
Terms containing air | all forms | exact matches only
astronaut., econ.Agreement between the European Community, the European Space Agency and the European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigation on a European Contribution to the development of a global navigation satellite system GNSSComhaontú idir an Comhphobal Eorpach, an Ghníomhaireacht Spáis Eorpach agus an Eagraíocht Eorpach um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta maidir le Rannchuidiú Eorpach i bhforbairt córas loingseoireachta satailíte GNSS
transp., avia.air accidenttionóisc eitlíochta
transp., avia.air accidentaerthimpiste
chem.air-acetylene flamelasair aeraicéitiléine
mech.eng., tech.air adjusting screwscriú coigeartaithe aeir
market.air advertisingaerfhógraíocht
transp., avia.air almanacalmanag aerloingseoireachta
transp., avia.air almanacaeralmanag
environ.air and noise pollutionaerthruailliú agus truailliú de dheasca torainn
transp., mech.eng.air assist atomizeradamhóir aerchuidithe
mater.sc., met.air assist formingfoirmiú aerchuidithe
mech.eng.air augmented rocketroicéad aerthreisithe
hobby, transp.air bagmála aeir
transp.air bearing padceap imthaca aeir
transp., mech.eng.air bleedsceitheadh aeir
transp., mech.eng.air bleedsceith aeir
int. law., transp., avia.air borderaertheorainn
mech.eng., el.air brakecoscán eitilte
transp.air brakeaerchoscán
transp., avia.air cargoaerlasta
transp., avia.air cargo securityslandáil aerlasta
transp., avia.air cargo service providersoláthraí seirbhísí aerlasta
transp., avia.air cargo transportiompar aerlasta
transp., avia.air carrieraerlíne
transp., avia.air carrieraeriompróir
market., commun.air checktaifeadadh meastóireachta
gen.Air Chief MarshalPríomh-Aermharascal
environ.air clarificationíonú an aeir
environ.air clarificationglanadh an aeir
environ.air cleaningíonú an aeir
environ.air cleaningglanadh an aeir
environ.air cleaning indextreoiruimhir ghlanadh an aeir
gen.Air CommodoreAer-Cheannasóir
chem.air comparison pycnometergásphicniméadar comparáide
chem.air comparison pycnometeraerphicniméadar comparáide
transp., mech.eng.air compressor intake throttlescóig iontógála aer-chomhbhrúiteora
environ.air conditioning A system or process for controlling the temperature and sometimes the humidity and purity of the air in a house, etc.aerchóiriú
transp., mech.eng.air conditioning and pressurization systemcóras aerchóirithe agus aer-bhrúchóirithe
environ., energ.ind., construct.air-conditioning systemcóras aerchóiriúcháin
market., transp.air consignment notebille luchta aerbhealaigh
transp.air containeraerchoimeádán
transp., avia.air control centrelárionad aer-rialaithe
gen.air control teamfoireann rialaithe aerthráchta
transp.air controllerrialtóir aerthráchta
mech.eng.air cooledaerfhuaraithe
mech.eng.air cooling unitaonad aerfhuarúcháin
transp.air corridoraerchonair
transp.air cushion padpillín aerchúisín
transp., tech.air cushion restraint systemmála aeir
transp.air cushion systemcóras aerchúisín
IT, transp.air data computerríomhaire aershonraí
transp., avia.Air Defence Identification Zonezón aitheantais aerchosanta
earth.sc.air densitydlús aeir
life.sc.air diffuser stonecloch idirleatóra
life.sc.air diffuser stoneaerthóir cloiche idirleatóra
life.sc.air diffuser stoneaerchloch
life.sc.air displacement pipettepípéad aer-dhíláithriúcháin
tech., mech.eng.air factorcóimheas aeir iomarcaigh
environ.air flotationaershnámhacht
food.ind.air fractionationaerchodánúchán
fin., polit., transp.air freight chargestáille aerlasta
phys.sc., tech., lawair/fuel ratiocóimheas aeir le breosla
gen.air/fuel ratiocóimheas idir aer agus breosla
transp., tech., lawair gapaerbhearna
commun., transp., avia.air-ground applicationfeidhmchlár aistrithe sonraí idir aer agus talamh
commun., transp., avia.air-ground control radio stationstáisiún raidió rialaithe cumarsáide idir aer agus talamh
commun., transp., avia.air–ground point-to-point data communicationcumarsáid sonraí ó phointe go pointe idir an t-aer agus an talamh
fin., polit.air heatertéitheoir aeir
fin., polit.air heateraerthéitheoir
transp., avia.air incidentteagmhas aerthráchta
nat.sc., tech.air intakeaer-iontógáil
transp., mech.eng.air intake casingcásáil iontógála aeir
transp., mech.eng.air intake debris guardsciath smionagair ar an ionraon aeir
transp.air-intake grillegríl iontógála aeir
transp., mech.eng.air intake oil coolerfuaraitheoir ola san ionraon aeir
gen.air interceptiontascradh aeir
transp., avia.air interdictionaermhisean díchumasaithe
transp., avia.air interdiction missionaermhisean díchumasaithe
transp.air launchspéirlainseáil
gen.air launched missilediúracán spéirlainseála
mech.eng.air-lift pumpcaidéal aeir chomhbhrúite
transp., avia.air loglogleabhar
market., transp.air mail transferaistriú aerphoist
gen.Air MarshalAer-Mharascal
earth.sc.air mass flowsreabhadh aermhaise
transp., tech.air mileage indicatortáscaire aermhíleáiste
transp., tech.air mileage unitaonad aermhíleáiste
gen.air missionaermhisean
transp., avia.air momentum dragcúltarraingt de thoradh aermhóimintim
transp.air movementaeriompar
environ.air movement Air movements within the Earth's atmospheric circulation; also called planetary winds. Two main components are recognized: first, the latitudinal meridional component due to the Coriolis force (a deflecting motion or force discussed by G.G. de Coriolis in 1835. The rotation of the Earth causes a body moving across its surface to be deflected to the right in the N hemisphere and to the left in the S hemisphere); and secondly, the longitudinal component and the vertical movement, resulting largely from varying pressure distributions due to differential heating and cooling of the Earth's surfacegluaiseacht aeir
transp.air navigationaerloingseoireacht
transp., avia.Air Navigation Commissionan Coimisiún um Aerloingseoireacht
transp.air navigation facilitysaoráid aerloingseoireachta
transp., avia.air navigation service providersoláthraí seirbhísí aerloingseoireachta
transp., avia.air navigation servicesseirbhísí aerloingseoireachta
gen.air observeraerbhreathnóir
transp., avia.air operatoraerlíne
transp., avia.air operatoraeriompróir
transp., avia.air operatoraeroibreoir
transp., avia.air operator certificateteastas aeroibreora
transp., avia.air operator's certificateteastas aeroibreora
life.sc.air-permeable stopperstopallán aer-thréscaoilteach
cultur., transp.air photographaerfótagraf
commun., transp.air plotbreacadh aerchúrsa
transp., avia.air pocketpóca aeir
environ., industr.air pollutanttruailleán atmaisféarach
environ.air pollutant Any pollutant agent or combination of such agents, including any physical, chemical, biological, radioactive substance or matter which is emitted into or otherwise enters the ambient air and can, in high enough concentrations, harm humans, animals, vegetation or materialtruailleán aeir
environ., industr.air pollutanttruailleán aeir
environ.air pollution Presence in the atmosphere of large quantities of gases, solids and radiation produced by the burning of natural and artificial fuels, chemical and other industrial processes and nuclear explosionstruailliú aeir
transp.air positionaershuíomh
IT, transp.air position indicatortáscaire aershuímh
transp., mech.eng.air pressure brakecoscán aerbhrú
tech., mater.sc.air pressure heat testtástáil teasa faoi aerbhrú
IT, nat.sc., el.air pressure sensorbraiteoir aerbhrú
agric.air pumpaerchaidéal
environ.air purificationglanadh an aeir
environ.air purificationíonú an aeir
environ.air quality The degree to which air is polluted; the type and maximum concentration of man-produced pollutants that should be permitted in the atmospherecaighdeán an aeir
environ., el.air qualitycaighdeán an aeir
environ.air quality control The measurement of ambient air-pollution concentrations in order to determine whether there is a problem in a given regionrialú chaighdeán an aeir
environ.air quality criteriacritéir um chaighdeán an aeir
environ.air quality management Regulate and plan and work toward the accomplishment of completion of stated goals, objectives and mission pertaining to air qualitybainistíocht chaighdeán an aeir
environ.air quality monitoring Regular checking and recording of air quality in a given area. The following pollutants must be considered: carbon monoxide, benzene, butadiene, lead, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, and particulatesmonatóireacht ar chaighdeán an aeir
environ.air quality reference levelleibhéal tagartha maidir le caighdeán an aeir
gen.Air Rapid Response ConceptCoincheap na Mearfhreagartha Aeir
transp.air reconnaissanceaerthaiscéalaíocht
transp., avia.air-reportaerthuarascáil
gen.air rescueaertharrtháil
transp., tech., lawair reservoiraer-thaiscumar
earth.sc., transp., avia.air resonanceathshondas aeir
commer., transp., avia.air routeaerbhealach
commer., transp., avia.air routeaerchúrsa
environ.air safety Any measure, technique or design intended to reduce the risk of harm posed by either moving vehicles or projectiles above the earth's surface or pollutants to the earth's atmospheresábháilteacht aeir
transp., tech.air safety bagmála aeir
transp., avia.Air Safety Committeean Coiste um Chur chun Feidhme an Rialacháin maidir le Rialacha Comhchoiteanna i Réimse na hEitlíochta Sibhialta agus lena mbunaítear Gníomhaireacht Sábháilteachta Eitlíochta na hEorpa
chem.air saturationméid an aersháithiúcháin
chem.air-saturation valueméid an aersháithiúcháin
environ.air scouringaersciúradh
mech.eng.air sealaershéala
transp., avia.air serviceaersheirbhís
law, transp., avia.air service agreementcomhaontú maidir le haersheirbhísí
transp.air sextantseiseamhán aerloingseoireachta
transp.air sextantseiseamhán
polit.air sicknesstinneas aeir
polit.air sicknessaerbhreoiteacht
transp., avia.air-sidetaobh an aeir
agric.air spaceaerspás
environ.air sparging flotationsnámhacht spreachallaithe
transp., mech.eng.air startathdhúiseacht le linn eitilte
life.sc.air stoneaerthóir cloiche idirleatóra
life.sc.air stoneaerchloch
life.sc.air stonecloch idirleatóra
med.air supplysoláthar ón aer
transp., avia.air supportaerthacaíocht
gen.air suspensionaerchrochadh
gen.air suspension systemaerchrochadh
transp., avia.air-taxiingaerinleadh
environ.air temperature The temperature of the atmosphere which represents the average kinetic energy of the molecular motion in a small region and is defined in terms of a standard or calibrated thermometer in thermal equilibrium with the airteocht an aeir
chem.air-tight stopperstopallán aer-obach
gen.air to surface missilediúracán ó aer go dromchla
commun.air-to-surface guided missilediúracán treoraithe ó aer go dromchla
transp., avia.air trafficaerthrácht
environ.air traffic Aircraft moving in flight or on airport runwaysaerthrácht
transp., avia.air traffic controlrialú aerthráchta
commer., transp., avia.air traffic control clearancecead rialaithe aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic control instructiontreoir rialaithe aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic control unitaonad rialaithe aerthráchta
transp.air traffic controllerrialtóir aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic flow managementbainistíocht na sreibhe aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic flow management systemcóras bainistíochta ar shreabhadh aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic incidentteagmhas aerthráchta
environ.air traffic law International rules and conventions relating to air transportationdlí maidir le haerthrácht
transp., avia.air traffic managementbainistíocht aerthráchta
environ.air traffic regulationrialúchán maidir le haerthrácht
commer., transp., avia.air-traffic routeaerbhealach
commer., transp., avia.air-traffic routeaerchúrsa
transp., avia.air traffic serviceseirbhísí aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic service providersoláthraí seirbhísí aerthráchta
commer., transp., avia.Air Traffic Service routeaerchúrsa
commer., transp., avia.Air Traffic Service routeaerbhealach
transp., avia.air traffic services reporting officeoifig tuairiscithe na seirbhísí aerthráchta
commun., transp.air traffic signal lightcomhartha solais aerthráchta
transp., avia.air traffic surveillancefaireachas aerthráchta
transp., avia.air transportaeriompar
transp., avia.Air Transport Committeean Coiste Aeriompair
transp., avia.air transport companyaeriompróir
transp., avia.air transport companyaerlíne
transp., avia.air transport operatoraeriompróir
transp., avia.air transport operatoraerlíne
transp.air transportable unitaonad in-aeriompartha
transp., avia.air transportationaeriompar
environ.air transportation The use of aircraft, predominantly airplanes, to move passengers and cargoaeriompar
environ.air treatmentglanadh an aeir
environ.air treatmentíonú an aeir
gen.air troopingaeriompar trúpaí
mech.eng.air turbine motormótar tuirbín aeir
mech.eng.air turbine motormótar aertuirbín
lab.law., transp.air ventilated suitculaith aeráilte
gen.Air Vice MarshalLeas-Aermharascal
earth.sc., transp.air volumetoirt aeir
environ.air-water interaction The physical processes at the air-water interface: momentum, heat and mass transfer across the air-water interface, mixing of surface water by wind stress and wave breaking, directional wave spectra and wave forces on offshore structures. The air-water interaction is measured by the turbulence and gas exchanges resulting from the mixing of the water column by windidirghníomhú aeir is uisce
transp., avia.aircraft not involved in commercial air transportaerárthach aeriompair neamhthráchtála
nat.sc., chem., el.ambient air temperatureteocht chomhthimpeallach
nat.sc., chem., el.ambient air temperatureteocht an tseomra
transp., mech.eng.anti-smear air deflectorsraonaire aeir frithsmearaidh
hobby, earth.sc.associated air massaermhais ghaolmhar
earth.sc., mech.eng.bleed-airaer sceite
mech.eng.bootstrap cold air unitaonad uathchothaitheach aeir fhuair
transp., mech.eng.brake turbine cold air unitgrúpa turbachuisneora
transp., mech.eng.brake turbine cold air unitaonad aeir fhuair tuirbín coiscthe
transp., mech.eng.brake turbine cold air unitgrúp-thurbachuisneoir
transp., mech.eng.brake turbine cold air unitaonad aeir fhuair le haghaidh tuirbín coscáin
environ.breathable air from compressoraer inanálaithe ón gcomhbhrúiteoir
gen.carrier air groupaerghrúpa iompróra
chem.Catches fire spontaneously if exposed to air.Téann trí thine go spontáineach má nochtar don aer.
environ.civil air traffic Air traffic pertaining to or serving the general public, as distinguished from military air trafficaerthrácht shibhialta
environ.clean air area Areas where significant reductions in ozone forming pollutants have been achieved through industrial initiatives to control and/or prevent pollution, through implementation of transportation improvement plans, national efforts to reduce automobile tailpipe emissions and lower the volatility (evaporation rate) of gasolinelimistéar aeir úir
environ.clean air car Vehicles that function without emitting pollutants in the atmospherecarr aer glan
environ."Clean Air for Europe" programmeclár dar teideal "Aer Glan Don Eoraip"
transp., avia.clear air turbulencesuaiteacht gan scamaill
environ.Climate and Clean Air CoalitionComhghuaillíocht Aeráide agus Aer Glan chun Truailleáin Aeráide Ghearrshaolacha a Laghdú
environ.Climate and Clean Air Coalition to Reduce Short Lived Climate PollutantsComhghuaillíocht Aeráide agus Aer Glan chun Truailleáin Aeráide Ghearrshaolacha a Laghdú
gen.close air supportneastacaíocht aeir
gen.close controlled air interceptiontascradh aeir le neasrialú
transp., mech.eng.cold air unitaonad aeir fhuair
transp., avia.commercial air transportaeriompar tráchtála
transp., avia.commercial air transport flightoibríocht aeriompair tráchtála
transp., avia.commercial air transport movementsgluaiseachtaí aeriompar tráchtála
transp., avia.commercial air transport operationoibríocht aeriompair tráchtála
transp., avia.commercial air transportationaeriompar tráchtála
transp., mech.eng.compressed air brakecoscán aerbhrú
transp., mech.eng.compressed air brake systemcóras coscánaithe aerbhrú
transp., mech.eng.compressed air braking systemcóras coscánaithe aerbhrú
transp., mech.eng.compressed air operated brakecoscán aerbhrú
transp., mech.eng.compressed air reservoirtaiscumar aeir chomhbhrúite
transp., mech.eng.compressed air starterdúisire aeir chomhbhrúite
earth.sc., tech.compressed air wind tunnelgaoth-thollán aeir chomhbhrúite
transp., mech.eng.compressor-turbine cold air unitaonad aeir fhuair tuirbín is comhbhrúiteora
fin., polit.conditioned airaer cóirithe
market., commun.continental air massaermhais ilchríochach
agric., food.ind.controlled-air storagestóráil in atmaisféar rialaithe
health., empl.Convention concerning the Protection of Workers against Occupational Hazards in the Working Environment Due to Air Pollution, Noise and Vibrationan Coinbhinsiún maidir le cosaint oibrithe i gcoinne priacail cheirde sa timpeallacht oibre mar gheall ar aerthruailliú, ar thorann agus ar chreathadh
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by Airan Coinbhinsiún maidir le haontú rialacha áirithe i dtaca le hiompar idirnáisiúnta d'aer
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules for International Carriage by AirCoinbhinsiún Montreal
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Airan Coinbhinsiún um Aontú Rialacha Áirithe maidir le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d'Aer
transp., avia.Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by AirCoinbhinsiún Vársá
environ., UNConvention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollutionan Coinbhinsiún maidir le hAerthruailliú Trasteorann Fadraoin
obs., environ., UNConvention on Long-range Transboundary Air PollutionCTATF
transp., avia.Convention Supplementary to the Warsaw Convention, for the Unification of Certain Rules relating to International Carriage by Air Performed by a Person Other than the Contracting Carrieran Coinbhinsiún Forlíontach ar Choinbhinsiún Vársá maidir le hAontú Rialacha Áirithe a bhaineann le hIompar Idirnáisiúnta d''Aer arna Chur i gCrích ag Duine seachas an tIompróir Conarthach
gen.cooling airaer fuaraithe
environ.Cooperative Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in European Comharchlár chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Tharchur Fadraoin Truailleán Aeir san Eoraip
earth.sc.density of airdlús aeir
gen.deployable air poweraerchumhacht in-imscartha
transp., avia.descending air currentsiorradh anuas
environ.diffused air aerationaerú idirleata
chem.Do not allow contact with air.Ná ceadaigh teagmháil le haer.
environ.dusty air inletionraon d'aer deannachúil
transp., mech.eng.emergency airaer éigeandála
gen.EU Air Deployable Operating Basebunáit inghluaiste oibríochtaí aeir an AE
gen.EU Air Deployable Operating Baseaerstáisiún inghluaiste Eorpach
gen.EU Air DOBaerstáisiún inghluaiste Eorpach
gen.EU Air DOBbunáit inghluaiste oibríochtaí aeir an AE
transp., avia."EUROCONTROL" International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigationan Coinbhinsiún Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Comhoibriú um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta
transp., avia.European Air Traffic Management Networkan Líonra Eorpach um Bainistíocht Aerthráchta
transp., avia.European Air Transport Fleetan Flít Aeriompair Eorpach
gen.European Deployable Air Stationbunáit inghluaiste oibríochtaí aeir an AE
gen.European Deployable Air Stationaerstáisiún inghluaiste Eorpach
transp., avia.European Organisation for the Safety of Air Navigationan Eagraíocht Eorpach um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta
transp., avia.European Organisation for the Safety of Air NavigationEUROCONTROL
tech., mech.eng.excess air factorcóimheas aeir iomarcaigh
tech., mech.eng.excess air ratiocóimheas aeir iomarcaigh
chem.Explosive with or without contact with air.Pléascach i dteagmháil le haer nó gan é.
environ.free airaer úr
environ.fresh airaer úr
mech.eng.fuel no air valveilphíobán breosla
environ.gaseous acid air pollution indexinnéacs den aerthruailliú aigéadach gásach
environ.gaseous air pollutant Uncondensed or volatile gases, usually comprised of chemical compounds, discharged to the atmospheretruailleán aeir gásaigh
transp., avia.general air trafficgnáth-aerthrácht
market., fin.goods carried by airearraí arna n-iompar d'aer
ecol.Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and SynergiesGás Ceaptha Teasa agus Idirghníomhuithe agus Sineirgí Aerthruaillithe
transp., mech.eng.ground air supplysoláthar aeir ar an talamh
earth.sc., mater.sc.heated air wind tunnelgaoth-thollán aeir théite
transp., avia.hot air airshipaerlong aeir the
fin., polit.hot air distributorsdáileoir aeir the
mech.eng., tech.idle air adjusting screwscriú coigeartaithe aeir
chem.If breathing is difficult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.Más deacair don duine análú, tabhair amach faoin aer é agus coimeád socair é, i riocht ina bhféadfaidh sé anáil a tharraingt go réidh.
chem.IF INHALED: If breathing is difficult, remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.MÁ THÉANN AN TÁIRGE SEO LE hANÁIL DUINE, tabhair amach faoin aer an duine agus coimeád socair é, i riocht ina bhféadfaidh sé anáil a tharraingt go réidh.
chem.IF INHALED: Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.MÁ IONÁLAÍTEAR, tabhair amach faoin aer an duine agus coimeád socair é, i riocht ina bhféadfaidh sé anáil a tharraingt go réidh.
gen.immediate air supportaerthacaíocht láithreach
chem.In use may form flammable/explosive vapour-air mixture.Agus é á úsáid d'fhéadfaí meascán inadhainte/pléascach gaile-aeir a chruthú.
gen.indirect air supportaerthacaíocht indíreach
environ.indoor air pollution Chemical, physical or biological contaminants in the air inside buildings and other enclosed spaces occupied by humans. This pollution can arise from tobacco smoke, pesticides, cleaning agents, gases released from building materials, rugs, household products, etc.truailliú an aeir laistigh
transp.instruments for air navigationuirlisí aerloingseoireachta
earth.sc., mater.sc.intake air heatertéitheoir aeir isteach
transp., avia.International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Intra-European Scheduled Air Servicesan Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nós Imeachta um Bhunú Taraifí d'Aersheirbhísí Sceidealta laistigh den Eoraip
transp., avia.International Agreement on the Procedure for the Establishment of Tariffs for Scheduled Air Servicesan Comhaontú Idirnáisiúnta maidir le Nós Imeachta um Bhunú Taraifí d'Aersheirbhísí Sceidealta
transp., avia.International Air Services Transit Agreementan Comhaontú maidir le hIdirthurais Aersheirbhísí Idirnáisiúnta
transp., avia.International Air Transport Agreementan Comhaontú maidir le hAeriompar Idirnáisiúnta
transp.international air transportationaeriompar idirnáisiúnta
immigr.joint removal by airaeraistriú comhpháirteach
transp., avia.Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system SESARan Comhghnóthas chun glúin nua an chórais Eorpaigh um bainistíocht aerthráchta SESAR a fhorbairt
gen.Joint undertaking to develop the new generation European air traffic management system SESARComhghnóthas SESAR
gen.lighter-than-air aircraftaerastat
chem.Maintain air gap between stacks/pallets.Coimeád bearna aeir idir chruacha/phailléid.
market., commun.maritime air massaermhais mhuirí
gen.medical air evacuationaslonnú aerleighis
environ.military air traffic Air traffic of or relating to the armed forcesaerthrácht mhíleata
market., commun.mixing of air massesmeascadh aermhaiseanna
gen.mobile air movements teamfoireann ghluaiste aerthráchta
environ., industr., construct.mobile air pollution laboratoryaonad soghluaiste um fhaireachán ar aerthruailliú
environ., industr., construct.mobile air pollution monitoring unitaonad soghluaiste um fhaireachán ar aerthruailliú
transp., avia.Multilateral Agreement on Commercial Rights of Non-scheduled Air Services in European Comhaontú Iltaobhach maidir le Cearta Tráchtála Aersheirbhísí Neamhsceidealta san Eoraip
transp., avia.non-commercial air transport aircraftaerárthach aeriompair neamhthráchtála
environ.ocean-air interface The sea and the atmosphere are fluids in contact with one another, but in different energy states - the liquid and the gaseous. The free surface boundary between them inhibits, but by no means totally prevents, exchange of mass and energy between the two. Almost all interchanges across this boundary occur most effectively when turbulent conditions prevail. A roughened sea surface, large differences in properties between the water and the air, or an unstable air column that facilitates the transport of air volumes from sea surface to high in the atmosphere. Both heat and water (vapor) tend to migrate across the boundary in the direction from sea to air. Heat is exchanged by three processes: radiation, conduction, and evaporation. The largest net exchange is through evaporation, the process of transferring water from sea to air by vaporization of the wateridirphlé an aigéin agus an aeir
transp., avia.operating air carrieriompróir oibriúcháin
environ.outside airaer úr
chem.oxidising air-acetylene flamelasair ocsaídiúcháin aeraicéitiléine
environ.particles in ambient aircáithníní san aer comhthimpeallach
transp., avia.Permanent Commission for the safety of air navigationan Buanchoimisiún um Shábháilteacht na hAerloingseoireachta
life.sc.piston-driven air displacement pipettepípéad aer-dhíláithriúcháin
environ.protection of ambient aircosaint an aeir chomhthimpeallaigh
immigr., UNProtocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air, supplementing the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized CrimePrótacal in aghaidh Inimircigh a Smuigleáil ar Tír, ar Muir nó san Aer, ar Prótacal é lena bhforlíontar Coinbhinsiún na Náisiún Aontaithe in aghaidh Coireachta Eagraithe Trasnáisiúnta
transp., avia.Protocol consolidating the EUROCONTROL International Convention relating to Cooperation for the Safety of Air Navigation of 13 December 1960, as variously amendedPrótacal lena gcomhdhlúthaítear Coinbhinsiún idirnáisiúnta EUROCONTROL an 13 Nollaig, 1960 maidir le comhoibriú um shábháilteacht na haerloingseoireachta arna leasú i slite éagsúla cheana
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, concerning the Control of Emissions of Nitrogen Oxides or their Transboundary FluxesPrótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Ocsaídí Nítrigine nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
environ.Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution concerning the Control of Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds or their Transboundary FluxesPrótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún maidir le Truailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin a bhaineann le Rialú Astaíochtaí Comhdhúl Orgánach Soghalaithe nó a bhFloscanna Trasteorann
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Further Reduction of Sulphur EmissionsPrótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin maidir le Laghdú Breise ar Astaíochtaí Sulfair
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Further Reduction of Sulphur EmissionsPrótacal Osló 1994 maidir le Laghdú Breise ar Astaíochtaí Sulfair
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Heavy MetalsPrótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 um Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin ar Mhiotail Troma
environ.Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on Long-term Financing of the Cooperative Programme for Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe EMEPPrótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin, ar Mhaoiniú Fadtéarma an Chláir Comhairíochta chun Faireachán agus Measúnú a dhéanamh ar Thruailleáin Aeir Tarchurtha Fadraoin san Eoraip EMEP
environ.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic Pollutantsan Prótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin maidir le Truailleáin Orgánacha Mharthanacha
gen.Protocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution on Persistent Organic PollutantsPrótacal Aarhus
environ.Protocol to the Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air Pollution, on the Reduction of Sulphur Emissions or their Transboundary Fluxes by at least 30 per centPrótacal a ghabhann leis an gCoinbhinsiún ar thruailliú aeir fadraoin trasteorann maidir le hastaíochtaí sulfair, nó a bhfloscanna trasteorann, a ísliú 30 faoin gcéad ar a laghad
environ., UNProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level OzonePrótacal a ghabhann le Coinbhinsiún 1979 ar Thruailliú Aeir Trasteorann Fadraoin chun laghdú a dhéanamh ar an Aigéadú, ar an Eotrófú agus ar an Ózón ar Leibhéal na Talún
environ., UNProtocol to the 1979 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution to abate Acidification, Eutrophication and Ground-Level OzonePrótacal Gothenburg
gen.purified synthetic airaer sintéiseach íonaithe
gen.Rapid Response Air InitiativeTionscnamh Mearfhreagartha Aeir
transp.receipts from the sale of international air ticketsfáltais as aerthicéid idirnáisiúnta a dhíol
chem.Remove victim to fresh air and keep at rest in a position comfortable for breathing.Tabhair amach faoin aer an duine agus coimeád socair é, i riocht ina bhféadfaidh sé anáil a tharraingt go réidh.
environ.respiratory air Air volumes inspired and expired through the lungsaer riospráide
transp., tech.secondary airaer tánaisteach
market., transp.selling and marketing of air transport servicesseirbhísí aeriompair a dhíol agus a mhargú
gen.single air transport marketmargadh aonair aeriompair
environ.SO2 concentration in ambient airtiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
environ.soil air The air and other gases in spaces in the soil; specifically that which is found within the zone of aeration. Also known as soil atmosphereaer ithreach
gen.stoichiometric air/fuel ratiopointe stócaiméadrach
gen.stoichiometric air/fuel ratiocóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach
phys.sc., tech., lawstoichiometric fuel/air ratiocóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach
gen.stoichiometric fuel/air ratiopointe stócaiméadrach
phys.sc., tech., lawstoichiometric ideal air/fuel ratiocóimheas stócaiméadrach aer/breosla idéalach
gen.stoichiometric ideal air/fuel ratiopointe stócaiméadrach
environ.sulfur dioxide concentration in ambient airtiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
environ.sulphur dioxide concentration in ambient airtiúchan dé-ocsaíde sulfair san aer comhthimpeallach
transp., agric.supply of fresh airsoláthar aeir úir
commun.surface-to-air guided missilediúracán treoraithe ó dhromchla go haer
environ.suspended matter in ambient airábhar ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach
environ.suspended particulates in aircáithnínigh ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach
environ.suspended particulates in ambient aircáithnínigh ar fuaidreamh san aer comhthimpeallach
transp., construct.switch air engineaerinneall ladhróige
environ.total acidity of ambient airaigéadacht iomlán an aeir chomhthimpeallaigh
environ.total suspended particulates in aircáithníní iomlána ar fuaidreamh san aer
transp.tracked air-cushion vehiclefeithicil aerchúisín ar rian
environ.waste air Exhaust or gaseous air given off by any industrial, manufacturing or chemical processdramhaer
environ.waste air purification gasíonú ar dhramhaer (gás)