
Terms for subject Politics containing who | all forms | exact matches only
Community initiative in favour of regions whose development is lagging behind Objective 1 regions and which are inadequately equipped with energy infrastructuresinitiative en faveur des régions en retard de développement régions de l'objectif 1 insuffisamment équipées en infrastructures énergétiques
Community initiative in favour of regions whose development is lagging behind Objective 1 regions and which are inadequately equipped with energy infrastructuresProgramme d'initiative communautaire concernant des interconnexions énergétiques
defendant on whom an application initiating proceedings has been duly serveddéfendeur régulièrement mis en cause
delegates who shall be appointed by the Parliament from among their membersdélégués que les Parlement sont appelés à désigner en leur sein
designation of the party against whom the application is madedésignation de la partie contre laquelle la requête est formée
Judge who acts as Rapporteurjuge rapporteur
party who discontinues or withdraws from proceedingspartie qui se désiste
persons who possess the ability required for ...personnes possédant la capacité requise pour ...
persons whose independence is beyond doubtpersonnalités offrant toutes garanties d'indépendance
region whose development is lagging behindrégion en retard de développement
representatives to whom ... become applicableles représentants auxquels sont applicables ...
role of WHOrôle de l'OMS
whose independence is beyond doubtoffrant toutes garanties d'indépendance
witness who has been duly summonedtémoin régulièrement cité
witness who has been duly summonedtémoin dûment cité