
Terms for subject Microsoft containing NETwork | all forms | exact matches only
ad hoc networkred ad hoc (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
ad-hoc networkred ad-hoc (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
BitLocker network unlockdesbloqueo de Bitlocker en red (A feature of BitLocker that allows unlocking of an OS volume using a key received over the network)
Broadband Integrated Services Digital Network An International Telecommunication Union - Telecommunication [Standardization Sector] (ITU-T) communication standard for high-speed networking that provides new services, including voice, video, and data on the same networkRed digital de servicios integrados de banda ancha (B-ISDN)
broadband networkred de banda ancha (A transmission medium designed for high-speed data transfers over long distances. Cable modem services and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL) are examples of broadband networks)
broadcast networkred de difusión (A network that supports more than two attached routers and has the ability to address a single physical message to all of the attached routers (broadcast). Ethernet is an example of a broadcast network)
Business NetworkRed organizativa (A feature that is a series of interwoven social components that are surfaced contextually to users)
Business Network profilePerfil de Red organizativa (An entity that represents a person in the Business Network, to which person-type entities in CRM can be linked)
Business Network relationshipRelación de Red organizativa (An explicit (for example, "colleague") or implicit (for example, "sent 100 emails in the last 30 days") relationship, with inherent strength, between people in the Business Network)
CDMA networkred CDMA (A Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network, used by phones that do not have SIM cards)
cellular networkred de telefonía móvil (A radio network that provides coverage for cellular telephone communications)
cluster networkred en clúster (A group of independent computers that work together to provide a common set of services and present a single-system image to clients. The use of a cluster enhances the availability of the services and the scalability and manageability of the operating system that provides the services)
cluster network addressdirección de red en clúster (The network (media access control) address for the network adapter that is to be used for handling client-to-cluster traffic in a Network Load Balancing cluster)
company networkred de la compañía (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
company networkred de la empresa (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
complex networkred compleja (A type of operations network in which simultaneous operations take place or in which operations overlap, are contingent on each other, or have other complex relationships)
computer-to-computer networkred de equipo a equipo (A temporary network used for sharing files or an Internet connection. In an ad hoc network, computers and devices are connected directly to each other instead of to a hub or router)
Content Delivery NetworkRed de entrega de contenido (The Windows Azure caching service that stores blobs at strategically placed locations to provide maximum bandwidth for delivering content to users)
content delivery networkred de entrega de contenido (A distributed system of servers deployed in multiple data centers that cache content from origin servers and then serve it to customers. This action reduces the load on the origin servers and provides high- availability and performance to customers)
CRM Mobile perimeter network componentscomponentes de red perimetral de CRM Mobile (The Microsoft CRM Mobile components that are installed on a perimeter network IIS server in either the standard or traditional perimeter network configuration to provide secure registration and synchronization when Microsoft CRM Mobile is available over the Internet)
default networkred predeterminada (In the Macintosh environment, the physical network on which the processes of a server reside as nodes and on which the server appears to users. The default network of the server must be one to which that server is attached. Only servers on AppleTalk Phase 2 internets have default networks)
dial-up networkingacceso telefónico a redes (Connecting to other computers or to the Internet by using a modem and a telephone line)
Dial-Up NetworkingAcceso telefónico a redes (A Windows CE-based application that enables remote users to connect to a network)
domain networkred de dominios (A network location value that is displayed in the Network and Sharing Center. This setting specifies that the network connection is connected to an organization network that includes domains. Other possible network location values are public network and home network. Each location value has a different set of security and other settings designed to provide the user with the best connectivity and the appropriate security levels for the connection. For domain network locations, network, connectivity, and security settings are determined by the network administrators)
Dynamic Network Fair ShareDistribución dinámica equilibrada de ancho de banda (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
edge caching networkred con almacenamiento en caché perimetral (A group of geographically dispersed cache servers that distributes and delivers contents faster by serving the contents from the cache servers that are closest to the users. An ECN routes the requests efficiently to reduce the network latency and to reduce the load on the origin servers)
edge networkred perimetral (One or more computers that have a connection to the Internet through an external screening router and a connection to the internal network through an interior screening router. Computers that are linked to the perimeter network have limited access to both the Internet and the internal network. This architecture is convenient if multiple hosts require direct Internet access)
extended networkred extendida (The people in someone's network - their Messenger and profile contacts - plus the profile contacts of people in their network)
external virtual networkred virtual externa (A virtual network configured to use a physical network adapter. External virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines to external networks)
Group Ad-hoc Networkred ad-hoc de grupo (Personal Area Networks (PAN) that communicate directly between one or more Bluetooth-enabled computers or devices)
GSM networkred GSM (A network used by phones that have SIM cards)
hidden networkred oculta (A Wi-Fi network that does not broadcast its name. Its name is a unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network)
home networkred doméstica (Home devices that are connected together. A home network consists of a home computer or home server that controls other (non-computer) devices such as lighting, media services, appliances, etc. A home network can include a home computer network)
home networkred local (A mobile operator's default network connection)
Hyper-V Network VirtualizationVirtuacización de red de Hyper-V (A feature that enables scalable, multi-tenancy for datacenters via policy-based, software-controlled network virtualization providing for flexible virtual machine placement, overlapping IP addresses, reducing the management overhead of IaaS clouds)
infrared network connectionconexión de red infrarroja (A direct or incoming network connection to a remote access server using an infrared port)
Integrated Services Digital NetworkRed digital de servicios integrados (A high-speed digital technology that uses existing telephone lines to provide Internet access)
internal network numbernúmero de red interna (A 4-byte hexadecimal number used for addressing and routing purposes. The internal network number identifies a virtual network inside a computer. The internal network number must be unique to the IPX internetwork)
internal virtual networkred virtual interna (A virtual network that is configured to use no network adapter. Internal virtual networks are used to connect virtual machines running on the same instance of Virtual Server. All network traffic is confined to the computer running Virtual Server)
legacy network adapteradaptador de red heredado (A virtual network adapter that emulates a specific physical network adapter, the multiport DEC 21140 10/100TX 100 MB. A legacy network adapter also supports network-based installations because it includes the ability to boot to the Pre-Execution Environment (PXE boot))
local area networkred de área local (A network of computers, printers, and other devices located within a relatively limited area (for example, a building). A LAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
logical networkred lógica (A user-defined named grouping of IP subnets and virtual local area networks (VLANs) that is used to organize and simplify network assignments)
metered networkred de uso medido (A mobile broadband or other network for which the provider bills according to data used, such as megabytes downloaded, messages sent, or webpages viewed)
multicast-enabled networkred habilitada para multidifusión (A network that has routers that can interpret Class D IP addresses)
Network Access ProtectionProtección de acceso a redes (A set of operating system components that can help protect access to a private network by enforcing health policies. System administrators establish health policies which NAP enforces by inspecting and assessing the health of client computers, restricting network access when client computers are deemed noncompliant, and remediating noncompliant client computers for full network access. NAP also provides ongoing health compliance enforcement while a client computer is connected to a network)
network access serverservidor de acceso a la red (The device that accepts Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) connections and places clients on the network that the NAS serves)
network adapteradaptador de red (An expansion card or other device used to provide network access to a computer or other device, such as a printer. Mediates between the computer and physical media, such as cabling, over which transmissions travel)
network adapter drivercontrolador de adaptador de red (A device driver that works directly with the network adapter, acting as an intermediary between the adapter and the protocol driver)
network address translationtraducción de direcciones de red (An Internet Protocol (IP) translation process that allows a network with private addresses to access information on the Internet)
network administratoradministrador de red (A person responsible for planning, configuring, and managing the day-to-day operation of the network)
network agentagente de red (A background process within a virtual machine that updates the network configuration of that machine in order to support network isolation)
Network and Sharing CenterCentro de redes y recursos compartidos (A task page in the Windows Control Panel from where customers can get real-time status information about their network, and also make changes to settings)
network-attached storagealmacenamiento conectado a la red (A storage unit directly connected to the network using standard protocols such as Ethernet and TCP/IP for providing file access services)
Network AwarenessReconocimiento de redes (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
network bandwidth throttlinglímite de ancho de banda de red (The process of setting the maximum portion of total network capacity that a service is allowed to use. An administrator can deliberately limit a servers Internet workload by not allowing it to receive requests at full capacity, thus saving resources for other programs, such as e-mail)
network bandwidth usage throttlinglímite de uso del ancho de banda de red (A performance optimization in DPM that limits the percentage of network bandwidth that protection and recovery jobs can consume)
network basic input/output systemsistema básico de entrada y salida de red (An application programming interface (API) that can be used by programs on a local area network (LAN). NetBIOS provides programs with a uniform set of commands for requesting the lower-level services required to manage names, conduct sessions, and send datagrams between nodes on a network)
network bridgepuente de red (Software or hardware that connects two or more networks so that they can communicate, and that operates at the data-link layer (layer 2) of the OSI model)
network card drivercontrolador de tarjeta de red (A device driver that works directly with the network card, acting as an intermediary between the card and the protocol driver)
Network CenterCentro de conexiones de red (A control panel that provides the status of your network and access to networking activities)
network configurationconfiguración de red (The entire interconnected set of hardware, or the way in which a network is laid out--the manner in which elements are connected)
network connectionconexión de red (A link between a user's computer and a group of computers and other devices that enables the user to access printers, servers etc. The link can be through a wire, cable, phone line or wireless transmissions)
network control programprograma de control de redes (In a communications network that includes a mainframe computer, a program that usually resides in a communications controller and takes over communications tasks such as routing, error control, line control, and polling (checking terminals for transmissions), leaving the main computer free for other functions)
Network Device Enrollment ServiceServicio de inscripción de dispositivos de red (In Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2 the Network Device Enrollment Service (NDES) is the Microsoft implementation of the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP). There is also an add-on module for SCEP for Windows Server 2003 Certificate Services. NDES and the SCEP add-on provide support for the SCEP protocol which allows Cisco routers and other intermediate network devices to obtain certificates)
Network Diagnostics FrameworkMarco de diagnóstico de redes (A framework designed to reduce the overhead required of network administrators and computer users to handle some common network issues as they occur)
Network DiagramDiagrama de red (A diagram that shows dependencies between project tasks. Tasks are represented by boxes, or nodes, and task dependencies are represented by lines that connect the boxes)
Network Discovery methodmétodo de detección de redes (An SMS/Configuration Manager discovery method that enables the SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to discover any network resources that are IP addressable)
Network Discovery methodmétodo Detección de redes (An SMS/Configuration Manager discovery method that enables the SMS/Configuration Manager administrator to discover any network resources that are IP addressable)
network driveunidad de red (On a local area network (LAN), a drive that other computers on the network can connect to. A network drive allows people to access shared files and folders)
Network ExplorerExplorador de red (A utility in Windows Vista that presents a view of all PCs, devices, and printers on the network, and is significantly faster and more reliable than My Network Places in Windows XP)
network file systemNetwork File System (A distributed file system that allows users to access remote files and directories on a network as if they were local. NFS is compatible with Microsoft Windows and UNIX-based systems, including Linux and Mac OS X)
network gatewaypuerta de enlace de red (A device that connects networks using different communications protocols so that information can be passed from one network to the other. A network gateway both transfers information and converts it to a form that is compatible with the protocols being used by the receiving network)
network IDId. de red (A number used to identify the systems that are located on the same physical network bounded by routers. The network ID should be unique to the internetwork)
Network Information Service A network naming and administration system that was developed by Sun Microsystems and is constructed on the client-server model of computing. Formerly known as Yellow Pages (yp), NIS provides a simple network look-up service that consists of databases and processesNIS, Servicio de información de la red (NIS)
Network Information Service map A database served by Network Information Service (NIS). The NIS lookup calls require a map (database) name and an NIS domain name. An NIS domain consists of a collection of such mapsmapa de datos Servicio de información de la red (NIS)
Network Inspection SystemSistema de inspección de red (A detection system that helps guard against intrusion attempts targeting known and newly discovered vulnerabilities in network protocols)
network interface layernivel de interfaz de red (A layer of the TCP/IP DARPA model that is responsible for placing TCP/IP packets on the network medium and receiving TCP/IP packets off the network medium. The network interface layer is also called the network access layer)
network inter-site policydirectiva entre sitios de red (Defines bandwidth limitations between sites that are directly linked within a call admission control (CAC) configuration)
network isolationaislamiento de red (The use of an IP address pool to enable multiple copies of a lab environment to be run concurrently without causing network conflicts such as conflicts in computer names, DNS registration, and so forth)
network isolation environmententorno de aislamiento de red (A virtual environment that is run with network isolation, thereby protecting it from network conflicts)
network keyclave de red (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
network latencylatencia de red (The time required for a signal to travel from one point on a network to another)
network layernivel de red (Layer three of the OSI model. A layer that addresses messages and translates logical addresses and names into physical addresses. It also determines the route from the source to the destination computer and manages traffic problems, such as switching, routing, and controlling the congestion of data packets)
Network Level AuthenticationAutenticación a nivel de red (An authentication method that completes user authentication before you establish a Remote Desktop connection and the logon screen appears)
Network Load Balancingequilibrio de carga de red (A Windows network component that uses a distributed algorithm to load-balance Internet Protocol (IP) traffic across a number of hosts, helping to enhance the scalability and availability of mission-critical, IP-based services, such as Remote Desktop Services, Web services, virtual private networking, and streaming media. It also provides high availability by detecting host failures and automatically redistributing traffic to the surviving hosts)
network locationubicación de red (In a URL, a unique name that identifies an Internet server. A network location has two or more parts, separated by periods, as in microsoft.com)
network location awareness serviceservicio de reconocimiento de ubicación de red (A service of Windows Vista that collects network information available to Windows on behalf of applications and enables them to easily and effectively adapt to changes in network environments)
network logoninicio de sesión de red (The process of logging on to a computer by means of a network. Typically, a user first interactively logs on to a local computer, then provides logon credentials to another computer on the network, such as a server, that he or she is authorized to use)
network maskmáscara de red (The bit mask that is used to match a destination IP address to the value in the Destination field in the IP routing table for a host or a router. In the Windows 2000 IP routing table, this column is named Netmask)
network mixcombinación de redes (The probability of a virtual user running a given network profile. For example: 75% use LAN and 25% use DSL 56K)
Network MonitorMonitor de red (A packet capture and analysis tool used to view network traffic)
Network MOSMOS de red (A prediction of the wideband listening quality MOS (MOS-LQ) of audio that is played to the user. This value takes into account only network factors such as codec used, packet loss, packet reorder, packet errors and jitter)
network namenombre de red (A name identifying an SNA network. The network name is often used in combination with other identifiers, such as a control point name or an LU name. The combination of a network name with a control point name is sometimes called a network qualified control point name)
Network Name resourcerecurso Nombre de red (In a Windows Server Failover Clustering (WSFC), a logical server name that is managed as a cluster resource. A network name resource must be used with an IP address resource)
Network News Transfer ProtocolProtocolo de transferencia de noticias a través de la red (A member of the TCP/IP suite of protocols used to distribute network news messages to NNTP servers and clients (newsreaders) on the Internet. NNTP is designed so that news articles are stored on a server in a central database, thus enabling a user to select specific items to read)
network numbernúmero de red (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
network partitionpartición de red (A state in which one or more of the nodes in a cluster cannot communicate with the other cluster nodes. In this case, the cluster may be split into two or more partitions that cannot communicate with each other)
network passwordcontraseña de red (A password that you use to log on to a network. You can make this the same as your Windows password, so you have only one password to remember)
network placesitio de red (A folder on a Web server)
network policydirectiva de red (A set of conditions, settings, and constraints that determine who can connect to a network. Network policy is configured by a network administrator)
Network Policy ServerServidor de directivas de redes (The Microsoft implementation of a Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service (RADIUS) server and proxy. In the NAP architecture, the NPS server includes the NAP administration server and the system health validator (SHV) components)
Network Printer Installation WizardAsistente para la instalación de impresoras de red (A wizard that guides the user through installing a printer on their network)
network profileperfil de red (A profile that determines the network settings for the phone, and then activates or updates that phone)
network projectorproyector de red (A projector that is connected to a network through a wired or wireless connection, rather than one that is connected directly to a computer)
network protocolprotocolo de red (A set of rules and parameters that defines and enables communication through a network)
network rangerango de redes (In the Macintosh environment, the routing address or range of addresses assigned to the physical network that AppleTalk Phase 2 routers use to direct information to the appropriate network)
network regionsregiones de red (The network hubs or backbones that are used in the configuration of call admission control, E9-1-1, and media bypass. They interconnect parts of a network across multiple geographic areas, and every network region must be associated with a central site)
network resourcerecurso de red (An individual computer on an internal corporate or private network that users can connect to through an RD Gateway server. The computer can be either a remote desktop server running RemoteApp programs or a computer with Remote Desktop enabled)
network scannerescáner de red (A scanner that is not connected directly to a computer, but is instead connected directly to a network through a wired or wireless connection)
network scanningexploración de redes (A process of finding, or identifying characteristics of, computers or other resources that are accessible on a network)
network security keyclave de seguridad de red (A password that can help protect wireless networks from unauthorized access. A network security key encrypts information sent from one network computer to another so that the information can only be read by someone who has the key)
network security scandetección de seguridad de la red (An examination of servers for viruses, spyware, and malware)
network serverservidor de red (On the Internet or other network, a computer or program that hosts web pages and responds to commands from a client)
network serviceservicio de red (A service, such as file and printer sharing on your computer or automatic backup to a network server)
network service set identifieridentificador de red SSID (A unique set of letters or numbers that identifies a wireless network. For a computer or device to connect to a wireless network, it must supply that network's SSID. An SSID can be up to 32 characters)
network sharerecurso compartido de red (A folder or directory on a computer that is set up to be readable or writeable for certain users on other computers)
network sitesitio de red (A collections of subnets with similar bandwidth, for example, a branch office location, a set of buildings, or a campus)
Network Store InterfaceInterfaz de almacenamiento en red (A service that is responsible for delivering kernel mode networking related notifications to user mode applications)
network topologytopología de red (The physical layout of computers, cables, switches, routers, and other components of a network)
network userusuario de red (A user that is accessing resources on a remote system. A network user may not have a UI or desktop on the remote computer)
Networking APIAPI para redes (The API for networking)
non-broadcast networkred de no difusión (An Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.11 wireless network in which Service Set Identifier (SSID) suppression is enabled)
off-networkfuera de red (Pertaining to dialing a number not serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment)
on-networken red (Pertaining to dialing a number serviced by the user's PBX or Unified Communications deployment)
operations networkred de operaciones (An organization of operations that synchronizes the dependencies between operations based on starting/ending times, costs, and other criteria. The organization forms a network that follows the manufacturing process from beginning to end. The three types of networks are simple network, simultaneous operations network, and complex network)
peer-to-peer networkred punto a punto (A group of computers that are connected on a network and share resources, such as printers and files)
perimeter networkred perimetral (One or more computers that have a connection to the Internet through an external screening router and a connection to the internal network through an interior screening router. Computers that are linked to the perimeter network have limited access to both the Internet and the internal network. This architecture is convenient if multiple hosts require direct Internet access)
Personal Area NetworkRed de área personal (A small, Internet Protocol (IP)-based network. It is usually used for short-range, ad-hoc communication between devices and computers. A PAN may also be used to enable connectivity to a larger Local Area Network (LAN), Wide-Area Network (WAN), or the Internet. Windows XP supports the Bluetooth PAN service so you can create Personal Area Networks using Bluetooth)
Portable Network Graphics A graphic file format that is supported by some World Wide Web browsers. PNG supports variable transparency of images (alpha channels) and control of image brightness on different computers (gamma correction). PNG files are compressed bitmapsformato PNG (Portable Network Graphics)
private networkred privada (A network within an organization that uses Internet technologies and protocols, but is available only to certain people, such as employees of a company)
public networkred pública (A cluster network that supports client-to-cluster communication (either with or without supporting node-to-node communication))
public switched telephone networkRed telefónica conmutada (Public switched telephone network (PSTN) is used by standard analog telephone lines, available worldwide)
Remote Desktop Services Network Fair ShareDistribución dinámica equilibrada de ancho de banda de Servicios de Escritorio remoto (A feature that dynamically distributes available bandwidth across sessions based on the number of active sessions to enable equal bandwidth utilization)
restricted networkred restringida (A logical portion of the network where client computers that either do not meet health policy or are not capable of asserting that they meet health policy are placed. Computers in the restricted network cannot initiate communication to resources in the secure network)
Saved networksRedes configuradas (A Control Panel item that allows the user to view saved networks and reconnect to them)
simple networkred simple (A type of operations network in which one operation is started and completed before the next operation begins)
Simple Network Management ProtocolProtocolo simple de administración de redes (A network protocol used to manage TCP/IP networks. In Windows, the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) service is used to provide status information about a host on a TCP/IP network)
Simple Network Management Protocol trap An unsolicited Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) packet sent from one SNMP entity to another usually in response to a stimulus or an event on the sending entitycaptura de Protocolo simple de administración de redes (SNMP)
social networkred social (A network made of people or organizations linked by some type of social relationship)
social networkred social (A network made of people or organizations linked by some type of social relationship)
storage area networkred de área de almacenamiento (A set of interconnected devices (such as disks and tapes) and servers that are connected to a common communication and data transfer infrastructure such as Fibre Channel)
Systems Network ArchitectureArquitectura de redes de sistemas (A network model devised by IBM to enable IBM products, including mainframes, terminals, and peripherals, to communicate and exchange data)
traditional perimeter networkred perimetral estándar (A network that has two firewalls: one between the Internet and the protected perimeter network servers, and one between the perimeter network servers and the corporate intranet)
username (The name by which a user is identified to a computer system or network. During the logon process, the user must enter the username and the correct password. If the system or network is connected to the Internet, the username generally corresponds to the leftmost part of the user's e-mail address (the portion preceding thenombre de usuario
value-added networkred de valor añadido (A private network provider that is hired by a company to facilitate electronic data interchange (EDI) or provide other network services)
virtual local area networkred de área local virtual (A logical grouping of hosts on one or more local area networks (LANs) that allows communication to occur between hosts as if they were on the same physical LAN)
virtual networkred virtual (A virtual version of a physical network switch. A virtual network can be configured to provide access to local or external network resources for one or more virtual machines)
Virtual Network ManagerAdministrador de redes virtuales (A Hyper-V component used to create and manage virtual networks)
virtual private networkred privada virtual (The extension of a private network that encompasses encapsulated, encrypted, and authenticated links across shared or public networks. VPN connections typically provide remote access and router-to-router connections to private networks over the Internet)
wide area networkred de área extensa (A communications network connecting geographically separated computers, printers, and other devices. A WAN enables any connected device to interact with any other on the network)
Windows Azure NetworksRedes de Windows Azure (The networking service in Windows Azure that lets customers create and manage virtual private networks in Windows Azure and securely link them to other virtual networks or to their own on-premises networking infrastructure)
wireless networkred inalámbrica (A network that uses radio frequencies (instead of wires or cables) to transmit data between devices)
wireless network namenombre de red inalámbrica (The name used to identify a wireless network)
wireless network profileperfil de red inalámbrica (Information about a wireless network, such as the wireless network name, service set identifier (SSID), network adapter used to connect to the network, default icon, and default printer)
wireless wide area networkred de área extensa inalámbrica (A wireless network that connects geographically separated locations by using telecommunications services, such as satellite, radio, and mobile phone technologies)