
Terms for subject Microsoft containing reversal | all forms | exact matches only
contract billing reversalcontre-passation de facturation de contrat (A process that involves reversing a credit or invoice transaction that already has been posted. This re-creates the appropriate credit or re-bill records in the Contract Line Invoice Records window. Transactions that have been reversed will be available for the next contract billing cycle)
credit reversalcontre-passation de crédit (A transaction that occurs when a credit that was previously applied is removed from a customer account)
invoice reversalcontre-passation de facture (A transaction that occurs when a charge is removed from an invoice)
revenue recognition reversalcontre-passation de reconnaissance de revenu (A process that involves reversing a posted contract revenue entry when an entry has been recognized incorrectly, or requires changes)
reversal recordenregistrement de contre-passation (A record that is created in the Contract Line Invoice Record window due to a contract billing reversal)
Scrap COGS Account Reversalcomptes de rebut de coût des marchandises vendues (A field in the RMA Type Maintenance window that indicates which account will be used as the Scrap account when the Scrap COGS Override option is set. If this field is selected, the COGS account is selected and the originating document account will be used. If the flag is not selected, the Scrap account from the RMA type will be used)