
Terms for subject Microsoft containing date | all forms | exact matches only
acquisition datedate d'acquisition (The date that an asset is acquired)
active datedate d'activation (The date at which something goes into effect or becomes applicable)
anniversary datedate anniversaire (The calendar date which signifies the date on which an event occurred in some previous year)
app proceeds to daterevenu de l'application à la date (Receipts after the Windows Store fee has been subtracted)
begin datedate de début (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
best before dateDLUO (A recommended date for obtaining the optimum quality or characteristic of a product)
capture datedate de capture (The date when a digital photograph was taken)
check datedate du chèque (The date on the check)
close datedate de cloture (The date on which an opportunity is closed, either because it resulted in a sale or was unsuccessful)
close datedate de fermeture (The date on which an opportunity is closed, either because it resulted in a sale or was unsuccessful)
confirmed receipt datedate de réception confirmée (The date the selling company confirms that a customer or vendor will receive the goods)
confirmed ship datedate d'expédition confirmée (The date that the selling party confirms that the items will ship to a customer or vendor)
cycle end datedate de fin de cycle (The defined end of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
cycle start datedate de début de cycle (The defined beginning of a period of time during which cycle items are active and can be acted upon)
date expressionexpression de date (Any expression that can be interpreted as a date. This includes any combination of date literals, numbers that look like dates, strings that look like dates, and dates returned from functions)
date literallittéral de date (Any sequence of characters with a valid format that is surrounded by number signs (). Valid formats include the date format specified by the locale settings for your code or the universal date format)
Date NavigatorNavigateur de dates (The small calendar that displays the current month in Calendar. It provides a quick and easy way to move appointments and to view other dates)
date period codecode période par date (A code that represents a period of time measured by starting and ending dates)
date pickersélecteur de dates (A control that developers use to allow a user to select a date)
date picker controlcontrôle sélecteur de dates (A control that developers use to allow a user to select a date)
date rangeplage de dates (The time span between the start and end dates)
date separatorséparateur de date (A character that is used to separate the day, month, and year when date values are formatted. The characters are determined by system settings or by the Format function)
Date/TimeDate/Heure (A data type used to hold date and time information)
deadline datedate d'échéance (A target date that indicates when you want a task to be completed and allows you to track the status of the task against that target without imposing a constraint on the schedule)
dispatch datedate de répartition (The date that a technician leaves a site to travel to the location of a service call)
disposal datedate de cession (The date that an asset is sold or discarded)
due datedate d'échéance (The date by which some task or action should be completed)
due dateéchéance (The date by which some task or action should be completed)
early finish datefin au plus tôt (The earliest date that a task could possibly finish, based on early finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, other constraints, and any leveling delay)
effective datedate d'effet (The date at which something goes into effect or becomes applicable)
end datedate de fin (The date on which a schedule or task ends)
end date-basedbasé sur la date de fin (Pertaining to a computer running FlexGo technology that meters computer usage until a defined usage expiration date. The usage expiration date can be extended by days or months, on a recurring basis)
end date parameterparamètre date de fin (A parameter to set an end date)
expiration datedate d'expiration (The date after which information or a resource is no longer valid)
Expiration Date optionoption Date d'expiration (An option on the Policy Filter page for setting an expiration date. This option can be specified for any policy rule)
finish datedate de fin (The date that a project or task is scheduled to be completed. This date is based on the task's start date, duration, calendars, predecessor dates, task dependencies, and constraints)
fixed datedate fixe (A date to which a task is tied either because the date was entered in the Actual Start or Actual Finish field or because the task is constrained by an inflexible constraint)
futures datedate au plus tôt (An order due date, generated by master scheduling, that is based on lead times for all levels of an item)
International Date Line West A standardized time zone where the local time is 12 hours earlier than Coordinated Universal Time/Greenwich Mean TimeLigne de changement de date internationale (Ouest)
item expiration datedate d'expiration de l'article (The date after which an item is no longer usable)
item expiration datedate péremption article (The date after which an item is no longer usable)
Last Modified Date/TimeDate/heure de dernière modification (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
Last Modified Date/TimeDate/heure dernière modification (The timestamp of the most recent modification of a Navision entity. The modified entries are retrieved from the Change Log. If the Last Modified Date/Time is older than the last synchronization time, then entities will not be synchronized. If The Last Modified Date/Time is more recent, the synchronization will be performed)
late finish datefin au plus tard (The latest date that a task can finish without delaying the finish of the project. It is based on the task's late start date, as well as the late start and late finish dates of predecessor and successor tasks, and other constraints)
late start datedébut au plus tard (The last possible date a task could be started if all predecessor and successor tasks also start and finish on their late start and late finish dates)
long datedate longue (The standard long formats to display a date)
long datedate au format long (The standard long formats to display a date)
monthly reset dateremise à zéro mensuelle (A setting where the user provides the date when their monthly data usage resets to 0)
monthly reset datedate de remise à 0 mensuelle (A setting where the user provides the date when their monthly data usage resets to 0)
opening datedate d'ouverture (The date on which an opening balance is entered)
physical datedate physique (The date a transaction physically occurred, such as the date that an item was received)
place in service datedate de mise en service (The date that an asset is ready and available for service)
posting datedate comptabilisation (The date that a transaction is recorded)
posting datedate de report (The date that a transaction is recorded)
posting datedate de validation (The date that a transaction is recorded)
Preparation of an Opening Balance Sheet at the Date of Transition to IFRSPréparation d'un bilan d'ouverture à la date de transition aux normes IFRS (A template that addresses, from a Finance & Accounting perspective, the significant activities required of companies to prepare their opening balance sheet at the date of transition to IFRS within the context of a conversion from previous Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) to International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS))
program anniversary datedate anniversaire du programme (The calendar date which marks the enrollment of a partner into the Microsoft Partner Program, including payment of any applicable membership fees)
receipt datedate de réception (The date transferred goods are received in a warehouse. Receipt date applies to transfer orders)
relative datedate relative (A range of dates that is specified by using comparison operators and return data for a range of dates)
requested receipt datedate de réception demandée (The date a customer or vendor requests that goods be received)
requested ship datedate d'expédition demandée (The date that the selling party should ship items to meet the customer's or vendor's requested receipt date)
retirement datedate de déclassement (The date that an asset is sold or discarded)
Set due dateDéfinir l'échéance (An option that allows the user to set the date by which a To Do needs to be completed)
ship datedate d'expédition (The date that items are shipped from a shipping location)
short datedate courte (The standard short formats to display a date. For example: MM/dd/yy; dd/MM/yy)
short datedate au format court (The standard short formats to display a date. For example: MM/dd/yy; dd/MM/yy)
start datedate de début (The date when a project or task is scheduled to begin)
status datedate d'état (A date that you set [rather than the current date] for reporting the time, cost, or performance condition of a project)
term end datedate d'expiration (The date at the end of a subscription. For example, in Microsoft Online Services, there are a variety of services that a customer may subscribe to, and each subscription has its own term length (e.g., 6 months, 12 months) and term end date)
usage expiration datedate d'expiration du temps d'utilisation (The date and time at which a purchased block of unlimited computer usage time terminates)