
Terms for subject Microsoft containing in | all forms | exact matches only
add-incomplément, macro complémentaire (A supplemental program that can extend the capabilities of an application program)
add-in-side adapteradaptateur côté complément (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains one or more classes, and converts data to and from the add-in view and the contract. Depending on the direction of the call, the adapter is either converting from a view to a contract or from a contract to a view)
add-in viewvue de complément (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the add-in's view of the methods and types used to communicate with a host)
all-in-one card readerlecteur de cartes tout-en-un (A flash card reader with slots that support the majority of card formats without the need of either a camera adaptor or external power)
Allow Users to Log in to Spam Quarantine optionoption Autoriser les utilisateurs à se connecter à la mise en quarantaine du courrier indésirable (The option on the Spam Quarantine page that controls access to the Spam Quarantine Web site for a specific user)
application-level add-incomplément de niveau application (A supplemental program that modifies or adds functionality to an existing program or application. The modifications are available to the application at all times)
argument mode (A mode in the Monad parser in which everything is treated as an expandable string unless it starts with $,mode argument
billings in excess of earningsfacturation au-delà des revenus (The currency amount that you have billed that exceeds the amount of revenue that has been recognized. BIEE is shown as a credit in the chart of accounts)
browser plug-inplug-in de navigateur (A kind of software that lets a standard web browser display and run specific types of content, such as media files, animations, and interactive forms)
built-inprédéfini (Pertaining to a source category of logging fields that is included by default in IIS Advanced Logging and which cannot be edited)
built-in administratorcompte Administrateur intégré (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
built-in administrator accountcompte Administrateur intégré (On Windows-based computers, a user account that is a member of the computer's local Administrators group or a member of a group that is a member of the local Administrators group, such as the Domain Admins group in a Windows domain. This is the first account that is created when you install an operating system on a new workstation, stand-alone server, or member server. By default, this account has the highest level of administrative access to the local computer)
built-in experienceexpérience intégrée (An experience that ships natively in Win8 and that vendors can extend - e.g. print, mobile broadband)
built-in functionsfonctions intégrées (A group of predefined functions provided as part of the Transact-SQL and Multidimensional Expressions languages)
built-in groupgroupe prédéfini (A default security group installed with the operating system. Built-in groups have been granted useful collections of rights and built-in abilities)
built-in menumenu prédéfini (A menu that is available by default in an application; it is not created by the user)
built-in role groupgroupe de rôles intégré (A role group that ships by default as opposed to a customized role group that a admin would customize specifically for the needs of their organization)
built-in stylestyle prédéfini (The formatting attributes that are available by default in an application's style list)
built-in toolbarbarre d'outils intégrée (A toolbar that is part of an application when it's installed on your computer)
cache plug-inplug-in en cache (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to provide cache and proxy support for another Windows Media server)
certificates snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable Certificats (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to manage certificate stores for users, computers, and services)
certification authority snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable Autorité de certification (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to configure and manage certification authorities)
Change Sign-In Account...Modifier le compte de connexion... (An item on the Connect menu that opens the Accounts tab of the Options dialog box, where the user can change sign-in name and Communicator server information)
check insignaler (" To indicate that a user is in a certain place or location. Users "check in" to a physical place to share their location with their friends. ")
check insignaler sa localisation (" To indicate that a user is in a certain place or location. Users "check in" to a physical place to share their location with their friends. ")
check inarchiver (To place a file or project back in a source repository. This releases the lock for editing and enables other users to view the updated file or check out the file)
check inenregistrer (To save the changes in a runbook to the database)
check-in notenote d'archivage (A comment associated with a changeset that is added during the check-in process by prompting the user for specific data)
check-in policystratégie d'archivage (A policy that provides the ability to validate compliance with organizational rules for a team project)
check-in testtest de vérification (A test run by a developer to determine whether his code has affected the general stability of the product)
client in-band provisioningmise en service intrabande d'un client (A mechanism whereby the server (and/or admin) can configure a client in accordance with infrastructure and policy requirements)
COM add-incomplément COM (A supplemental program with the filename extension .dll or .exe that extends the capabilities of a program by adding custom commands and specialized features)
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft Office OutlookComplément de conférence pour Microsoft Office Outlook (A Microsoft Outlook add-in that allows you to schedule a Live Meeting or Lync or Office Communicator conference call from Outlook)
Conferencing Add-in for Microsoft OutlookComplément de conférence pour Microsoft Outlook (A Microsoft Outlook add-in that allows you to schedule a Live Meeting or Lync or Office Communicator conference call from Outlook)
control protocol plug-inplug-in de protocole de contrôle (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to communicate with clients and other servers through different network protocols)
custom plug-inplug-in personnalisé (A type of plug-in created by a third-party vendor that is tightly integrated with the Windows Media Services platform architecture)
data source plug-inplug-in source de données (A type of plug-in that enables a Windows Media server to use different storage systems)
dial-in conferencingConférence rendez-vous (A feature that merges public switched telephone network (PSTN) and Voice over IP (VoIP) conferences, which allows participants to dial in to a conference from anywhere as an authenticated user without having to be on the corporate network. Typically, a local number is provided to avoid long-distance fees)
dial in manuallycomposer manuellement un numéro (Dial in to the audio conferencing provider from your physical telephone when the audio conferencing provider service cannot call you)
dial-in permissionpermission d'appel (Permission to access a network remotely)
Digital Imaging and Communications in MedicineCommunications et imagerie numériques en médecine (A non-proprietary data interchange protocol, digital image format, and file structure standard for biomedical images)
Display Emoticons in Instant MessagesAfficher les émoticônes dans les messages instantanés (An item on the Edit menu that converts specific text strings to emoticons in instant messages)
earnings in excess of billingsbénéfices au-delà de la facturation (The currency amount that you have earned that exceeds the amount that you have billed. EIEB is shown as a debit in the chart of accounts)
ease inaccélérer (To modify how the property value changes as time approaches the keyframe. A value of 100% would make the property change slow down as time approached the keyframe)
Ease InAtténuer + (A filter effect in Windows Movie Maker)
ease-in interpolationinterpolation avec accélération (A kind of animation interpolation that modifies how the property value changes as time approaches the keyframe. A value of 100% would make the property change slow down as time approached the keyframe)
e-mail as sign in IDidentifiant EASI ID (A Windows Live ID created in a domain, and using the domain name, before the domain was enrolled in Outlook Live. After the Windows Live ID is imported into the Outlook Live domain, it is subject to the security and privacy policies of the organization)
Enable device syncing in Digital Image LibraryActiver la synchronisation du périphérique dans l'Album photo (A checkbox that turns the Device Syncing feature on or off. If it is off, no UI is exposed to the user)
Excel add-incomplément Excel (Components that can be installed on your computer to add commands and functions to Excel. These add-in programs are specific to Excel. Other add-in programs that are available for Excel or Office are Component Object Model (COM) add-ins)
Excel add-inmacro complémentaire Excel (Components that can be installed on your computer to add commands and functions to Excel. These add-in programs are specific to Excel. Other add-in programs that are available for Excel or Office are Component Object Model (COM) add-ins)
Fade, In and OutApparition, disparition en fondu (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Failover Cluster Management snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable Gestion du cluster de basculement (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 operating system)
Failover Cluster Manager snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable Gestionnaire du cluster de basculement (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster running the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system)
failover cluster snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable du cluster de basculement (A Microsoft Management Console (MMC) snap-in that is used to validate failover cluster configurations, create and manage failover clusters, and migrate certain settings to a cluster)
fill in the blank questionquestion avec espace à compléter (A type of question (for example, in a poll, survey or test) where the user must enter a response in the blank space or spaces provided)
first inméthode d'évaluation du stock du premier entré
first inpremier sorti
first inpremier entré
Fly InRentrer
Fly InSortir
Fly In, FadesRentrer (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Fly In, Fadesfondus (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Fly In, Left and RightRentrer, gauche et droite (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
Fly In, Top LeftRentrer, haut gauche (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
gated check-inarchivage contrôlé (A feature that enables you to validate changes before you check them in. Gated check-in builds the code and runs the necessary tests. If the build succeeds, it lets you check in your changes. Otherwise, it rejects them)
goods in transitmarchandises en transit (Items that have been dispatched from the shipping location but have not yet arrived at the delivery location)
Hold InMettre en attente (A UI element referring to a descriptor for a type of keyframe, known as discrete keyframe, that does not interpolate to its own value from the value of the keyframe before it (as most keyframes do). A keyframe exists at a keytime. Clicking Hold In causes the keyframe to maintain (or hold), until its own keytime, the value of the keyframe before it. Only when the keyframe's keytime is reached does it apply its own value and it does so instantaneously. The value (or time) curve would therefore be a flat line with an immediate vertical step at the keytime of the Hold In keyframe)
host view of the add-invue hôte du complément (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
IEEE Standard Protocol for Authentication in Host Attachments of Transient Storage DevicesIEEE 1667 (The IEEE industry standard that defines methods for authenticating transient removable storage devices (e.g. USB flash drives, memory cards, and portable hard disks) when they are mounted to host computers in corporate, government, academic, and other environments)
2-in-12-en-1 (A computer that has properties both of a tablet and a laptop)
in a callEn communication (Pertaining to a user engaged in a phone conversation)
In a conferenceEn conférence (The status label that indicates that a user is speaking with more than one person via phone)
In a meetingEn réunion (The status label that indicates that a user has an accepted current meeting, marked Busy, on his or her calendar)
In a meetingEn réunion (The status label that indicates that a user has an accepted current meeting, marked Busy, on his or her calendar)
in-air packetpaquet in-air (A pen input event which is created when a user moves a pen near the tablet and the cursor is within the ink collector object's window or the user moves a mouse within the ink collector object's associated window)
in-app offeroffre dans l'application (A feature that a developer provides in an app for consumers to buy from within the app through an in-app purchase transaction)
in-app purchaseachat in-app (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
in-app purchaseachat dans l'appli (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
in-app purchaseachat dans l'application (A transaction performed by a consumer from within the context of an app to buy additional features for that app)
in-app searchrecherche dans l'application (An end-to-end search functionality in an app)
in-app search controlcontrôle de recherche dans l'application (A control that developers use to implement the primary entry point for in-app search)
in-band accessaccès intrabande (Access to host via a connection that does use the IP Network)
in-box driverpilote fourni avec Windows (A driver contained in the default Windows installation)
In-call alert volumeVol. alerte en cours d'appel (An option that allows the user to predetermine the volume of alert sounds generated by the device during a call)
in call volumevolume en cours d'appel (The volume that can be changed during a call)
in collectionDans la collection (The title of a screen showing a list of all digital media (including music and videos) from Xbox Music that can be played on the phone)
in collectiondans collection (The title of a screen showing a list of all digital media (including music and videos) from Xbox Music that can be played on the phone)
in-country number formatformat de numéro de téléphone national (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
in-country/region number formatformat de numéro de téléphone régional/national (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
in-country/region number formatformat de numéro de téléphone national (The string that is used to define how to create an in-country/region number to use when making calls from a dial plan)
in-houseen interne, en entreprise (Produced or available within one's own company)
in-memory metabasemétabase en mémoire (An image of the Internet Information Services (IIS) metabase that has been loaded from disk into the computer's random access memory (RAM) and is used while IIS is running)
in-person authenticationauthentification physique (Physical authentication to complete a certificate request transaction. For example, an end user requesting his/her personal identification number (PIN) be unblocked will visit a certificate manager in person to provide in-person authentication with identification, such as an employee badge or drivers license)
In-Place Holdarchive permanente (A feature that allows for preservation of content documents, pages, and messages in Exchange and SharePoint so that when they are modified or deleted, the original version can still be accessed for electronic discovery and other legal purposes)
in-processIn-process (A host type that operates within the BizTalk Server process space. Any orchestration can be enlisted to an in-process host, and any send handler can be hosted by it. In-process hosts can only host receive handlers for in-process hosts (File and MSMQT))
in progressen cours (Pertaining to a scheduled service activity status that denotes that the service activity is being performed)
in-schema propertypropriété intra-schéma (A metabase property predefined in the metabase schema file)
in-stocken stock (Describes an item that is in inventory in a quantity above the Stock-Out Threshold)
in-transit lead timedélai de transport (The lead time required for an item to leave the shipping party and arrive at the receiving party)
IntelliSense in ZoneIntelliSense par zone (A Visual Basic IntelliSense feature that displays certain items in the statement completion list in a different color if they do not have enough permission to run in the security zone specified. This design-time support allows you to run applications in partial trust)
IP-in-IP tunnelTunnel IP-in-IP/tunnel IP dans IP (The encapsulation of an IP multicast datagram within an IP unicast datagram, so as to forward information between endpoints in an IP internetwork that have differing capabilities, thus acting as a logical link between the endpoints)
just-in-timejuste-à-temps (Pertaining to something that happens when it becomes necessary)
just-in-time compilationcompilation juste-à-temps (The compilation that converts Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) into machine code at the point when the code is required at run time)
just-in-time compilercompilateur juste-à-temps (A compiler takes the Java bytecode (which is machine-independent) and compiles it on demand into native code for the target machine, giving faster execution. Since JIT compilers operate on the client machine, they preserve the platform-independence of the compiled Java program)
just-in-time debuggingdébogage juste-à-temps (A technique that catches faults that occur while the program is running outside the development environment. You must set this option in the development environment before executing your program)
Keep your life in syncRestez synchrone (" In this context, "your life" refers to the user's digital information and goods (photos, contacts, music, email/messages, and apps/games). To be "in sync" means to be "synchronized" or "harmonious." This string, therefore, means that Windows Phone will keep users' important information and belongings synchronized in one place, while at the same time helping keep their life organized and harmonious.")
Keep your life in syncRestez synchronisé (" In this context, "your life" refers to the user's digital information and goods (photos, contacts, music, email/messages, and apps/games). To be "in sync" means to be "synchronized" or "harmonious." This string, therefore, means that Windows Phone will keep users' important information and belongings synchronized in one place, while at the same time helping keep their life organized and harmonious.")
last in, first out inventory valuation methodméthode d'évaluation du stock du dernier entré, premier sorti (An inventory valuation method in which inventory that is received most recently is considered sold or used first for accounting purposes)
man-in-the-middle attackattaque de l'intercepteur (A security attack in which an attacker intercepts and possibly modifies data that is transmitted between two users. The attacker pretends to be the other person to each user. In a successful man-in-the-middle attack the users are unaware that there is an attacker between them intercepting and modifying their data)
Mathematics Add-inComplément mathématique (An add-in for Word and OneNote that helps users to perform mathematical calculations and plot graphs in their Word documents and OneNote notebooks)
media parser plug-inplug-in de lecture multimédia (A type of plug-in that that can read different file formats)
membership in a groupappartenance à un groupe (A user's status as a member of a group)
Microsoft Online Services Sign InMicrosoft Online Services - Connexion (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In Add-OnModule d'authentification Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that updates the Microsoft Online Services ID Sign-In Assistant to work with other Office programs)
Microsoft Online Services Sign In ApplicationMicrosoft Online Services - Application de connexion (The application that is installed on a Microsoft Online Services end user's computer to provide a single sign-in point for Microsoft Online Services)
Microsoft Online Services Sign-In AssistantAssistant de connexion Microsoft Online Services (A required update for Microsoft Online Services that enables your computer's sign-in functionality for multiple Microsoft Online Services IDs)
Monitoring Plug-in for Report Designerplug-in de contrôle du Générateur de rapports (A data processing extension (DPE) that is deployed to Report Designer, a Visual Studio component. This DPE allows Report Designer to communicate with the Monitoring System database and allows Visual Studio users to customize the PerformancePoint Monitoring metadata that is contained within reports)
object in stateobjet dans état (In an activity diagram, an object that is manipulated by a number of successive activities. Each appearance of the object indicates a different phase in its life)
Online Responder snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable Répondeur en ligne (A snap-in that allows you to configure and manage revocation configurations and Online Responder Arrays to support public key infrastructure (PKI) clients in diverse environments)
opt inJ'accepte (To explicitly consent to participate. Typically used in marketing programs and offerings, whereby an action (such as the use of personal information beyond the original, primary purpose for which it was collected) is not undertaken unless an individual explicitly consents. An element of choice)
Organization Chart Add-in for Microsoft® Office programsComplément Organigramme pour programmes Microsoft® Office (Microsoft supplemental software that enables users to create and edit organization charts in Microsoft Office programs)
Outlook add-incomplément Outlook (A tool that enables the integration of an application with Outlook)
PerformancePoint Add-in for Excelcomplément PerformancePoint pour Excel (A component that is installed on your computer to add PerformancePoint Planning commands and functions to Excel. It takes, as input, disparate enterprise information portal (EIP) and line-of-business (LOB) data, which is collected by using PerformancePoint Planning models)
picture-in-pictureimage en incrustation (A small, inset, secondary video window displayed inside the main video window)
PIN sign-inconnexion par code confidentiel (The capability to sign in to a PC by using a four-digit code)
place in service datedate de mise en service (The date that an asset is ready and available for service)
Play in Backgroundexécuter en arrière-plan (An audio style that sets your audio to play in the background as a soundtrack to your presentation)
playlist parser plug-inplug-in de lecture de sélections (A type of plug-in that parses system or custom playlist formats and transforms them into SMIL-compliant XML DOM objects supported by Windows Media Services)
point-in-time planplan ultérieur (A compensation plan that is calculated against a base figure taken at a particular point in time. Long-term incentives, such as stock option awards, are often calculated in this way)
point-in-time recoveryrécupération jusqu`à une date et heure (The process of recovering only the transactions within a log backup that were committed before a specific point in time, instead of recovering the whole backup)
PowerPoint add-incomplément PowerPoint (An optional Live Meeting tool that allows users to create Live Meeting slides and add a presenter photo as part of a Microsoft PowerPoint file)
RD Session Host server running in redirection modeserveur Hôte de session Bureau à distance exécuté en mode redirection (An RD Session Host server running in redirection mode)
Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service A proposed Internet protocol in which an authentication server provides authorization and authentication information to a network server to which a user is attempting to linkprotocole RADIUS (Remote Authentication Dial-In User Service)
Sign InSe connecter (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
Sign InSe connecter (A UI element that creates a user session or establishes user access to a service)
sign-ininfos d'identification (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
sign-inidentification (The credentials (user name and password) that a person uses to gain access to a service, network server, etc)
sign-in allowed usersconnecter les utilisateurs autorisés (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in privileges allowed. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
Sign in asStatut de connexion (The label for the list that enables a user to select a status before signing in. Possible status options are Available, Busy, Do Not Disturb, and so on)
sign-in blocked usersconnecter les utilisateurs bloqués (A set of users of Office 365 who have their sign-in priveleges blocked. It is also the name of a view in the users and groups section of Office 365)
sign-in infoinfos de connexion (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in informationinformations de connexion (Information that includes identification and proof of identification that is used to gain access to local and network resources. Examples of credentials are user names and passwords, smart cards, and certificates)
sign-in namenom de connexion (The ID that the user enters to sign in to Lync or Communicator)
signed inconnecté (Pertaining to an agent who is both subscribed to a group and actively taking calls for that group. While groups can be defined to automatically sign in agents, others allow the agent to specify whether he/she is signed in)
Silverlight plug-inplug-in Silverlight (A plug-in that users download to run a Silverlight-based application in their browser. This term also refers to the component embedded in a Web page that renders Silverlight content)
snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable (A type of tool that you can add to a console supported by Microsoft Management Console (MMC). A stand-alone snap-in can be added by itself; an extension snap-in can be added only to extend the function of another snap-in)
Spin, InTourner (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
standalone snap-incomposant logiciel enfichable autonome (A snap-in that can by itself comprise a snap-in console)
switch in tabletable d'insertion (The staging table the user wants to use to switch in their data. The staging table needs to be created before switching partitions with the Manage PartitionsWizard.)
Time-Based In-Place HoldArchive permanente à durée définie (A feature that provides the ability to keep SharePoint items on In-Place Hold for a specific time period)
Visual Studio Plug-inplug-in Visual Studio (A plug-in on a developer system, with which you can access the actual line of defective source code via Microsoft Visual Studio .NET)
Windows Live Sign-in AssistantAssistant de connexion Windows Live (The helper program that can store sign-in information for multiple Windows Live IDs)
Word Add-in Librarybibliothèque de compléments Word (A stand-alone, dynamic-link library that, when loaded, can add custom commands that extend the functionality of Microsoft Word. Commands and functions in a loaded WLL are also available to Microsoft Visual Basic projects)
work in processtravaux en cours, encours (Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory)
work in processtravaux en cours (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
work in process calculationcalcul de travaux en cours (The value (hours) posted to the balance sheet as a project progresses. The WIP calculation applies to fixed-price projects, time and material projets and investment projects)
work in progresstravaux en cours (Material that is in some stage of the manufacturing process, from raw material issued to a production order to a manufactured product ready for acceptance into inventory)
work in progressTravaux en cours (An item under current assets in the balance sheet that represents work in progress in some stage of the manufacturing process)
write-in productproduit hors catalogue (A product that is manually added to quotes, orders, and invoices rather than selected from the Microsoft Dynamics CRM product catalog)
Zoom, InZoom avant (A credit or title animation in Windows Movie Maker)
zoom inzoom avant (To enlarge a selected portion of a graphical image or document to fill a window or the screen)
Zoom, Up and InZoom, haut et avant (A title animation in Windows Movie Maker)