
Terms for subject Mammals containing whites | all forms
Atlantic white-sided dolphinlagénorhynque à bec pointu (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Atlantic white-sided dolphindauphin à flancs blancs (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Atlantic white-sided porpoiselagénorhynque à bec pointu (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
Atlantic white-sided porpoisedauphin à flancs blancs (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
bicolored white-toothed shrewcrocidure blanche (Crocidura leucodon)
bicolored white-toothed shrewcrocidure leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
bicolored white-toothed shrewmusaraigne leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
bicolored white-toothed shrewmusaraigne des champs (Crocidura leucodon)
bicolored white-toothed shrewmusaraigne bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
bicolored white-toothed shrewcrocidure bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewmusaraigne leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewmusaraigne des champs (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewmusaraigne bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewcrocidure leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewcrocidure blanche (Crocidura leucodon)
bicoloured white-toothed shrewcrocidure bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
black and white lemurlémur vari (Dendrogale melanura, Varecia variegatus)
black-and-white colobuscolobe à longs poils (Colobus polykomos)
black-and-white colobuscolobe noir (Colobus polykomos)
black-and-white colobuscolobe à camail (Colobus polykomos)
blue-white dolphindauphin bleu-blanc (Stenella coeruleoalbus)
Chinese white dolphinsotalia de Chine (Sotalia chinensis)
collared and white-lipped peccariespécaris (Tayassu)
collared and white-lipped peccariescochons d'Amérique (Tayassu)
common European white-toothed shrewcrocidure des sables (Crocidura russula)
common European white-toothed shrewmusaraigne musette (Crocidura russula)
common European white-toothed shrewmusette des sables (Crocidura russula)
common European white-toothed shrewleucode aranivore (Crocidura russula)
common European white-toothed shrewcrocidure musette (Crocidura russula)
common European white-toothed shrewcrocidure aranivore (Crocidura russula)
eastern black-and-white colobuscolobe guéréza (Colobus guereza)
eastern black-and-white colobuscolobe à épaules blanches (Colobus guereza)
Gray's white-sided dolphinlagénorhynque de Gill (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
greater white batdiclidure de fantôme (Diclidurus albus)
greater white-lined batsaccopteryx à deux raies (Saccopteryx bilineata)
greater white-nosed guenoncercopithèque hocheur (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-nosed guenonhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-nosed guenonblanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-nosed monkeycercopithèque hocheur (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-nosed monkeyhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-nosed monkeyblanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
greater white-toothed shrewleucode aranivore (Crocidura russula)
greater white-toothed shrewmusette des sables (Crocidura russula)
greater white-toothed shrewmusaraigne musette (Crocidura russula)
greater white-toothed shrewcrocidure des sables (Crocidura russula)
greater white-toothed shrewcrocidure musette (Crocidura russula)
greater white-toothed shrewcrocidure aranivore (Crocidura russula)
Guiana white dolphinsotalia de la Guyane (Sotalia guianensis)
lesser white-nosed guenonhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus petaurista)
lesser white-nosed guenon monkeyhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus petaurista)
lesser white-toothed shrewcrocidure pygmée (Crocidura suaveolens)
lesser white-toothed shrewmusaraigne des jardins (Crocidura suaveolens)
lesser white-toothed shrewcrocidure des jardins (Crocidura suaveolens)
lesser white-toothed shrewcrocidure des champs (Crocidura suaveolens)
musk white-toothed shrewsmusaraignes à dents blanches (Crocidura)
musk white-toothed shrewscrocidures (Crocidura)
North Pacific white-sided dolphinlagénorhynque de Gill (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Pacific white-sided dolphinlagénorhynque de Gill (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Pacific white-striped dolphinlagénorhynque de Gill (Lagenorhynchus obliquidens)
Southern black-and-white colobuscolobe noir (Colobus polykomos)
Southern black-and-white colobuscolobe à longs poils (Colobus polykomos)
Southern black-and-white colobuscolobe à camail (Colobus polykomos)
Temminck's white-lined batsaccopteryx à deux raies (Saccopteryx bilineata)
West African white southernsotalia de Teusz (Sotalia teuszi)
western black-and-white colobuscolobe noir (Colobus polykomos)
western black-and-white colobuscolobe à longs poils (Colobus polykomos)
western black-and-white colobuscolobe à camail (Colobus polykomos)
white and blue foxesrenards polaires (Alopex)
white and blue foxesrenards blancs (Alopex)
white batdiclidure de fantôme (Diclidurus albus)
white-beaked porpoisedauphin à bec blanc (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)
white-beaked southerndauphin à bec blanc (Lagenorhynchus albirostris)
white bearours maritime (Ursus maritimus)
white bearours polaire (Ursus maritimus)
white bearours blanc (Ursus maritimus)
white-bearded gnugnou bleu (Connochaetes taurinus)
white-bellied duikercéphalophe à ventre blanc (Cephalophus leucogaster)
white-bellied porpoisedauphin commun (Delphinus delphis)
white-bellied porpoisedauphin des Anciens (Delphinus delphis)
white-bellied right whale southerndauphin de Péron (Lissodelphis peroni)
white-breasted water shrewmusaraigne aquatique (Neomys fodiens)
white-breasted water shrewmusaraigne ciliée (Neomys fodiens)
white-breasted water shrewmusaraigne porte-rame (Neomys fodiens)
white-breasted water shrewmusaraigne d'eau (Neomys fodiens)
white-breasted water shrewcrossope aquatique (Neomys fodiens)
white-breasted water shrewcrossope (Neomys fodiens)
white-bristled hairy armadillotatou à six bandes (Euphractus sexcinctus)
white-bristled hairy armadillostatous à six bandes (Euphractus)
white-capped sea lionlion de mer d'Australie (Neophoca cinerea)
white-cheeked mangabeymangabey à gorge blanche (Cercocebus albigena)
white-collared mangabeymangabey à collier blanc (Cercocebus torquatus)
white ear-tufted marmosetsagouin (Callithrix jacchus)
white ear-tufted marmosetouistiti (Callithrix jacchus)
white-eyelid monkeysmangabeys (Cercocebus)
white-eyelid monkeyscercocèbes (Cercocebus)
white-faced sakisaki à tête pâle (Pithecia pithecia)
white-faced sapajousapajou capucin (Cebus capucinus)
white-faced sapajousaï (Cebus capucinus)
white fin southerndauphin d'eau douce de Chine (Lipotes vexillifer)
white fishdauphin blanc (Delphinapterus leucas)
white fishbaleine blanche (Delphinapterus leucas)
white flag southerndauphin d'eau douce de Chine (Lipotes vexillifer)
white-flanked porpoisemarsouin de Dali (Phocoenoides dalli)
white-footed micesouris à pattes blanches (Peromyscus)
white foxrenard polaire (Alopex lagopus)
white foxrenard bleu (Alopex lagopus)
white foxrenard blanc (Alopex lagopus)
white foxrenard arctique (Alopex lagopus)
white-fronted capuchinsapajou à front blanc (Cebus albifrons)
white-fronted capuchinsajou à front blanc (Cebus albifrons)
white-fronted sapajousapajou à front blanc (Cebus albifrons)
white-fronted sapajousajou à front blanc (Cebus albifrons)
white-handed gibbongibbon à mains blanches (Hylobates lar)
white-handed gibbongibbon lar (Hylobates lar)
white-headed grampusdauphin de Risso (Grampus griseus)
white-headed grampusdauphin gris (Grampus griseus)
white-headed southerndauphin de Risso (Grampus griseus)
white-headed southerndauphin gris (Grampus griseus)
white-lipped marmosettamarin rouge et noir (Saguinus nigricollis)
white-lipped peccarypécari à barbe blanche (Tayassu pecari)
white-lipped tamarintamarin labié (Saguinus labiatus)
white-looted mousesouris à pattes blanches (Peromyscus leucopus)
white-naped weaselspœcilogales (Poecilogale)
white-nosed guenoncercopithèque hocheur (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed guenonhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed guenonblanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed monkeycercopithèque hocheur (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed monkeyhocheur blanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed monkeyblanc-nez (Cercopithecus nictitans)
white-nosed sakisaki à nez blanc (Chiropotes albinasus)
white porpoisedauphin blanc (Delphinapterus leucas)
white porpoisebaleine blanche (Delphinapterus leucas)
white rhinocerosrhinocéros de Burchell (Ceratotherium simum)
white rhinocerosrhinocéros blanc (Ceratotherium simum)
white rhinocerosesrhinocéros blancs (Ceratotherium)
white-shouldered marmosetouistiti à camail (Callithrix humeralifer)
white-sided bottlenosedauphin à flancs blancs (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
white-sided southerndauphin à flancs blancs (Lagenorhynchus acutus)
white southernsotalia de Chine (Sotalia chinensis)
white-tailed deercerf de Virginie (Odocoileus virginianus)
white-tailed deercariacou (Odocoileus virginianus)
white-tailed gnugnou à queue blanche (Connochaetes gnou)
white-tailed jack rabbitlièvre de Townsend (Lepus townsendii)
white-tailed mongoosemangouste à queue blanche (Ichneumia albicauda)
white-tailed mongoosesmangoustes à queue blanche (Ichneumia)
white-tailed rathamster à queue blanche (Mystromys albicaudatus)
white-tailed ratshamsters à queue blanche (Mystromys)
white-throated capuchinsapajou capucin (Cebus capucinus)
white-throated capuchinsaï (Cebus capucinus)
white-throated wood ratrat des steppes (Neotoma albigula)
white-toothed shrewmusaraigne bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
white-toothed shrewmusaraigne des champs (Crocidura leucodon)
white-toothed shrewmusaraigne leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
white-toothed shrewcrocidure étrusque (Suncus etruscus)
white-toothed shrewpachyure étrusque (Suncus etruscus)
white-toothed shrewmusaraigne étrusque (Suncus etruscus)
white-toothed shrewcrocidure blanche (Crocidura leucodon)
white-toothed shrewcrocidure leucode (Crocidura leucodon)
white-toothed shrewcrocidure bicolore (Crocidura leucodon)
white uakariouakari chauve (Cacajao calvus)
white whaledauphin blanc (Delphinapterus leucas)
white whalebaleine blanche (Delphinapterus leucas)
white whales and narwhalesmonodontidés (Monodontidae)
white-winged vampirevampire à ailes blanches (Diaemus youngi)
white-winged vampire batvampire à ailes blanches (Diaemus youngi)
white-winged vampire batsvampires à ailes blanches (Diaemus)