
Terms for subject Environment containing international | all forms | exact matches only
Agreement concerning the International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine against Pollutionan Comhaontú maidir leis an gCoimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Chosaint na Réine ar Thruailliú
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Floraan Coinbhinsiún maidir le Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta i Speicis Fauna agus Flora Fiáine i mBaol
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbean Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCoimisiún Idirnáisiúnta um Chosaint Uiscí na hEilbe
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbean Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint Uiscí na hEilbe
Convention on the International Commission for the Protection of the Oder against Pollutionan Coinbhinsiún maidir leis an gCoimisiún Idirnáisiúnta chun an Oder a Chosaint ar Thruailliú
Convention on the prior informed consent procedure for certain hazardous chemicals and pesticides in international tradeCoinbhinsiún Rotterdam ar an Nós Imeachta i dTaobh Toiliú Feasach a chur in iúl roimh ré le haghaidh Ceimiceán Guaiseach agus Lotnaidicídí áirithe sa Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta
Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakesan Coinbhinsiún maidir le Cosaint agus Úsáid Sruthchúrsaí Trasteorann agus Lochanna Idirnáisiúnta
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatCoinbhinsiún maidir le Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éin Uisce
Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatCoinbhinsiún Ramsar
international agreement Cooperation in international efforts to support global environmental goals. Solutions to environmental problems such as trans-boundary airborne and waterborne pollution, ozone depletion and climate change require action by all responsible countriescomhaontú idirnáisiúnta
international assessment and reviewathbhreithniú agus measúnú idirnáisiúnta
international assistance Economic, military, technical or financial aid or support given to nations or countries in need, often from other governments or international or intergovernmental organizationscúnamh idirnáisiúnta
international balance A system in which nations or blocs of nations strive to maintain an equilibrium of power to prevent dominance by any single nation or to reduce conflict or the possibility of wariarmhéid idirnáisiúnta
international competitiveness The ability of firms to strive with rivals in the production and sale of commodities in worldwide marketsiomaíocht idirnáisiúnta
International Conference on Early Warning Systems for the Reduction of Natural Disastersan Chomhdháil Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Córais Réamhrabhaidh le haghaidh Tubaistí Nádúrtha a Laghdú
international conflict A controversy, disagreement, quarrel or warfare between or among two or more nations or countries, often requiring involvement or monitoring by other members of the global communitycoinbhleacht idirnáisiúnta
international consultations and analysisanailísiú agus comhairliú idirnáisiúnta
international convention Treaties and other agreements of a contractual character between different countries or organizations of states creating legal rights and obligations between the partiescoinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damagean Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Dhliteanas Sibhialta i leith Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damagean Coinbhinsiún um Dhliteanas Sibhialta
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Cooperationan Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le hUllmhacht, Freagairt agus Comhar i dtaca le hOla-Thruailliú
International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and CooperationCoinbhinsiún OPRC
International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Shipsan Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Chórais Dhíobhálacha Frithsmálaithe ar Longa a Rialú
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damagean Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualtiesan Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta um Idirghabháil ar an Mórmhuir i gcás Taismí ó Ola-Thruailliú
international co-operation The collaboration between governments, businesses or individuals in which it is agreed to work together on similar objectives or strategies, particularly in research or in setting industrial standardscomhoibriú idirnáisiúnta
International Court of Justice Judicial arm of the United Nations. It has jurisdiction to give advisory opinions on matters of law and treaty construction when requested by the General Assembly, Security Council or any other international agency authorised by the General Assembly to petition for such opinion. It has jurisdiction, also, to settle legal disputes between nations when voluntarily submitted to itan Chúirt Bhreithiúnais Idirnáisiúnta
International Day for Natural Disaster ReductionLá Idirnáisiúnta um Laghdú Tubaistí Nádúrtha
International Decade for Natural Disaster ReductionDeichbhliain Idirnáisiúnta um Laghdú Tubaistí Nádúrtha
international distribution The worldwide allocating of resources or dispersing of goodsdáileadh idirnáisiúnta
international division of labourroinnt idirnáisiúnta ar shaothar
International Dolphin Conservation Programmean Clár Idirnáisiúnta um Chaomhnú Deilfeanna
international economic law The recognized rules guiding the commercial relations of at least two sovereign states or private parties involved in cross-border transactions, including regulations for trade, finance and intellectual propertydlí idirnáisiúnta eacnamaíoch
international environmental governancerialachas idirnáisiúnta comhshaoil
international environmental relations The political or diplomatic interaction or dealings between independent nations that pertain to ecological concernscaidrimh chomhshaoil idirnáisiúnta
international harmonisation Harmonisation of the interrelationship of sovereign states by the application of general principles recognized by civilized nationscomhchuibhiú idirnáisiúnta
international law The system of law regulating the interrelationship of sovereign states and their rights and duties with regard to one anotherdlí idirnáisiúnta
International Monetary Fund An international organization established in 1944, affiliated with the United Nations that acts as an international bank facilitating the exchange of national currencies and providing loans to member nations. It also evaluates the performance of the economies of the world's countriesAn Ciste Idirnáisiúnta Airgeadaíochta
international organisation An association of independent states, whose representatives gather for the promotion of common interests including defense and tradeeagraíocht idirnáisiúnta
International Ozone Commissionan Coimisiún Idirnáisiúnta Ózóin
international politics The use of methods, strategy, intrigue, decision making and power by governments and their representatives to achieve goals in policy making or governmental affairs in a worldwide or international arenapolaitíocht idirnáisiúnta
International Reference Life Cycle Data Systeman Bunachar Sonraí Tagartha Idirnáisiúnta maidir leis an Saolré
International Reference Life Cycle Data System ILCD Data Networkan Líonra Sonraí um Chóras Idirnáisiúnta de Shonraí Tagartha ar Smaointeoireacht Saolré
international relations The political or diplomatic interaction or dealings between independent nationscaidrimh idirnáisiúnta
international river basin Land area drained by a river and its tributaries whose waters are situated in and utilized by two or more countriesabhantrach idirnáisiúnta
international safety Freedom from danger or the quality of averting risk of harm to persons, property or the environment shared across one or more national boundaries; consequently, the combined efforts of more than one nation to achieve or preserve that statesábháilteacht idirnáisiúnta
international standardisation The process of establishing or conforming something to a norm or measure that is recognized beyond the boundaries of a single country or nationcaighdeánú idirnáisiúnta
international trade The flow of commodities and goods between nationstrádáil idirnáisiúnta
international transaction Any agreement or act involving two or more countries in which business dealings, negotiations or other affairs are settled or concludedidirbheart idirnáisiúnta
International Union for Conservation of Naturean tAontas Idirnáisiúnta um Chaomhnú an Dúlra agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resourcesan tAontas Idirnáisiúnta um Chaomhnú an Dúlra agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha
International Union for the Protection of Naturean tAontas Idirnáisiúnta um Chaomhnú an Dúlra agus Acmhainní Nádúrtha
international watercourse Portions of a geographical area which constitutes a hydrogeological unit as the catchment area for a single river which are under the jurisdiction of two or more countriesuiscebhealach idirnáisiúnta
private international law The part of the national law of a country that establishes rules for dealing with cases involving a foreign elementdlí idirnáisiúnta príobháideach
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969Prótacal 1992 lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Dhliteanas Sibhialta i leith Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú, 1969
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971Prótacal 1992 lena leasaítear an Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú, 1971
Protocol of 2003 to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1992Prótacal 2003 a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú, 1992
Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatPrótacal Pháras a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún Ramsar um Bogaigh, 1982
Protocol to amend the Convention on Wetlands of International Importance especially as Waterfowl HabitatPrótacal maidir le leasú an Choinbhinsiúin um Bogaigh a bhfuil Tábhacht Idirnáisiúnta leo go háirithe mar Ghnáthóg d''Éanlaith Uisce
Protocol to the International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969 "Liability Convention 1969"Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Dhliteanas Sibialta i leith Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú, 1969 "an Coinbhinsiún um Dhliteanas, 1969"
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971Prótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta ar Bhunú Ciste Idirnáisiúnta le haghaidh Cúitimh as Damáiste ó Ola-Thruailliú 1971
public international law The general rules and principles pertaining to the conduct of nations and of international organizations and with the relations among themdlí idirnáisiúnta poiblí
Rotterdam Convention on the Prior Informed Consent Procedure for Certain Hazardous Chemicals and Pesticides in International TradeCoinbhinsiún Rotterdam ar an Nós Imeachta i dTaobh Toiliú Feasach a chur in iúl roimh ré le haghaidh Ceimiceán Guaiseach agus Lotnaidicídí áirithe sa Trádáil Idirnáisiúnta