
Terms for subject Microsoft containing up | all forms | exact matches only
back upsauvegarder (To make a duplicate copy of a program, a disk, or data)
bottom-up estimatingestimation ascendante (A principle of good scheduling. It means having those who do the work estimate the effort, rolling up task-level estimates, and recognizing that experience is the best estimating technique)
catch-up scananalyse de mise à jour (A scan that is initiated because regularly scheduled quick scans or full scans were missed)
Clean UpNettoyer (An action that removes redundant messages from an e-mail conversation to reduce information overload and improve readability)
color look-up tabletable de correspondance des couleurs (When a graphic is created or edited, the user may specify a CLUT that corresponds with the needs of print, Web, or other destination media. In Web design, a specific CLUT of browser-safe colors is used to be certain graphics and designs will display consistently across different platforms and with different browsers)
desktop ISP sign-up offeroffre d'abonnement à un fournisseur de services Internet (A set of HTML pages that offer the end user the opportunity to sign up for Internet access. To view the offer, the end user clicks a link from the OEM link on the Start menu)
dial-up connectionconnexion d'accès à distance (A connection to other computers or to the Internet using a device that uses the telephone network)
dial-up networkingaccès réseau à distance (Connecting to other computers or to the Internet by using a modem and a telephone line)
Dial-Up NetworkingAccès à distance (A Windows CE-based application that enables remote users to connect to a network)
drill upmonter dans la hiérarchie, " drill up " (To navigate through levels of data starting with greater detail and moving to more summarized information)
face upface vers le haut (An orientation of printed paper where the printed side is away from a surface. For example, paper is face up when it is placed in a copier with the printed side away from the copying surface)
Follow UpSuivi (A button on the toolbar that opens the Form Assistant pane, where a user can create a related activity)
follow upsuivi (To act on or make further investigations on a contact or lead, on the basis of information received)
follow-up activityactivité de suivi (An activity created using the Follow Up form in the Form Assistant)
hang upraccrocher (To end a call)
Hang UpRaccrocher (A button on Audio Controls and Phone Controls that disconnects the current call)
ISP sign-up serverserveur d'abonnement à un fournisseur de services Internet (An HTTP server that automates the task of adding new customers to an ISP's customer database. The Internet sign-up server collects information from each customer, adds the information to the ISP's customer database, and then passes a configuration packet back to the customer's desktop computer. The configuration packet contains information that is used to configure the customer's Internet browser for subsequent connection to the ISP's services)
Look UpRechercher (The UI element that initiates the process of seeking a particular file or specific data. A search is carried out by a program through comparison or calculation to determine whether a match to some pattern exists or whether some other criteria have been met)
mock-upmaquette (A sketch or representation that shows the layout of the publication that you plan to create)
PAGE UP keytouche Page précédente (" A keyboard key (often labeled "PgUp") that is often used to move the cursor up to the top of the previous page or a specific number of lines. Its function may vary in different programs.")
pop-upfenêtre contextuelle (A new instance of the browser that occurs in the foreground of an html environment. Pop-up items include pop-up ads, pop-up forms, and other graphical browser-based items)
pop-up blockerbloqueur de fenêtres publicitaires (Software that prevents the display of pop-up items when browsing the Internet)
pop-up blockingblocage des fenêtres publicitaires (An Internet Explorer security feature that prevents an existing window from opening another window without explicit permission)
pop-up controlcontrôle contextuel (A control that displays content in a separate window relative to an element or point on the screen)
pop-up formformulaire contextuel (A form that stays on top of other windows. A pop-up form can be modal or modeless)
pop-up menumenu contextuel (A menu that is related to the active window or item, accessible by right-clicking the mouse)
pop-up windowfenêtre indépendante (A window that appears when an option is selected. Typically, the window remains visible until the mouse button is released)
queue upmettre en file d'attente (To add a song or other digital media item to a list of items to be played, burned, or synchronized to a device)
roll uprépéter (On the Gantt Chart, to display symbols on a summary task bar that represent subtask dates. You can roll up dates from subtasks to make important dates easily visible on a summary task bar)
roll upregrouper (To collect subsets of data from multiple locations in one location)
Scroll, Up Side-by-SideDéfilement, côte à côte vers le haut (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Scroll, Up StackedDéfilement, empilé vers le haut (A credit animation in Windows Movie Maker)
sign ups'inscrire (To enroll in a service, often resulting in setting up a new account)
sign-up addressadresse de connexion (An e-mail address that a user can create to use when they buy products online or register for updates from a Web site and don't want to use their main e-mail address)
single-level cost roll-upcumul des coûts de niveau simple (A process in which costs for the components of a bill of material are rolled up to the bill of material)
slide upglisser vers le haut (The text displayed at the bottom of a locked phone screen during an incoming call)
slide upfaire glisser vers le haut (The text displayed at the bottom of a locked phone screen during an incoming call)
Speed Up, Doubledouble (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Speed Up, DoubleAccélérer (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
Tradeshow Planning, Execution and Wrap-UpPlanification, exécution et clôture d'un salon commercial (A template used to help in planning for tradeshows)
tune-upréglage (An adjustment made to improve working order or efficiency)
tune-up scanoptimisation (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
tune up scanoptimisation (An online scan that examines a hard disk's level of fragmentation)
up-down barsbarres Haut/Bas (In line charts with multiple data series, bars that indicate the difference between data points in the first and last series)
up vectorVecteur Position haute (A vector that identifies which direction is "up" for a camera)
UPS serviceservice Onduleur (A service that manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to a computer)
UPS zonezone de transport (A geographical division used by the U.S.-based carrier, UPS, to determine shipping time and costs)
video look-up tabletable de correspondance des couleurs (When a graphic is created or edited, the user may specify a CLUT that corresponds with the needs of print, Web, or other destination media. In Web design, a specific CLUT of browser-safe colors is used to be certain graphics and designs will display consistently across different platforms and with different browsers)
wake-up packetpaquet de mise en éveil (A packet that is sent by a Configuration Manager primary site server to bring computers out of a sleep state so that they can perform a management function, such as installing a mandatory software update)
write-up adjustmentrevalorisation (An adjustment to increase the value of a fixed asset for accounting purposes)
Zoom, Up and InZoom, haut et avant (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)