
Terms for subject Environment containing printing | all forms | exact matches only
printing industry A sector of the economy in which an aggregate of commercial enterprises is engaged in the reproduction of written text or images in multiple copies such as books, periodicals, newspapers or other similar formatssecteur de l'imprimerie
printing tonertoner d'impression
printing workimprimerie
printing work The art, process or business of producing reproductions of written text or images in multiple copies, in book, periodical or newspaper formats, or in other similar formatsimprimerie
printing workmarché d'impression
waste from MFSU of printing inksdéchets provenant de la FFDU d'encres d'impression
waste printing toner including cartridgesdéchets de toner d'impression y compris les cartouches
wastes from manufacture, formulation, supply and use of printing inksdéchets provenant de la FFDU d'encres d'impression
wastes from MFSU of printing inksdéchets provenant de la FFDU d'encres d'impression
Wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of coatings, paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels, adhesive, sealants and printing inksDéchets provenant de la fabrication, de la formulation, de la distribution et de l'utilisation FFDU de produits de revêtement peintures, vernis et émaux vitrifiés, mastics et encres d'impression
wastes from the manufacture, formulation, supply and use MFSU of coatings paints, varnishes and vitreous enamels, adhesives, sealants and printing inksdéchets provenant de la fabrication,de la distribution et de l'utilisationFFDUde produits de revêtementpeintures,vernis et émaux vitrifiés,mastics et encres d'impression