
Terms for subject Patents containing partie | all forms
a transfer shall only have effect vis-à-vis third parties after...un transfert n'est opposable aux tiers qu'après...
an assignment of a Community patent....shall require the signature of the parties to the contractla cession du brevet communautaire ... requiert la signature des parties au contrat
communications from the other parties or issued by the Officecommunications émanant des autres parties ou de l'Office
countries parties to the present Actpays parties au présent Acte
countries which are not parties to the Conventionpays qui n’ont point pris part à la Convention
facts, evidence and arguments provided by the partiesles moyens invoqués par les parties
grounds on which the parties concerned have had an opportunity to present their commentsdes motifs au sujet desquels les parties ont pu prendre position
instruction given to interested parties on their rightsrenseignements des interessés sur leur droit
interference between applications of different partiesinterférence entre les demandes de différentes parties
legally material declarations of the parties concerneddéclarations juridiquement importantes des intéressés
negotiation and settlement of commercial transactions for third partiesnégociation et conclusion de transactions commerciales pour le compte de tiers
novelties for partiesobjets de cotillon
order the personal appearance of the partiesordonner la comparution personnelle des parties
parties to the proceedingparties en litige
parties to the proceedingparties plaidantes
parties to the proceedingparties en cause
persons entitled to be parties to appeal proceedingspersonnes admises à être parties à la procédure
right of third partiesdroit de tiers
rights acquired by third partiesdroits acquis par des tiers
settlement between two parties in a lawsuitcompromis judiciaire
settlement between two parties in a lawsuitaccommodement entre déux parties litigantes
Statements of the partiesallégations des parties
submissions of the Partiesargumentation des parties
summon and hear the interested partiesciter et entendre les intéressés
the amount payable by the States parties to this Conventionle montant à payer par les Etats parties à la présente Convention
the appeal may be filed by the parties to the proceedingsle recours est ouvert à chacune des parties ayant participé à la procédure
the consent of the partiesl’accord des parties
the cost incurred by the partiesles frais que les parties ont dû supporter
the cost incurred by the partiesles frais que les parties ont dû faire
the decision shall be notified to the partiesla décision est signifiée aux parties
the parties concernedles parties
the parties sentenced shall be liable as joint debtorsles personnes condamnées répondent solidairement de la dette
the parties shall be given leave to speakla parole est donnée aux parties
the rights acquired by third parties shall continue to be effectiveles droits acquis par des tiers ... conservent leurs effets
third partiestierce personne