
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Null | all forms | exact matches only
null charactercarácter nulo (" A character code with a null value; literally, a character meaning "nothing." Although it is real in the sense of being recognizable, occupying space internally in the computer, and being sent or received as a character, a NUL character displays nothing, takes no space on the screen or on paper, and causes no specific action when sent to a printer. In ASCII, NUL is represented by the character code 0. ")
null keyclave NULL (A null value that is encountered in a key column)
null modemmódem nulo (Special cabling that eliminates the modem's need for asynchronous communications between two computers over short distances. A null modem cable emulates modem communication)
null objectobjeto null (An object with no members)
null referencereferencia nula (In C++, a reference that has not been assigned an object)