
Terms for subject Microsoft containing collection | all forms | exact matches only
Allowed Values Collection EditorÉditeur de collections des valeurs autorisées (" A custom collection editor dialog box in Visual Studio .NET that developers use to define the set of allowed values for a custom property of the type "selection." This dialog box opens when you click the ellipsis [] button in the value field of the AllowedValues property in the Custom Property Definition Collection Editor dialog box.")
attribute collectioncollection d'attributs (The sum of attributes gathered during the attribute discovery process)
Audit Collection Servicesservices ACS (A service that collects and forwards all security events from monitored computers to a central database)
Audit Collection Services databasebase de données des services ACS (The database in which Audit Collection Services stores all the security events that it collects from monitored computers)
clip collectioncollection de clips (A hierarchical organization of media clips. You can create your own clip collections, import clip collections, or add, move, or copy clips from one collection to another)
cloud collectioncollection en nuage (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
cloud collectioncollection cloud (A description for music or videos stored in the cloud that users may access from their phone. Used for Xbox Music and any other potential cloud-based media services)
collection editoréditeur de collections (A nested dialog box that enables you to modify properties that are set on items in a collection)
collection expenses feefrais d'encaissement (A fee that is charged to a customer for the collection of a bill of exchange remittance)
collection initializerinitialiseur de collection (A sequence of object initializers that are assigned to the collection elements in the same statement in which the collection is constructed)
collection itemélément de collecte (An instance of a collector type that is created with a specific set of input properties and collection frequency, and that is used to gather specific types of data)
collection itemélément de collection (An item in a collection)
collection letterlettre de relance (Correspondence sent to a debtor requesting payment for a past due account)
collection letter feefrais de relance (A fee that is attached to a collection letter and charged to the delinquent debtor)
collection-limited queryrequête limitée au regroupement (A query that is scoped to include only resources that are in a specified collection)
collection limitinglimitation au regroupement (Restricting the scope of a query. A query that is collection limited can return only resources that are in a specified collection, even if other resources in the SMS/Configuration Manager site database match the query criteria)
collection modemode de collecte (The frequency at which data is collected and uploaded to the management data warehouse)
collection probefonction de collecte (A function that collects timing and other performance data in an instrumented module)
collection setjeu d'éléments de collecte (A group of collection items with which a user can interact through the user interface)
Configuration Manager collectioncollection du Gestionnaire de configuration (A set of resources in a Configuration Manager site. Collections are used to distribute software, view hardware and software inventories of clients, and access clients for remote control sessions)
coverage collectioncollection de couverture (Information collected at run time about which blocks or lines of an application are executed at least once)
custom collectioncollection personnalisée (A collection of audio files (for example, songs) that is represented by an interactive object in Music and that you set up in Windows Media Player. In contrast, albums are predefined collections of songs from a CD or digital download)
data collectioncollecte de données (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
data collectioncollecte de données (The process of gathering information by sending and receiving HTML forms or InfoPath forms from Access)
data collection control functionfonction de contrôle de collecte de données (An API function that provides sophisticated control over the data collection logger)
data collection loggerjournal de collecte de données (Software that logs profiling data to a performance data file)
data collection packagepackage de collecte de données (A self-extracting executable (.exe) created by the Application Compatibility Manager (ACM) for deploying to each of your client computers. Each data collection package can include one or more compatibility evaluators, depending on what you are trying to evaluate)
dynamic collection evaluationévaluation de regroupement dynamique (A Configuration Manager feature that enables you to evaluate only new or changed members of a query-based collection independently of a full collection evaluation)
event collection stored proceduresprocédures stockées de collection d'événements (System-generated stored procedures that an application can call to submit events to the event table in the application database)
file collectionregroupement de fichiers (The process of copying specified files from SMS/Configuration Manager clients to the site server during a software inventory cycle)
garbage collectionnettoyage de la mémoire, garbage collection (A process for automatic recovery of heap memory. Blocks of memory that had been allocated but are no longer in use are freed, and blocks of memory still in use may be moved to consolidate the free memory into larger blocks)
garbage collection intervalintervalle de Garbage Collection (A measurement of time indicating how often a domain controller examines its database for expired tombstones that can be collected)
garbage collection intervalintervalle de nettoyage de la mémoire (A measurement of time indicating how often a domain controller examines its database for expired tombstones that can be collected)
geospatial collectionensemble géospatial (A shape representing a union of all the positions in a set of disjoint regions)
Help Collectioncollection d'aide (A collection of help files about a particular topic)
in collectionDans la collection (The title of a screen showing a list of all digital media (including music and videos) from Xbox Music that can be played on the phone)
in collectiondans collection (The title of a screen showing a list of all digital media (including music and videos) from Xbox Music that can be played on the phone)
incremental collection evaluationévaluation de regroupement incrémentielle (A feature that enables you to evaluate new or changed members of a collection)
incremental collection member evaluationévaluation incrémentielle des membres de regroupement (A process that periodically scans for new or changed resources from the previous collection evaluation and then updates the collection membership with only these resources)
ink collection modemode de collecte d'entrée manuscrite (The collection mode that determines whether ink, gestures, or both are recognized as the user writes)
recovery collectioncollection de récupération (The aggregate of all recovery jobs associated with a single recovery operation)
rule collectionregroupement de règles (An ordered set of rules for the purpose of implementing a messaging policy. The number of rule collections is set at design time)
safe list collectionregroupement de listes sécurisées (The combined data from an Office Outlook user's Safe Senders List, Safe Recipients List, Blocked Senders List, and external contacts, that is stored in Outlook and in the Exchange mailbox)
sequenced collectioncollecte en séquence (A collection of destination objects of a sequenced relationship object)
site collectioncollection de sites (A set of Web sites that have the same owner and share administration settings. Each site collection contains a top-level site, can contain one or more subsites, and may have a shared navigation structure)
Site Collection ImagesImages de la collection de sites (A system library used to store images that are used throughout the site collection. Provides versioning, check-in/check-out, search and visual browse capabilities)
site collection solution gallerygalerie des solutions de collection de sites (A capability that enables site collection administrators to manage and add new solutions to their site collections)
SMS collectionregroupement SMS (A set of resources in the Configuration Manager hierarchy)
SQM Data CollectionCollecte de données SQM (A system job that collects quality and performance information and sends it to Microsoft for analysis)
string collection editoréditeur de collection de chaînes (An editor that enables users to view and change the list of strings for controls such as list boxes and combo boxes)
team project collection host groupgroupe hôte de collection de projets d'équipe (A Virtual Machine Manager host group that has been bound to a team project collection)
team project collection library sharepartage de bibliothèque de collection de projets d'équipe (A Virtual Machine Manager library share that has been bound to a team project collection)
Usage and Health Data Collectioncollecte de données relatives à l'utilisation et à l'état (A feature that collects and logs SharePoint health indicators and usage metrics for analysis and reporting purposes)