
Terms for subject Environment containing radiation | all forms | exact matches only
adaptive radiationdiversification adaptive
alpha radiation A stream of alpha particles which are ejected from many radioactive substances having a penetrating power of a few cm in air but can be stopped by a thin piece of paperrayonnement alpha
background radiation Radiation resulting from natural sources, as opposed to man-made sources, and to which people are exposed in everyday, normal life; for example from rocks and soilrayonnement ambiant
background radiationrayonnement ambiant
balance of radiationrayonnement total résultant
balance of radiationbilan radiatif
beta radiationrayonnement beta
beta radiation Name given to the ionizing radiation which is produced as a stream of high speed electrons emitted by certain types of radioactive substance when they decay. The intensity of radiation energy produced in human tissue by a beta particle is a hundred times less than that produced by an alpha radiation particle, but it travels slightly deeper into tissuerayonnement beta
beta radiationrayonnement bèta
beta radiationrayonnement bêta
cosmic radiation Radiations consisting of atomic nuclei, especially protons, of very high energy that reach the earth from outer space. Some cosmic radiations are very energetic and are able to penetrate a mile or more into the Earthrayonnement cosmique
critical pathways for the transfer of radionuclides present a major radiation hazardles voies critiques de transfert représentent un risque majeur d'irradiation
dependence of the radiation on the working life of the tubele rayonnement dépend de la duré de fonctionnement du tube
diminution of solar radiationdiminution de l'insolation
diminution of solar radiationdiminution du rayonnement solaire
diminution of solar radiationdiminution de l'ensoleillement
environmental radiation standardsnormes pour la protection de l'environnement
exposure to certain physical agents: vibration, electromagnetic radiationl'exposition à certains agents physiques: vibrations, rayonnements électromagnétiques
exposure to natural background radiationirradiations dues au fond naturel de rayonnements
fairly high X-radiation dose rates at normal operating voltagespour les tensions normales d'utilisation des débits de doses de rayons X assez élevés
gamma radiation Radiation of gamma raysrayonnement gamma
health effect of increased UV-B radiationeffet sanitaire de l'augmentation des rayonnements UV-B
infrared radiation Electron magnetic radiation whose wavelengths lie in the range from 0.75 or 0.8 micrometer to 1000 micrometersrayonnement infrarouge
ionising radiation Radiation that is capable of energizing atoms sufficiently to remove electrons from them. In this state atoms become more reactive, so that ionizing radiation increases chemical activity and in this way produces biological effects, including effects that involve alterations induced in DNA. X-rays and gamma-rays are the only electromagnetic waves that cause ionization in biological materialrayonnement ionisant
isodose curves for radiation of half-value layers of O,5 mm Alisodoses enregistrées pour le rayonnement des couches de demi-absorption de O,5 mm Al
light radiationrayonnement lumineux
natural background radiationrayonnement ambiant naturel
net radiationbilan radiatif
net radiationrayonnement total résultant
non-ionising radiation Radiation that does not change the structure of atoms but does heat tissue and may cause harmful biological effectsrayonnement non-ionisant
non-ionising radiationrayonnement non-ionisant
non-stochastic effects of ionising radiationeffets non-stochastiques des rayonnements ionisants
orphan radiation sourcesource orpheline de rayonnements
photosynthetically active radiationrayonnement photosynthétiquement actif
photosynthetically active radiationR.P.A.
polychromatic radiationrayonnement polychromatique
protection of the public against doses of radiation arising from radon in housesprotection du public contre les doses d'exposition au radon dans les habitations
radiation amplification factorcoefficient d'amplification du rayonnement
radiation balancebilan radiatif
radiation balanceéquilibre radiatif
radiation balancerayonnement total résultant
radiation budgetbilan radiatif
radiation control surveyortechnicien de mesure des rayonnements
radiation damagedégâts radio-induits
radiation damagedégât par rayonnements
radiation damagedommage dû au rayonnement
radiation damage Somatic and genetic damage to living organisms caused by exposure to ionizing radiationdommage dû au rayonnement
radiation dose The total amount of radiation absorbed by material or tissues, in the sense of absorbed dose, exposure dose, or dose equivalentdose de radiations
radiation dosedose de radiations
radiation ecologyradioécologie
radiation ecologyécologie du rayonnement
radiation effect Prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation from various sources can be harmful. Nuclear radiation from fallout from nuclear weapons or from power stations, background radiation from substances naturally present in the soil, exposure to X-rays can cause radiation sickness. Massive exposure to radiation can kill quickly and any person exposed to radiation is more likely to develop certain types of cancer than other members of the populationeffet des radiations
radiation effecteffet des radiations
radiation effectseffets des radiations
radiation exposure The act or state of being subjected to electromagnetic energy strong enough to ionize atoms thereby posing a threat to human health or the environmentexposition aux rayonnements
radiation exposureexposition aux radiations
radiation heatchaleur rayonnée
radiation monitoring The periodic or continuous surveillance or analysis of the level of radiant energy present in a given area, to determine that its prescribed amount has not been exceeded or that it meets acceptable safety standardssurveillance des radiations
radiation monitoringsurveillance des radiations
radiation physicsphysique des rayonnement
radiation physics The study of ionizing radiation and its effects on matterphysique des rayonnements
radiation protection Precautionary actions, measures or equipment implemented to guard or defend people, property and natural resources from the harmful effects of ionizing energyradioprotection
radiation protection law A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by government to establish measures to keep humans and natural resources safe from harmful exposure to energy waves released by nuclear materials, electromagnetic current and other sourcesloi relative à la protection contre le rayonnement
radiation protection lawloi relative à la protection contre le rayonnement
radiation risks at the joints between lead glass and metalrisques de rayonnement aux points d'insertion des glaces au plomb dans la tole
radiation scatteringdiffusion de rayonnement
radiation sicknessmaladies dues aux radiations
radiation sickness The complex of symptoms characterizing the disease known as radiation injury, resulting from excessive exposure of the whole body (or large part) to ionizing radiation. The earliest of these symptoms are nausea, fatigue, vomiting, and diarrhea, which may be followed by loss of hair (epilation), hemorrhage, inflammation of the mouth and throat, and general loss of energymaladie due aux radiations
radiation sicknessmaladie due aux radiations
short-wave radiationrayonnements de courte longueur d'onde
solar radiationinsolation
solar radiation The electromagnetic radiation and particles emitted by the sunrayonnement solaire
some of the damage to germinal cells by radiation may be irreversibleune partie du dommage subi par les cellules germinales à cause du rayonnement, est irréparable
the appearance of a peak in the spectrum is attributable to secondary X-radiationl'apparition d'une crête dans un spectre doit être attribuée à un rayonnement X secondaire
the cause of this abnormal radiation was the misalignment of the electrodesla cause de ces rayonnements intempestifs était un décentrage des électrodes
the intensity and quality of the X-radiation are dependent on the accelerating voltagel'intensité et la qualité du rayonnement X dépendent de la tension d'accélération
the ionising radiations reacted on an organism by a transfer of energyles rayonnements ionisants agissaient sur un organisme par un transfert d'énergie
ultraviolet radiation The part of the electromagnetic spectrum with wavelengths shorter than light but longer than x-rays; in the range of 4-400 nmrayonnement ultraviolet
ultraviolet radiationrayonnement ultraviolet d'origine solaire
ultraviolet solar radiationrayonnement ultraviolet d'origine solaire
UV-B radiationrayonnement UV-B
X-radiation emitted by television sets is of low energyles rayonnements X émis dans les téléviseurs sont de basse énergie