
Terms for subject Microsoft containing CROSS | all forms | exact matches only
Cross Array Link TranslationTraducción de vínculos entre matrices (An enterprise-level option on the ISA Server Management console that specifies arrays and whether link translation will be applied across them)
cross-database ownership chainingencadenamiento de propiedad entre bases de datos (An ownership chain that spans more than one database)
cross-dockingtránsito directo (A distribution practice in which items flow from receiving to shipping, with limited or no storage required)
cross-domain barrierbarrera entre dominios (An Internet Explorer security feature that stops scripts and Document Object Model (DOM) objects from executing across domains)
cross-domain librarybiblioteca entre dominios (A JavaScript library available in apps for SharePoint to allow cross-domain client-level communication)
cross-footsumar horizontalmente (To add amounts across a row (horizontally). The resulting total can be checked against a total obtained by footing (adding amounts vertically))
cross-forest membermiembro de otro bosque (A member of a security group whose user account is in a different forest from the group account)
cross-functional flowchartdiagrama de flujo de funciones cruzadas (A type of flowchart that shows the relationship between a business process and the functional units (such as departments) responsible for that process)
cross hatchsímbolo de número (Shading made up of regularly spaced, intersecting lines)
cross-model associationasociación cruzada entre modelos (A relationship that allows users to define links between reference data elements to enable fact data movement)
cross-model mappingcorrespondencia cruzada entre modelos (A one-to-one correspondence that a business rule can establish between members or dimensions of two separate models)
cross-page postingpublicación en varias páginas (In ASP.NET Web pages, the process of submitting a page to a specified target page in contrast to submitting the page to itself)
cross-premises deploymentimplementación entre locales (A deployment model in which part of a tenant organization's mailboxes, files, or other services, are hosted and part of them are not hosted but instead exist in the organization's own on-premises deployment)
cross-project linkvínculo entre proyectos (A relationship in which the start or finish date of a task depends on a task in another project)
cross reference objectobjeto de referencia cruzada (An object in which Active Directory stores information about directory partitions and external directory services)
cross-site publishingpublicación entre sitios (A content publishing model in which multiple sites select and republish content that is authored and managed in a single source location)
cross-site request forgeryfalsificación de solicitud entre sitios (An attack where a malicious website makes an HTTP request to a target website in such a way that the website thinks that the request is part of a legitimate user's session)
cross-slidedeslizamiento transversal (A touch-optimized technique for selecting or moving an item within a content area that is pannable in one direction only)
cross-validationvalidación cruzada (A method for evaluating the accuracy of a data mining model)
cross-varying dimensioncruce dimensional variable (In OLAP terminology, a listing of all valid tuples by rule)
crossing extentextensión cruzada (The extent of a crossing file occupying space on the volume of the owning file)