
Terms for subject General containing protection of fields | all forms
Committee on the Community action programme in the field of civil protectionComité du programme d'action communautaire en faveur de la protection civile
Community action programme in the field of civil protectionprogramme d'action communautaire en faveur de la protection civile
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the Community's financial interestsprogramme Hercule
Community action programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the Communityprogramme Hercule II
Multiannual programme of technical assistance and consultancy in the field of the environment, nuclear safety and civil protectionProgramme pluriannuel d'assistance technique et de conseil dans le domaine de l'environnement,de la sûreté nucléaire et de la protection civile
multiannual research and training programme for the European Atomic Energy Community in the field of radiation protection 1985 to 1989programme pluriannuel de recherche et de formation pour la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique dans le domaine de la radioprotection 1985-1989
programme to promote activities in the field of the protection of the financial interests of the European Union Hercule III programmeHercule III
Working Party on Protection of the Rights of the Individual in the Face of Developing Technical Progress in the Field of Automatic Data ProcessingGroupe de travail " Protection des droits de la personne face au développement des progrès techniques dans le domaine de l'informatique "