
Terms containing VIEW | all forms | exact matches only
comp., MSAccess Control Entry Management ViewVue de gestion des entrées de contrôle d'accès (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
comp., MSACE Management ViewVue de gestion des entrées de contrôle d'accès (A feature that allows the user to set access levels for a group of contacts)
comp., MSActive ViewAffichage dynamique (A feature in Hotmail that's designed to help people get more done on the web without having to leave their inbox. Active View displays directly in the body of the e-mail message, showing either previews to other web content or interactive elements created by the sender that let the recipient complete core tasks. A preview message example might include a reference to a file on a photo-sharing or video-sharing website that the recipient can view in the message, or package-tracking information that's extracted from a shipping website. Interactive scenarios might include rating movies and updating wish lists on movie-rental websites or responding to invitations or comments on social networking websites)
org.name.Ad Hoc Expert Group on Consideration with a View to Recommending the Parameters of a Mandate for Developing a Legal Framework on All Types of ForestsGroupe spécial d'experts, chargé de l'examen et de la recommandation des paramètres du mandat d'élaboration d'un cadre juridique pour tous les types de forêts
gen.Ad Hoc Working Party to Assist the Chair and the Secretary General to Establish the Position of the Council of Europe with a view to Strengthening its Cooperation with the European UnionGroupe de travail ad hoc pour aider la Présidence et le Secrétaire général à établir la position du Conseil de l'Europe en vue d'un renforcement de sa coopération avec l'Union européenne
comp., MSadd-in viewvue de complément (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the add-in's view of the methods and types used to communicate with a host)
comp., MSAdministration viewvue Administration (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator manages Virtual Machine Manager agents deployed on virtual machine hosts and library servers, configures systemwide settings for Virtual Machine Manager, and manages Web servers used in virtual machine self-service)
comp., MSaerial viewvue aérienne (A map view created from aerial photos that shows buildings, roads, and geographical features)
earth.sc., construct.aerial viewvue aérienne
gen.after you pass the copse, the village comes into viewaprès le bosquet, on voit apparaître le village
comp., MSAgenda viewVue de l'agenda (A calendar view that displays all scheduled items)
comp., MSAggregation viewvue Agrégation (A view in the Health and Activity Tracking tool that displays the near real-time business processes defined as well as the health monitoring cubes that are shipped with BizTalk Server 2004)
social.sc.Agreement on the Exchange of War Cripples between Member Countries of the Council of Europe with a view to Medical TreatmentAccord sur l'échange de mutilés de guerre entre les pays membres du Conseil de l'Europe aux fins de traitement médical
comp., MSAlert viewaffichage des alertes (A view in the Operations console that displays the alerts that the console user has the rights to see about a specific object)
comp., MSAll Activity Associated ViewVue Toutes les activités associées (A view in CRM that displays all activities associated with an entity)
lawall information which might be of use in making possible an in-depth examination of the situation with a view to finding an acceptable solutiontous les éléments d'information utiles pour permettre un examen approfondi de la situation en vue de trouver une solution acceptable
gen.an amazing view meets your eyesun panorama exceptionnel s'offre au regard
gen.an unobstructed viewune vue imprenable
stat.analytic viewvision analytique
med.analytical point of viewconception analytique
tech.angle of binocular viewangle de visibilité binoculaire
hobby, cultur.angle of viewchamp de visée
hobby, cultur.angle of viewangle de prise de vue
construct.angle of viewangle visuel
nat.sc.angle of viewchamp angulaire
tech.angle of viewangle de champ
tech.angular view from the left eyeangle de visibilité de l'oeil gauche
comp., MSApplication Diagnostics view panevolet d'affichage d'Application Diagnostics (The view pane that provides a list of selected events)
comp., MSArrangement viewaffichage Organisation (" A Windows view that provides easy results organization by date, type, author, tag or folder (Arrange "by Folder", "by Author", etc).")
comp., MSassignment viewaffichage des affectations (A view that shows the resources assigned to each task as well as the total and timephased work and cost information for each assignment. The two assignment views are the Task Usage and Resource Usage views)
comp., MSassociated viewvue associée (The view of an entity that is displayed in the forms of other entities)
nucl.phys., med.axial viewvue axiale
nucl.phys., med.axial viewprojection axiale
construct.axonometric viewvue axonométrique
comp., MSBackstage viewmode Microsoft Backstage (A full-page UI view that exposes file-level functionality in Office applications. This is a companion feature to the Office Ribbon and helps users discover and use the features that fall outside of the authoring features on the Ribbon)
comp., MSBackstage viewmode Microsoft Office Backstage (A full-page UI view that exposes file-level functionality in Office applications. This is a companion feature to the Office Ribbon and helps users discover and use the features that fall outside of the authoring features on the Ribbon)
comp., MSBackstage viewmode Backstage (A full-page UI view that exposes file-level functionality in Office applications. This is a companion feature to the Office Ribbon and helps users discover and use the features that fall outside of the authoring features on the Ribbon)
gen.to be developing from the economic point of viewse trouver en voie de développement du point de vue économique
IMF.bipolar viewthéorie bipolaire
hobby, cultur.bird's eye viewplan de plongée
hobby, cultur.bird's eye viewplongée
construct.bird’s eye viewvue ou perspective à vol d'oiseau
life.sc.bird's-eye-viewvue à vol d'oiseau
comp., MSBizTalk Application viewvue Application de BizTalk (One of two views (along with BizTalk Deployment View) that appears when the System Center Operations Manager console for BizTalk Server is opened. A BizTalk administrator uses this view to monitor the health of BizTalk artifacts and applications such as orchestrations, send ports, and receive locations)
comp., MSBizTalk Deployment viewvue Déploiement de BizTalk (One of two views (along with BizTalk Application view) that appears when the System Center Operations Manager console for BizTalk Server is opened. An enterprise IT administrator uses this view to monitor the overall health of the "physical deployment" of a BizTalk Server setup)
gen.bring somebody round to a more generous point of viewramener quelqu'un à de meilleurs sentiments
comp., MSbusiness viewvue d'entreprise (A business data perspective. Designated fields and records are arranged in a designated sequence)
comp., MScalendar viewaffichage Calendrier (A Project view that displays a project's tasks in a calendar format)
comp., MScarousel viewvue Carrousel (In PowerPivot Gallery, a specialized view where the preview area is centered and the thumbnails that immediately precede and follow the current thumbnail are adjacent to the preview area)
gen.to carry out exchange of views and informationprocéder à des échanges de vues et d'informations
comp., MScatalog viewsaffichages catalogue (Built-in views that form the system catalog for SQL Server)
med.chest x-ray with four viewsradiographie du coeur sous quatre incidences
comp., MSClass ViewAffichage de classes (A window that displays the symbols defined, referenced, or called in the application you are developing)
comp., MSclassic viewaffichage classique (A SharePoint view that renders in HTML format, or a similar markup language such as CHTML or WML, and provides backward compatibility for mobile browsers that cannot support the contemporary view)
comp., MSClassic viewAffichage classique (A display option of the Windows Control Panel that makes it look and work like it did in previous versions)
HRClick the subject to view the notification and to respond.Cliquez sur l'objet pour visualiser la notification et répondre.
comp.close-up viewvue de plan rapprochée
comp., MSCode viewmode Code (A window that shows the code that comprises a web page)
comp., MScombination viewaffichage combiné (A view containing two views. The bottom pane view shows detailed information about the tasks or resources in the top pane view. For example, the Gantt Chart view could be in the top pane and the Task Form view in the bottom pane)
gen.come round to a more balanced view of thingsrevenir à une plus juste vision des choses
gen.come round to a point of viewse rallier à un point de vue
gen.come through you'll get a better viewpasse devant, tu verras mieux
gen.come through, you'll get a better viewpasse derrière, tu verras mieux
commer.Commission Notice on the conduct of settlement procedures in view of the adoption of Decisions pursuant to Article 7 and Article 23 of Council Regulation EC No 1/2003 in cartel casescommunication relative aux procédures de transaction
commer.Commission Notice on the conduct of settlement procedures in view of the adoption of Decisions pursuant to Article 7 and Article 23 of Council Regulation EC No 1/2003 in cartel casesCommunication de la Commission relative aux procédures de transaction engagées en vue de l'adoption de décisions en vertu des articles 7 et 23 du règlement CE no 1/2003 du Conseil dans les affaires d'entente
gen.Commission opinion of 21 October 1990 on the proposal for amendment of the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community with a view to Political UnionAvis de la Commission du 21 octobre 1990 relatif au projet de révision du Traité instituant la Communauté Economique Européenne concernant l'Union Politique
comp., MSCompatibility ViewAffichage de compatibilité (A view mode in Internet Explorer that determines whether content is rendered as if users were viewing it in a previous version of Internet Explorer)
gen.conceal something from viewdérober quelque chose à la vue
gen.considered viewavis motivé
gen.considered viewavis pondéré
gen.considered viewavis réfléchi
gen.consultations shall be held with a view to finding a commonly acceptable solutiondes consultations ont lieu en vue de trouver une solution mutuellement acceptable
comp., MScontemporary viewaffichage contemporain (A SharePoint view that provides an optimized mobile browser experience for users and renders in HTML5)
gen.continuing exchange of information and views on the economic situation and its prospectséchange continuel d'informations et de vues sur la situation économique et ses perspectives
construct.continuous information view informationinformation continuelle
construct.continuous information view informationinformation continue
load.equip.convex rear-view mirrorrétroviseur d'approche (n.m.)
load.equip.convex rear-view mirrorrétroviseur d'accostage (n.m.)
load.equip.convex rear-view mirrorrétroviseur de proximité (n.m.)
load.equip.convex rear-view mirrorrétroviseur grand angle (n.m.)
earth.sc., met.cooling air was blown through the tubes with a view to obtaining a temperature gradientpour obtenir un gradient thermique, de l'air froid a été soufflé dans les éprouvettes tubulaires
mater.sc.cross sectional viewvue transversale
mater.sc.cross sectional viewvue en coupe
work.fl., mater.sc.cut viewecorchee vue
work.fl., mater.sc.cutaway viewecorchee vue
comp.3D dynamic viewvue dynamique 3D
comp., MSdata source viewvue de source de données (A named selection of database objects--such as tables, views, relationships, and stored procedures, based on one or more data sources--that defines the schema referenced by OLAP and data mining objects in an Analysis Services databases. It can also be used to define sources, destinations, and lookup tables for DTS tasks, transformations, and data adapters)
comp., MSData viewVue de données (A databindable, customized view of a data for sorting, filtering, searching, editing, and navigation)
comp., MSDatabase viewvue de base de données (A read-only, static snapshot of a source database at the moment of the view's creation)
comp., MSDatasheet viewmode Feuille de données (A window that displays data from a table, form, query, view, or stored procedure in a row-and-column format)
comp., MSDay viewVue d'aujourd'hui (A calendar view that displays information for a single day)
comp., MSDesign viewmode Design (A window that shows the design of these database objects - tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones)
comp., MSDesign viewmode Création (A window that shows a visual representation of a document on the artboard)
comp., MSDesign viewMode Création (A window that shows a visual representation of the code behind a web page)
gen.detailed exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
nucl.phys., радиоакт.detector field of viewchamp de vision
радиоакт.detector field of viewchamp du détecteur
crim.law., law, int. law.dichotomic viewvue dichotomique
crim.law., law, int. law.dichotomic viewvision dichotomique
gen.differing viewavis divergent
earth.sc.direct view imagingimagerie à vision directe
gen.direct-view LCDécran à cristaux liquides à vision directe
gen.direct-view liquid crystal displayécran à cristaux liquides à vision directe
comp.display viewvue d'écran
comp., MSdistributed partitioned viewvue partitionnée distribuée (A view that joins horizontally partitioned data from a set of member tables across more than one server, making the data appear as if from one table)
gen.divergence of viewsdivergence de vues
comp.document viewvisualisation de document
comp., MSdraft viewmode Brouillon (A view that shows text formatting and a simplified page layout)
gen.draw a side view of the housedessiner une vue latérale de la maison
comp., MSdynamic management viewvue de gestion dynamique (A set of built-in views that return server state information about values, objects, and settings in SQL Server)
comp.dynamic viewvue dynamique
laweasement of viewservitude de prospect
comp., MSEditing ViewMode Edition (A view in Web Companions and Applications that is optimized for editing a document, and looks like the traditional document view in the client application (i.e. contains full Ribbon))
med.egg fertilised with a view to insertionovule fécondé aux fins d'implantation
tagmem.emic point of viewpoint de vue émique
agric.to encourage sheep farming with a view to landscape careencourager l'élevage ovin aux fins de la préservation des paysages
mater.sc.end viewvue de derrière
comp.enhanced viewvue améliorée
tagmem.etic point of viewpoint de vue étique
comp., MSExcel interactive viewmode interactif Excel (An online view of data that provides an enhanced visual experience through tables, slicers, charts, and other Excel objects)
gen.exchange of viewséchange de vues
gen.exchange of views and information on other social matterséchange de vues et d'informations sur d'autres questions sociales
insur.exchange of views by countryéchange de vues par pays
polit.exchange of views with the President of the European Parliament, assisted by the representatives of the European Parliament, on the items on the agendaéchange de vues avec le Président du Parlement européen, assisté des représentants du Parlement européen, portant sur les sujets à l'ordre du jour
comp., MSExchange View-Only Administrators rolerôle Administrateurs Exchange en affichage seul (One of four Exchange 2007 administrator roles. Members of this role have read-only access to the entire Exchange organization tree in the Active Directory configuration container, and read-only access to all Windows domain containers that have Exchange recipients)
gen.to exchange viewsprocéder à des échanges de vues
gen.exchanges of views and information on scientific policydes échanges de vues et d'informations sur la politique scientifique
industr., mech.eng.exploded viewvue éclatée
industr., mech.eng.exploded viewvue explosée
industr., mech.eng.exploded viewvue en écartelé
industr., mech.eng.exploded view drawingvue en écartelé
industr., mech.eng.exploded view drawingvue explosée
industr., mech.eng.exploded view drawingvue éclatée
comp., MSextended viewvue étendue (The display of additional data or information that does not appear in the standard view)
gen.extensive exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
construct.external viewvue externe
construct.external viewaspect externe
радиоакт.field of viewchamp du détecteur (of a detector)
nat.sc.field of viewchamp angulaire
hobby, cultur.field of viewchamp
hobby, cultur.field of viewchamp visuel
nat.sc.field of viewchamp de vision
nat.sc.field of viewchamp de la vue
chem.field of viewchamp de la lunette
tech.field of viewchamp de vue
радиоакт.field of viewchamp de vision (of a detector)
gen.field of viewangle de champ
life.sc.field of view stopdiaphragme de champ visuel
comp., MSfiltered viewvue filtrée (A view to which a set of conditions have been applied to reduce the total number of displayed objects)
comp., MSFind Message viewvue Rechercher un message (A reporting view that enables users to find messages based on tracked message properties)
industr., construct.folded two to view on sheetplié en paravents deux formulaires constituant une feuille de...
comp., MSFolders viewmode Dossiers (The view of a web site that shows how the content of the site is organized. You can create, delete, copy, and move folders and files in Folders view)
comp., MSFolders viewaffichage Dossiers (The view of a web site that shows how the content of the site is organized. You can create, delete, copy, and move folders and files in Folders view)
comp., MSForm viewmode Formulaire (A window that displays a form to either show or accept data. Form view is the primary means of adding and modifying data in tables. You cannot change the design of a form in this view)
gen.from a business point of viewcommercialement parlant
gen.from a cinematic point of viewcinématographiquement parlant
gen.from a material point of view, he has no grounds for complaintsur le plan matériel, il n'a pas à se plaindre
gen.from a productivity point of view, the decision makes sensevu sous l'angle du rendement, cette décision se comprend
gen.from a qualitative point of viewd'un point de vue qualitatif
gen.from an economic point of view, the decision makes sensevu sous l'angle économique, cette décision se comprend
gen.from environmental point of viewau point de vue mésologique
gen.from her window you have a bird's-eye view of the whole of Parisde chez elle on surplombe tout Paris
gen.from his point of viewen ce qui le concerne
gen.from my point of viewen ce qui me concerne
gen.from this point of viewdans cette optique
telecom.front viewface avant
chem.front viewélévation (dessin)
construct.front viewvue principale
pack.front viewvue d’avant
construct.front-view compositioncomposition frontale
construct.front view, front elevationfaçade
construct.front view, front elevationvue de face
gen.full exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
gen.general viewvue d'ensemble
fin.to give a true and fair viewprésenter une image fidèle
account.to give a true and fair viewprésenter, dans tous leurs aspects significatifs, une image fidèle
gen.go through you'll get a better viewpasse devant, tu verras mieux
gen.great diversity of political viewsla grande diversité de tendances politiques
life.sc.ground viewplan
life.sc.ground viewvue en plan
fig.have a blinkered view of thingsavoir des œillères
gen.have an idealized view of somethingse faire une idée idyllique de (quelque chose)
gen.he drew me towards the balcony to show me the viewil m'a attiré vers le balcon pour me montrer le paysage
gen.her world viewsa vision du monde
gen.here's a rear viewvoici une vue de derrière
gen.hide something from viewdérober quelque chose à la vue
gen.to hold a thorough exchange of viewsprocéder à un échange de vues approfondi
environ., agric.holding with a view to saledétention en vue de la vente
comp., MShost view of the add-invue hôte du complément (In the .NET Framework add-in programming model, an assembly that contains interfaces or abstract base classes, and represents the host's view of the methods and types used to communicate with an add-in)
comp., MSHot Path viewVue Chemin réactif (The Profiler Performance Report view that helps to automate the process of locating a performance bottleneck)
comp., MSIcon viewAffichage Icônes (A UI element that enables a user to display Works tasks as icons with text available on mouseover)
commer., polit.if it is evident from the nature and quantity of the goods that no commercial purpose is in viewces marchandises ne devant traduire, par leur nature et leur quantité, aucune préoccupation d'ordre commercial
gen.if you look at things from his point of viewsi l'on se place de son point de vue
gen.I'm defending up for my point of viewje défends mon point de vue
gen.I'm standing up for my point of viewje défends mon point de vue
gen.imprisonment of members of parliament for holding certain viewsemprisonnement de députés pour délit d'opinion
gen.in full view of everybodyà la vue de tous
gen.in my view her interpretation is faultlessje n'ai rien à reprocher à son interprétation
patents.in side viewvue en profil
gen.in the delegation's viewdans l'esprit de la délégation
gen.in view ofcompte tenu de
lawin view of article 317 of the Penal Code...vu l'article 317 du Code pénal...
gen.In view of the above considerations, the Conference will have to return to this chapter at an appropriate moment.Eu égard aux considérations qui précèdent, la Conférence devra revenir sur ce chapitre au moment voulu.
gen.In view of the above considerations, the EU may return to this chapter at an appropriate moment.Eu égard aux considérations qui précèdent, l'UE peut revenir à ce chapitre au moment voulu.
gen.in view of the circumstancesétant donné les circonstances
gen.in view of the Community's greater interest in certain sectorscompte tenu de l'intérêt plus marqué de la Communauté pour certains secteurs
patents.in view of the Law No....vu la loi №...
gen.in-depth exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
comp., MSindexed viewvue indexée (A view with a unique clustered index applied on it to improve the performance of some types of queries)
lawinform so. of one's viewsfaire tenir son avis à qn
nat.sc.instantaneous-field-of-viewchamp de vision instantané
nat.res.Insty View remote readout unitinstallation d'indication à distance (for water consumption control in plants)
comp., MSinteractive view gallerygalerie de vues interactives (A gallery of objects that provides different ways of visualizing data)
fin.involvement by listening to a person's viewparticipation par voie de consultation
fin.involvement by listening to a person's viewparticipation par concertation
life.sc.isometric viewperspective militaire
gen.it remains the firm view of the Nine that all these aspects must be taken as a wholeles Neuf réitèrent leur ferme conviction que l'ensemble de ces éléments constitue un tout
gen.it'll give him a more realistic view of thingsça va lui mettre les idées en place
comp., MSJobs viewvue Tâches (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator views status, details, and results of jobs. The view can be filtered by job status, owner, and start date)
lawjoint acquisition of an undertaking with a view to its divisionacquisition en commun d'une entreprise en vue de sa répartition
comp., MSJoint List ViewAffichage à partir de plusieurs listes (A feature that allows a view to be created from multiple lists of stored data)
comp., MSLabels ViewAffichage Étiquettes (Name of one of the Library Views. This appears on the main Library window title bar. Under the toolbar, from the View By drop down list, select Label)
nucl.phys., med.lateral viewprojection transversale
nucl.phys., med.lateral viewprojection latérale
nucl.phys., med.lateral viewvue de profil
med.lateral viewvue latérale
gen.let's view the process as a wholeenvisageons le processus dans sa globalité
comp., MSLibrary viewvue Bibliothèque (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator manages library servers, shares, resources, and stored virtual machines)
comp., MSList viewAffichage Liste (A UI element that enables a user to display Works tasks in list format)
comp., MSlist viewmode Liste (A common Windows control that allows users to view and interact with a collection of data objects, using either single selection or multiple selection)
comp.list viewvue de liste
comp., MSlocal partitioned viewvue partitionnée locale (A view that joins horizontally partitioned data from a set of member tables across a single server, making the data appear as if from one table)
construct.local viewvue partielle
chem.longitudinal viewvue longitudinale
gen.long-term view of the Governmentvision à long terme des pouvoirs publics
comp., MSlookup viewVue Recherche (The view used when a user clicks a lookup field)
construct.main viewvue principale
gen.majority viewopinion majoritaire
gen.to make known one's viewsdonner son avis
gen.to make known one's viewsrendre son avis
unions., tech., el.measurement field of viewchamp de mesure
comp., MSmember viewvue de membre (A hierarchy of dimension members that is organized according to member properties)
comp., MSMessage Details viewvue Détails sur le message (In the Health and Activity Tracking (HAT) tool a detailed view of all known information for a given message in the Message Box. This view is available through the shortcut menu in the PivotTable field list in one of two Operations views)
comp., MSMessage Flow viewvue Flux de messages (A view in the Health and Activity Tracking tool that displays a history of processing events for specific messages)
comp., MSMonth viewVue du mois (A calendar view that displays information for a one-month period)
gen.my papers are in order from a legal point of viewmes papiers sont en règle au regard de la loi
comp., MSnamed item viewVue des éléments nommés (A Web Part that renders named objects or named items in a workbook, such as tables, charts, slicers or a named range of cells)
fin.neutral from the point of view of competitionneutre d'un point de vue concurrentiel
tax.neutral tax rule from the point of view of competitionrègle fiscale neutre au regard de la concurrence
lawno agreed view has emerged onil n'a pas été possible de s'entendre sur
comp., MSNot Synced viewVue non synchronisée (The name of a view that shows all new or changed records that the mobile device user has entered, but not yet synchronized)
comp., MSnotebook layout viewmode Bloc-notes (A document view in Word that enables users to take notes more easily)
gen.now a tower blocks out the viewune tour obstrue maintenant la vue
comp., MSobjects viewliste d'objets (The list of objects that appear on the artboard. This list shows the general structure of the content on the artboard, reflecting Z-order or markup order as well as nesting)
hobby, cultur.oblique viewvue oblique
nat.sc.oblique viewvisée oblique
med.orthodontic side-view teleradiographtéléradiographie de profil du crâne
environ.other wastes whose collection and disposal is subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infectionautres déchets dont la collecte et l'élimination nécessitent des prescriptions particulières vis-à-vis des risques d'infection
comp., MSoutline layout viewmode Plan (A view that shows the headings of a document indented to represent their level in the document's structure. You can also use this view to work with master documents)
construct.outside viewvue de l'extérieur
stat., fin.overall viewidée globale
gen.overall viewvue d'ensemble
comp., MSpage layout viewmode Page (A view of a document as it will appear on the printed page)
comp., MSpage viewmode Page (The request by a user's browser for a Web page. The number of requests to view a page can indicate the frequency with which an ad is viewed)
comp.pan viewpanorama
comp.pan viewvue panoramique
comp.panoramic viewpanorama
comp.panoramic viewvue panoramique
gen.panoramic viewvue rasante
fin., commun.pay per viewpayez ce que vous regardez
fin., commun.pay per viewpaiement à la séance
patents.pay per view television transmission servicesservices de transmission de programmes de télévision à la carte
comp., MSperformance data viewAffichage des données de performances (A window that displays specified performance information)
comp., MSPerformance viewAffichage des données de performances (A window that displays specified performance information)
comp., MSpersonal viewaffichage personnel (A view of a list, SharePoint document library, or Web Part Page that is available only to a particular user)
comp., MSperspective field of viewchamp perspective (A view that changes the amount of the content that is visible through the camera and the amount that objects in the document appear to be distorted by the camera. Small values will reduce the amount that an object is distorted by perspective and large values will cause objects to become very distorted as with a fisheye lens)
construct.perspective viewperspective
telecom.perspective viewvue éclatée
construct.perspective viewvue en perspective
mater.sc.perspective viewvue perspective
comp.phantom viewvue fantôme
relig.philosophical or religious viewsopinions politiques, philosophiques ou religieuses
health.pilot project for the control of rabies with a view to its eradicationprojet pilote destiné à lutter contre la rage en vue de son éradication
health.Pilot projects for the control of rabies with a view to its eradication or preventionProjets pilotes de lutte contre la rage en vue de son éradication ou de sa prévention
nat.sc., agric.Pilot projects for the control of rabies with a view to its eradication or preventionProjets pilotes destinés à lutter contre la rage en vue de son éradication ou de sa prévention
comp., MSPivotChart viewmode Graphique croisé dynamique (A view that shows a graphical analysis of data in a datasheet or form. You can see different levels of detail or specify the layout by dragging fields and items or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields)
comp., MSPivotTable viewmode Tableau croisé dynamique (A view that summarizes and analyzes data in a datasheet or form. You can use different levels of detail or organize data by dragging the fields and items, or by showing and hiding items in the drop-down lists for the fields)
mater.sc., construct.plan viewvue en plan
ling.point of viewperspective
chem.point of viewemplacement
gen.point of viewpoint de vue
gen.political, philosophical or religious viewsopinions politiques, philosophiques ou religieuses
polit.political viewstendances politiques
gen.to present opposing views and put forward rebuttal argumentsconfrontation des thèses et des réfutations
comp., MSPresenter Viewmode Présentateur (A view for delivering a presentation that provides the presenter with additional options for viewing and controlling its delivery)
comp., MSprint layout viewmode Impression (A view of a document as it will appear on the printed page)
gen.private view cardavis
comp., MSprivate view stateétat d'affichage privé (State information that is written as a hidden field, such as the form that is currently active or the pagination information for a form)
crim.law., law, int. law.probabilistic viewvue probabilistique
gen.to proceed to a thorough exchange of viewsprocéder à un échange de vues approfondi
nucl.phys., med.profile viewprojection latérale
nucl.phys., med.profile viewvue de profil
nucl.phys., med.profile viewprojection transversale
nucl.phys., med.profile viewvue latérale
comp., MSProtected ViewMode protégé (A feature that offers improved security by loading a document in a read-only view, rather than in the full editor, for scenarios that pose a greater potential security risk)
tech.pseudoscopic viewvue pseudoscopique
comp., MSpublishing layout viewmode Publication (A specialized view tailored for textbox-based freeform document creation)
lawput forward its point of viewdéfendre son point de vue
gen.quality from the health point of viewqualité sur le plan sanitaire
comp., MSQuery ViewAffichage des requêtes (The Visual Studio document window that contains both the query builder and the results list. Query View is designed to help you quickly define and run your own queries)
comp., MSquick viewfiltre (A view that provides one-click access to a subset of e-mail messages based on specific criteria, which include: flagged (messages that the customer has designated as requiring follow-up), photos (messages that contain photos), and social updates (messages that originate from a social networking service such as Facebook))
comp., MSquick view formaperçu (A mini form that shows up within the main form, so that users can create a new record for an entity without leaving the context of the current process)
earth.sc.radial view portfenêtre à vue radiale
comp., MSreading layout viewmode Lecture (A view that is designed for reading documents on a computer screen. The document is resized to fit the screen and most toolbars are removed, but commands are available for navigating, commenting, and looking up words)
comp., MSReading ViewMode Lecture (A command on the View menu that gives you the best zoom level for reading notes in Windows Journal)
lawreal evidence of a viewpreuve matérielle résultant d'une visite des lieux
load.equip.rear-viewrétroviseur intérieur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-viewmiroir rétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-viewrétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-viewmiroir intérieur (n.m.)
mater.sc.rear viewvue de derrière
load.equip.rear view mirrormiroir rétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-view mirrorrétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear view mirrorrétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-view mirrormiroir rétroviseur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear view mirrormiroir intérieur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-view mirrormiroir intérieur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear view mirrorrétroviseur intérieur (n.m.)
load.equip.rear-view mirrorrétroviseur intérieur (n.m.)
chem.rear-view mirror for outside windowsmiroir rétroviseur pour extérieur de fenêtre
patents.rear view mirrorsrétroviseurs
social.sc., empl.Recommendation No 130 concerning the Examination of Grievances within the Undertaking with a view to their SettlementRecommandation No 130 concernant l'examen des réclamations dans l'entreprise en vue de leur solution
comp.reduced viewvue réduite
coal.relay operation was selected with a view to reducing the attenuation in the couplingpour diminuer la perte au couplage, on a choisi de recourir à un système à relais
comp., MSRelevance viewvue Pertinence (A view in BizTalk Mapper whereby non-relevant siblings of a schema element collapse to provide a more compact view of the schema. This reduces the need for scrolling, and brings the focus to the useful parts of the schema and map)
comp., MSreport view groupgroupe d'affichages Rapport (A set of report views that are grouped together in a single dashboard zone. These report views can be conditionally shown, based on the selected KPI)
comp., MSReporting viewvue Rapports (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator runs reports)
UNResolution concerning a plan of action with a view to promoting equality of opportunity and treatment for women workersRésolution concernant un plan d'action en vue de promouvoir l'égalité de chances et de traitement pour les travailleuses
comp., MSResource ViewAffichage des ressources (A window in the Visual Studio Resource Editor that displays the resource files included in your projects)
comp., MSresource viewaffichage des ressources (A view that displays resource information. Resource views include the Resource Sheet, the Resource Graph, the Resource Usage, and the resource forms views)
comp., MSResults viewAffichage des résultats (The Visual Studio document window that contains both the results list and the work item form. Results view helps you quickly define and run your own queries)
lawright to a viewdroit de prospect
comp., MSroad viewplan routier (A view on a Virtual Earth map in Concierge that displays illustrated images of streets and cities)
gen.room with a sea viewchambre donnant sur la mer
comp., MSSchedule ViewVue Calendrier (An Outlook Calendar view in which each calendar is listed vertically (not side-by-side). This view is optimized for viewing a schedule for a group and scheduling a meeting for a group)
comp., MSscorecard viewaffichage Tableau de bord (A hierarchical arrangement of the KPIs and objectives that are contained in a scorecard. A scorecard view also can be configured to include additional data from scorecard data sources)
comp., MSScorecard Viewaffichage Tableau de bord (A feature that allows users to view and interact with scorecard views that are created in Business Scorecard Builder)
comp.screen viewvue d'écran
gen.sea viewvue sur la mer
mater.sc.sectional viewvue transversale
construct.sectional view in perspectivesection vue en perspective
mater.sc.sectoral viewaperçu sectoriel
gen.seen from this point of viewvu sous cet aspect
lawservitude of extensive viewdroit de prospect
lawservitude of extensive viewservitude d'aspect
lawservitude of extensive viewservitude de prospect
gen.set change in full view of the audiencechangement à vue
comp., MSshared viewaffichage partagé (A view of a list or Web Part Page that every user who has the appropriate permissions can see)
gen.she took us onto the terrace so that we could admire the viewelle nous a fait admirer la vue de la terrasse
comp., MSShow Extended ViewAfficher la vue étendue (The item on the View menu that displays additional information and actions for each contact in the user's contact list)
chem.side viewvue en élévation
earth.sc., mech.eng.side viewvue de profil
mater.sc., el., construct.side viewvue latérale
amer.side-view mirrorrétroviseur latéral
construct.side view, side elevationvue latérale
construct.side view, side elevationvue de côté
comp., MSSimple Markup viewvue simplifiée des modifications (A view for tracked changes that clearly identifies where changes and comments are in a document, and gives you easy access to them, without detracting from the readability)
comp., MSsingle-pane viewaffichage simple (A window in which only one view appears, such as the Task Sheet, Network Diagram view, Resource Graph view, or Calendar view)
environ.site requiring remedial action from the environmental point of viewsite exigeant des actions de restauration du point de vue de l'environnement
law, health., UNSpecial Session of the General Assembly to Consider the Question of International Cooperation Against Illicit Production, Supply, Demand, Trafficking and Distribution of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, With a View to Expanding the Scope and Increasing the Effectiveness of Such CooperationSession extraordinaire de l'Assemblée générale consacrée à la question de la coopération internationale contre la production, l'offre, la demande, le trafic et la distribution illicites de stupéfiants et de substances psychotropes, et aux moyens d'élargir le champ de cette coopération et d'en accroître l'efficacité
comp., MSsplit viewmode Fractionné (A view that allows the user to see both a form and a datasheet at the same time)
comp., MSSplit viewmode Fractionné (A view that allows the user to see both Code view and Design view at the same time)
comp., MSspreadsheet report viewaffichage Rapport feuille de calcul (A report view that provides interactive functionality for a spreadsheet on a Web page)
comp., MSSQL Server report viewaffichage Rapport SQL Server (A report view in the form of a SQL Server report, which uses the analysis features of SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services)
comp., MSSQL viewmode SQL (A window that displays the SQL statement for the current query or that is used to create an SQL-specific query (union, pass-through, or data definition). When you create a query in Design view, Access constructs the SQL equivalent in SQL view)
met.stabilizing treatment with a view to producing fine precipitatesrecuit de stabilisation en vue de coalescer ou d'agglomérer des précipitations fines
comp., MSstage viewvue des étapes (A high-level view in Visual Designer that shows the stages of a SharePoint workflow, rather than individual actions or conditions)
gen.statement of viewsprise de position
mater.sc., met.stress relieving with a view to reducing internal stressestraitement thermique de détente
mater.sc., met.stress relieving with a view to reducing internal stressesrecuit de détente
comp., MSsystem viewvue système (A view that is defined for all entities and cannot be deleted or shared)
comp., MSSystem View windowfenêtre Vue système (A simple browser providing an outline view of available applications and systems used as a drag source to create references to Application Systems on the Application Connection Designer, System Designer and the System Deployment Designer)
gen.take a narrow view of thingsconsidérer les choses par le petit bout de la lorgnette
gen.take a narrow view of thingsvoir les choses par le petit bout de la lorgnette
gen.take a narrow view of thingsaborder les choses par le petit bout de la lorgnette
nucl.phys., med.tangential viewprojection tangentielle
nucl.phys., med.tangential viewvue tangentielle
comp., MStask viewaffichage des tâches (A view that displays task information. Task views include three task forms; examples include Calendar, Detail Gantt, Gantt Chart, Milestone Rollup, PA_PERT Entry Sheet, Task Entry, Relationship Diagram, Task Sheet, and Task Usage)
tax., busin., labor.org.tax rules wich are neutral from the point of view of competitionrègles fiscales neutres au regard de la concurrence
comp., MSTest ViewAffichage des tests (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
comp., MSTest View windowfenêtre Affichage des tests (A window that allows you to navigate to your tests for editing (authoring))
gen.that's how I see it, but it's my own viewvoilà ce que je pense, mais ça n'engage que moi
lawthe defendant takes the view that this submission is out of timela défenderesse estime qu'il y a forclusion
gen.the mountains which block the viewles montagnes qui ferment la vue
gen.the report shall state the committee's viewle rapport indique la position adoptée par la commission
gen.the tower cuts off our view totallyla tour nous bouche complètement la vue
gen.the tower obstructs our view totallyla tour nous bouche complètement la vue
gen.the view you get from here is magnificentd'ici, vous avez une vue magnifique
gen.the view opens out from the palacela perspective s'ouvre dans l'axe du palais
gen.the view plunges down to the seail y a une vue plongeante jusqu'à la mer
comp., MStheater viewvue Théâtre (A view where the preview is centered in a PowerPivot Gallery SharePoint document library and lets you rotate through the available worksheets. Smaller thumbnails of each worksheet appear lower on the page, on either side)
gen.there are several points of view, they are all interestingil y a plusieurs points de vue, tous sont intéressants
gen.there's a bird's-eye view of next door's garden from the balconydepuis le balcon, la vue plonge dans le jardin des voisins
gen.they perched on the balcony to get a better viewils se sont perchés sur le balcon pour mieux voir
gen.thorough exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
gen.thoroughgoing exchange of viewséchange de vues approfondi
gen.too idyllic a view of affairsune vue par trop idyllique des choses
mater.sc.top viewvue de dessus
mater.sc.top viewvue en plan
mater.sc.top viewvue d'en haut
comp.tree viewvue arborescente
comp., MStree viewarborescence (A hierarchical representation of the folders, files, disk drives, and other resources connected to a computer or network)
comp.tree viewvue d'arbre
comp., MStree view controlcontrôle arborescence (A standard Windows control that allows a set of hierarchically-related objects to be displayed as an expandable outline)
busin., labor.org., account.true and fair viewimage fidèle
audit.true and fair view of the financial positionimage fidèle et sincère de la situation financière
mater.sc.underneath viewvue de dessous
gen.uninterrupted view of the bayvue imprenable sur la baie
lawUnion for the Interclassification of Goods and Services with a view to Trade-Mark RegistrationUnion de l'interclassification des marchandises et services en vue de l'enregistrement des marques
gen.unobstructed viewvue dégagée
econ., fin.valuation with a view to saleévaluation préalable à la cession
industr., construct.vehicle rear-view mirrormiroir rétroviseur pour véhicules
earth.sc., mech.eng.vertical viewvue en élévation
earth.sc.vertical view portfenêtre à vue verticale
comp., MSView Barbarre Affichage (A screen element along the left edge of the Project window that provides buttons for the most commonly used views. The View Bar provides a convenient means of changing views by just clicking the icons that appear on the View Bar)
earth.sc., industr., construct.view by reflected lightobserver en lumière réfléchie
lawview by the courtvisite des lieux
lawview by the courttransport sur les lieux
earth.sc., industr., construct.view by transmitted lightobserver par transparence
hobby, cultur.view cameramodèle "view"
hobby, cultur.view cameraappareil de type "view"
hobby, cultur.view camerachambre à banc optique
hobby, cultur.view camera photographyphotographie de paysages
hobby, cultur.view camera photographypaysage
arts.view dayjour d'exposition
construct.view drawingfaçade
construct.view drawingaspect
construct.view drawingélévation
earth.sc.view factorfacteur de forme
mater.sc.view from abovevue de dessus
mater.sc.view from abovevue d'en haut
mater.sc.view from abovevue en plan
comp., MSview generationgénération d'affichages (A repository engine feature that is used to create relational views based on classes, interfaces, and relationships in an information model)
comp., MSView Lists rightdroit Afficher des listes (A right that allows a user to view items in a list, document library, discussion board, or survey. Does not allow the user to add, modify, or remove the items)
comp.view managergestionnaire de vues
comp.view menumenu de représentation
comp.view menu itemséléments de menu de représentation
gen."View of Delft""Vue de Delft"
comp., MSView-Only Organization ManagementGestion de l'organisation en affichage seul (The administrator role group that gives users permissions to view, but not modify, all mailboxes, public groups, and external contacts in the organization. Members can also view settings for role assignment policies, transport rules, and supervision policies)
hobby, cultur.view photographyphotographie de paysages
construct.view pointpoint d'observation
life.sc.view pointpoint de vue
tech.view-pointpoint de vue
tech.view-point indicatortable d'orientation
gen.view porthublot d'observation
gen.view portfenêtre à vue
tech., mater.sc.view room inspectioninspection dans une salle prévue à cet effet
gen.view something unfavourablyvoir quelque chose d'un œil défavorable
comp., MSview stateétat d'affichage (A mode of session state in which the entire session state is serialized and stored as a BLOB on the client then deserialized during every post-back. This has a tremendous hit in bytes over the wire (BoW), but is highly scalable in that it doesn't require storing information in the database)
gen.view things from a different angleadopter un point de vue différent
comp., MSview typetype d'affichage (The basic structure of a view. When you create a view, you must first select one of five view types (table, timeline, day/week/month, card, or icon) to determine how information will be arranged and formatted in your new view)
gen.to view with some equanimityrester assez indifférent à
comp., MSVirtual Machines viewvue Ordinateurs virtuels (The view in the Virtual Machine Manager Administrator Console in which the administrator monitors, operates, migrates, clones, and creates checkpoints for virtual machines that are deployed on a virtual machine host)
med.vitalistic viewconception vitaliste
environ.wastes whose collection and disposal is not subject to special requirements in view of the prevention of infection e.g. dressings, plaster casts, linen, disposable clothing, diapersdéchets dont la collecte et l'élimination ne nécessitent pas de prescriptions particulières vis-à-vis des risques d'infection par exemple vêtements, plâtres, draps, vêtements jetables, langes
pharma.Water's viewincidence de Blondeau
gen.we have a grandstand view of processions from our windowde notre fenêtre, on est aux premières loges pour les défilés
comp., MSweb layout viewmode Web (A view of a document as it will appear in a Web browser. For example, the document appears as one long page (without page breaks) and text and tables wrap to fit in the window)
comp., MSweb layout viewmode Web (A view of a document as it will appear in a Web browser. For example, the document appears as one long page (without page breaks) and text and tables wrap to fit in the window)
comp., MSWeb page report viewaffichage Rapport page Web (A report type that contains a Web page)
comp., MSWeek viewVue de la semaine (A calendar view that displays information for a one-week period)
met.weldability assessed from the point of view of techniquesoudabilite operatoire
inf.what a lovely view, it's definitely worth going out of your way to see it!joli panorama, ça vaut le déplacement!
comp., MSwhite box viewapproche boîte blanche (A unit test is typically written by a developer to verify the behavior of a specific method or set of methods. They can also be used for white-box testing or in conjunction with load or stress testing)
life.sc.wide field of view sensorcapteur grand angle
comp.wireframe viewvue filaire
comp.wireframe viewvue fil de fer
UNwith a view toen vue de
gen.with a view todans l'intention de
gen.with a view to a possible shortening of the transition perioden vue de réduire éventuellement la durée des périodes de transition
textilewith a view to a thoroughgoing analysis of the situationen vue d'une analyse approfondie de la situation
UNwith a view to determiningen vue de fixer
econ.with a view to developing and maintaining a uniform surveillance in the field of competitionafin d'instaurer et de maintenir une surveillance uniforme de la concurrence
lawwith a view to ensuring as uniform an interpretation of it as possibleen vue d'assurer son interprétation aussi uniforme que possible
gen.... with a view to establishing trustful relations among nations... dans le souci d'établir des relations confiantes entre les peuples
lawwith a view to facilitating ...en vue de faciliter ...
commer., polit.with a view to facilitating and developing tradeen vue de faciliter et de développer les échanges
lawwith a view to furthering the objective of this Treatyen vue de promouvoir l'objectif du présent traité
lawwith a view to permitting a simultaneous application of the latter as well as of the amendments of the Annexes to the Agreementde façon à permettre une application simultanée de cette dernière et des modifications des annexes du présent accord
gen.with a view to progress towards European unitydans la perspective de l'unification européenne
UNwith a view to the achievementen vue d’atteindre
patents.with regard/a view toen vue de
gen.with this aim in viewdans ce but
gen.with this end in viewdans ce but
econ.without adverse effect from the point of view of competition policysans inconvénient du point de vue de la politique de concurrence
comp., MSWork Item Form viewmode Formulaire d'élément de travail (The Visual Studio document window that shows the full form of a work item instance. You can open many work item forms as documents in Visual Studio)
pragm.world-viewvision du monde
UN, tech.X-ray view boxnégatoscope
gen.you're blocking my view!tu me caches la vue!
gen.you're not on the spot, your view of the situation is distortedtu n'es pas sur place, tu vois mal la situation
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