
Terms for subject Environment containing extraction | all forms | exact matches only
aggregate extraction Extraction of crushed rock or gravel screened to sizes for use in road surfaces, concretes, or bituminous mixesextraction de granulat
aggregate extractionextraction de granulat
dust extractionlutte contre les poussières
dust extractiondépoussiérage
environmental impact of the process of extraction by solventsimpact environnemental du processus d'extraction par dissolvants
extraction of fumesextraction des fumées
extraction of lindaneextraction du lindane
extraction of noble metalsextraction des métaux nobles
extraction of raw materialsextraction de matières premières
fume extractionévacuation des fumées
fume extractionaspiration des fumées
gas extraction devicesdispositifs d'évacuation des gaz
gas extraction devicesdispositifs d'aspiration des gaz résiduaires
gas extraction systemsystème d'extraction des gaz
gravel extraction Obtaining a mixture of coarse sand and small water- worn or pounded stones, (used for paths and roads and as an aggregate) from the earthextraction de gravier
groundwater extraction The process, deliberate or inadvertent, of extracting ground water from a source at a rate so in excess of the replenishment that the ground water level declines persistently, threatening exhaustion of the supply or at least a decline of pumping levels to uneconomic depthspuisage des eaux souterraines
groundwater extractionpuisage des eaux souterraines
mineral extractionextraction de mineraux
mineral extractionextraction de minéraux
mineral extraction The process of extracting metallic or nonmetallic mineral deposits from the Earthextraction de mineraux
natural gas extraction The tapping of natural gas from wells located under the sea and in general from underground sources often in association with petroleum deposits; it is used as a fuel, having largely replaced coal-gas for this purpose, and as a source of intermediates for organic synthesisextraction de gaz naturel
natural gas extractionextraction de gaz naturel
oil extractionextraction de pétrole
oil extraction Recovery of oil by surface mining, as in tar sands or oil shales, or from tunnels in a shallow reservoirextraction de pétrole
peat extraction Peat is obtained from peat bogs by cutting it from the earth; it is then formed into briquettes, which can be used as fuel. Peat may be found in layers several metres thick. In some countries peat-fired generating stations for electricity are in use. Peat is also used as a soil conditionerextraction de tourbe
peat extractionextraction de tourbe
residue from raw-materials extractionrésidu d'extraction
sand extraction The extraction of sand by mining for building purposes and for the extraction of heavy minerals such as rutile and zirconextraction de sable
soil vacuum extractionextraction de la vapeur du sol
soil vapor extractionextraction de la vapeur du sol
ultrasonic extractionextraction par sonification
unused extractionextraction inutilisée
wastes from solvent extractiondéchets de l'extraction aux solvants
water extraction Pumping of water for different purposes (i.e. agriculture, land reclamation, domestic and industrial use, etc.)extraction d'eau