
Terms for subject Microsoft containing specific | all forms | exact matches only
customer-specific volume license keyclé de licence en volume pour client spécifique (A unique volume license key used to activate a key management service (KMS) host or to enable volume software licenses to be issued and managed from Active Directory)
device-specific modulemodule spécifique au périphérique (A storage array manufacturer's module that incorporates knowledge of the manufacturer's hardware and interacts with the MPIO driver. The DSM plays a crucial role in device initialization and I/O request handling, including I/O request error handling)
domain-specific languagelangage spécifique à un domaine (A custom language that targets a problem domain and defines the problem at a high level of abstraction)
language-specificspécifique à une langue (Specific to a single language)
report-specific scheduleplanification spécifique aux rapports (Schedule defined inline with a report. Report-specific schedules are defined in the context of an individual report, subscription, or report execution operation to determine cache expiration or snapshot updates)
SQL-specific queryrequête propre à SQL (A query that consists of an SQL statement. Subqueries and pass-through, union, and data-definition queries are SQL-specific queries)