
Terms for subject Environment containing earth | all forms | exact matches only
acid earthplanète acide
Conference on the Planet EarthSommet de la Terre
Conference on the Planet EarthConférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement
Conference on the Planet EarthConférence de la Terre
cooling effect on the earth's atmosphereeffet de refroidissement sur l'atmosphère terrestre
diatomaceous earth filterfiltre à diatomées
Earth CharterCharte verte
Earth CharterCharte de la Terre
earth crustcroûte terrestre
Earth Dayjournée de la terre
Earth Dayjour de la terre
earth fire wallmur pare-feu en terre
Earth HourEarth Hour
Earth Hour60 minutes pour la planète
earth incrementaccroissement du patrimoine planétaire
earth incrementsupplément Terre
earth observationobservation de la terre
Earth Observationobservation de la terre
earth resource surveyécographie
earth's capacity to absorbcapacité d'absorption de la terre
earth's crust The outer layers of the Earth's structure, varying between 6 and 48 km in thickness, and comprising all the material above the Mohorovicic Discontinuity (a seismic discontinuity occurring between the crust of the earth and the underlying mantle; the discontinuity occurs at an average depth of 35 km below the continents and at about 10 km below the oceans). The earlier idea of a cool solid skin overlaying a hot molten interior has now been replaced by a concept of a crust composed of two shells: an inner basic unit composed of sima (oceanic crust) and an outer granitic unit composed of sial (continental crust)croûte terrestre
earth science The science that deals with the earth or any part thereof; includes the disciplines of geology, geography, oceanography and meteorology, among otherssciences de la terre
earth sciencesciences de la terre
Earth SummitConférence de la Terre
Earth Summit '92Conférence des Nations unies sur l'environnement et le développement
Earth Summit '92Sommet Planète Terre
Earth SummitConférence des Nations Unies sur l'environnement
Earth Summit '92Sommet de la Terre
Earth SummitSommet de la Terre
Earth-Sun relationship The Earth depends on the sun for its existence as a planet hospitable to life, and solar energy is the major factor determining the climate. Hence, conditions on the sun and conditions on Earth are inextricably linked. Although the sun's rays may appear unchanging, its radiation does vary. Many scientists suspect that sunspot activity has a greater influence on climatic change than variations attributed to the greenhouse effectrelations Terre-Soleil
Earth-Sun relationshipsrelations Terre-Soleil
European Earth monitoring programmeprogramme de l'Union pour l'observation et la surveillance de la Terre
European Earth monitoring programmeCopernicus
European Earth Observation Programmeprogramme de l'Union pour l'observation et la surveillance de la Terre
European Earth Observation ProgrammeCopernicus
European Earth Observation Systemsystème européen d'observation de la terre
Friends of the EarthRéseau International des Amis de la Terre
Friends of the EarthLes Amis de la Terre
Friends of the Earth FoEles Amis de la Terre
Friends of the EarthAmis de la Terre
Friends of the Earth InternationalRéseau International des Amis de la Terre
Friends of the Earth InternationalAmis de la terre International
Friends of the Earth InternationalLes Amis de la Terre
Friends of the Earth NetherlandsAssociation pour la protection de l'environnement
gradual warming of the earthéchauffement progressif de la terre
International Year of Planet EarthAnnée internationale de la planète Terre
mineral rock and earths industryindustrie des terres et des roches minérales
red earthargile rouge
Union Earth observation and monitoring programmeprogramme de l'Union pour l'observation et la surveillance de la Terre
Union Earth observation and monitoring programmeCopernicus