
Terms for subject General containing disturbance | all forms | exact matches only
an agreement between the government and trade unions 27 May, 1968 improving wages and working conditions and aimed at ending workers' support for student disturbancesles accords de Grenelle
anti-disturbance fusedispositif antiperturbation
cause a disturbancesemer le désordre
civil disturbancetroubles publics
civil disturbancestroubles civils
disturbance of the peace at nighttapage nocturne
disturbance speciesplante nuisible
disturbance speciesplante parasite
disturbance speciesplante adventice
disturbance to the functioning of the common marketperturbations du fonctionnement du marché commun
ego disturbancedépersonnalisation du moi
fat metabolism disturbancealtération des cellules graisseuses du tissu sous-cutané
for causing a public disturbancepour scandale sur la voie publique
in the event of serious internal disturbances affecting the maintenance of law and orderen cas de troubles intérieurs graves affectant l'ordre public
sight disturbance, perturbed visionperturbation visuelle
-to create a disturbance during the proceedingstroubler la séance très gravement