de autoseguimiento (An entity built from a Text Template Transformation Toolkit (T4) template that has the ability to record changes to scalar, complex, and navigation properties)
User Self Trust Certificatecertificado de autoconfianza de usuario (In the absence of a certification authority (CA) that is capable of issuing file encryption certificates, a certificate that is generated and digitally signed by applications on behalf of the user)
Virtual Machine Manager Self-Service PortalPortal de autoservicio de Virtual Machine Manager (The Web site that users with the needed permissions and settings can use to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment. The Virtual Machine Manager administrator configures self-service policies to determine which users can use the self-service portal and what they can do)
virtual machine self-servicecaracterística de autoservicio para maquina virtual (The Virtual Machine Manager feature that enables users to manage their own virtual machines within a controlled environment)