
Terms for subject Environment containing flat | all forms | exact matches only
flat faretarif unique
flat faretarif forfaitaire
flat-headed catchat à tête plane (Prionailurus planiceps)
flat-rate assessmentévaluation forfaitaire
flat-rate assessmentmesure forfaitaire
flat rate faretarif unique
mud flat A relatively level area of fine silt along a shore (as in a sheltered estuary) or around an island, alternately covered and uncovered by the tide, or covered by shallow watervasière
mud flatvasière
oyster flatgisement huîtrier
oyster flatbanc d'huîtres
oyster flatgisement d'huîtres
oyster flathuîtrière
sand flat A sandy tidal flat barren of vegetation. A tidal flat is an extensive, nearly horizontal, marshy or barren tract of land that is alternately covered and uncovered by the tide, and consisting of unconsolidated sediment (mostly mud and sand). It may form the top surface of a deltaic depositreplat sableux
sand flatreplat sableux
sandstone flatsplatière gréseuse
tidal mud flatvasière intertidale