
Terms for subject Environment containing Resource | all forms | exact matches only
access to genetic resourcesaccès aux ressources génétiques
Advisory Committee on Programme Management "Environment and Resources"Comité consultatif en matière de gestion de programmes "environnement et ressources"
Africa Water Resources Management InitiativeInitiative de gestion des ressources en eau en Afrique
animal resource No definition neededressource animale
biological resource Wild organisms harvested for subsistence, commerce, or recreation (such as fish, game, timber or furbearers); domesticated organisms raised by agriculture, aquaculture, and silviculture; and ecosystems cropped by livestockressource biologique
biological resourceressource biologique
Biological Resource CentreCentre de ressources biologiques
biological resourcesressource biologique
Brazilian Institute for Environmental Affairs and Renewable Natural Resourcesagence fédérale de l'environnement
climate resourceressource climatique
climate resource No definition neededressource climatique
climate resourcesressources climatiques
climate-dependent resourceressource tributaire des conditions climatiques
common pool resourceressources communes
common pool resourcebiens communs
community-based natural resource managementgestion communautaire des ressources naturelles
community-based natural resource managementgestion communautaire
conservation of genetic resources Controlled utilization, protection and development of the gene pool of natural and cultivated organisms to ensure variety and variability and for current and potential value to human welfarepréservation des ressources génétiques
conservation of petroleum resources Controlled utilization, protection and development of exploited and potentially exploitable sources of crude oil to meet current demand and ensure future requirementspréservation des ressources pétrolières
conservation of petroleum resourcespréservation des ressources pétrolières
conservation of water resourcesconservation des ressources en eau
Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage Resulting from Exploration for and Exploitation of Seabed Mineral ResourcesConvention sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages de pollution par les hydrocarbures résultant de la recherche et de l'exploitation des ressources minérales du sous-sol marin
degradation of natural resources The result of the cumulative activities of farmers, households, and industries, all trying to improve their socio-economic well being. These activities tend to be counterproductive for several reasons. People may not completely understand the long-term consequences of their activities on the natural resource base. The most important ways in which human activity is interfering with the global ecosystem are: 1. fossil fuel burning which may double the atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by the middle of the next century, as well as further increasing the emissions of sulphur and nitrogen very significantly; 2. expanding agriculture and forestry and the associated use of fertilizers (nitrogen and phosphorous) are significantly altering the natural circulation of these nutrients; 3. increased exploitation of the freshwater system both for irrigation in agriculture and industry and for waste disposaldégradation des ressources naturelles
degradation of natural resourcesdégradation des ressources naturelles
earth resource surveyécographie
energy resource Potential supplies of energy which have not yet been used (such as coal lying in the ground, solar heat, wind power, geothermal power, etc.)ressource énergétique
energy resourceressource énergétique
Engineering Committee on Oceanic ResourcesComité de la technologie marine pour les ressources océaniques
Environment and Natural Resources Thematic Programmeprogramme thématique pour l'environnement et la gestion durable des ressources naturelles, dont l'énergie
environmental and resource accountingcomptabilité de l'environnement
Environmental Valuation Resource Inventoryinventaire des ressources pour l'évaluation environnementale
European Campaign on Water Resources "Freshwater Europe" Action ProgrammeCampagne européenne sur les ressources en eau Programme d'action "Europe bleue"
exhaustion of natural resourcesépuisement des ressources naturelles
exploitation of marine and submarine resourcesexploitation des ressources marines et sous-marines
Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural ResourcesInstitut fédéral de géosciences et de ressources naturelles
fishery resourceressource halieutique
fishery resource No definition neededressource halieutique
Fishery Resources and Environment DivisionDivision des ressources halieutiques et de l'environnement
flow-limited resourceressource dont la disponibilité est limitée à son flux instantané
fluvial resource Any source of supply derived from a river, particularly its water, which is collected, stored and treated, then distributed for domestic, industrial, farm and other usesressources fluviales
fluvial resourceressources fluviales
fluvial resourcesressources fluviales
forest resourceressource sylvicole
forest resource Forest resources consist of two separate but closely related parts: the forest land and the trees (timber) on that landressource forestière
forest resourceressource forestière
forest resource assessmentévaluation des ressources forestières
freshwater resource The network of rivers, lakes, and other surface waters that supply water for food production and other essential human systemsressource en eau douce
freshwater resourceressource en eau douce
freshwater resourcesressources en eau douce
genetic resource The gene pool in natural and cultivated stocks of organisms that are available for human exploitation. It is desirable to maintain as diverse a range of organisms as possible, particularly of domesticated cultivars and their ancestors, in order to maintain a wide genetic base. The wider the genetic base, the greater the capacity for adaptation to particular environmental conditionsressource génétique
genetic resourceressource génétique
genetic resourcesressource génétique
geographic distribution of resourcesdistribution géographique des ressources
global resource information databasebase de données sur les ressources mondiales
Global Resource Information DatabaseBase de données sur les ressources mondiales
harnessing and management of water resourcesmaîtrise et gestion de l'eau
Integrated Fresh Water Resources Managementgestion intégrée des ressources en eau douce
integrated management of water resourcesgestion intégrée des ressources en eau
integrated water resource managementgestion intégrée des ressources en eau
International Center for Living Aquatic Resources ManagementCentre international d'aménagement des ressources bioaquatiques
international resource division through negotiationrépartition internationale des ressources par la négociation
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesUnion internationale pour la conservation de la nature et de ses ressources
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesUnion mondiale pour la nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesUnion internationale pour la conservation de la nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesUnion Internationale pour la Protection de la Nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesUnion internationale de conservation de la nature
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural ResourcesAlliance mondiale pour la nature
International Water Resources AssociationAssociation internationale des ressources en eau
intrinsic resourceressource intrinsèque
land resourcesressources terrestres
land resourcesressources foncières
legislation on water resourceslégislation en matière de ressources en eau
living marine resourceressources marines biologiques
living resourcesressources biologiques
local resource utilisation The use of a source of supply from a municipal or regional area, which can be readily drawn upon when neededutilisation des ressources locales
local resource utilisationutilisation des ressources locales
maintenance of genetic resourcesmaintien de ressources génétiques
Management Committee for Fishery ResourcesComité de gestion des ressources de la pêche
management of natural resources Planned use of natural resources, in particular of non-renewable resources, in accordance with principles that assure their optimum long-term economic and social benefitsgestion des ressources naturelles
management of natural resourcesgestion des ressources naturelles
management of water resourceséconomie des eaux
management of water resourcesgestion des ressources en eau
marine resources conservationpréservation des ressources marines
mechanism for resource transfermécanisme de transfert de ressources
microbial resource Any available source of supply derived from microbes, which would be used for beneficial purposes, such as for the production of food substances and drugsressource microbienne
microbial resourceressource microbienne
mineral resource Valuable mineral deposits of an area that are presently recoverable and may be so in the future; includes known ore bodies and potential oreressource minérale
mineral resourceressource minérale
moderate utilization of natural resourcesexploitation judicieuse des ressources naturelles
natural and singular resourcesressource naturelle et singulière
natural resource A feature or component of the natural environment that is of value in serving human needs, e.g. soil, water, plantlife, wildlife, etc. Some natural resources have an economic value (e.g. timber) while others have a "noneconomic" value (e.g. scenic beauty)ressource naturelle
natural resource accountingcomptabilité des ressources naturelles
natural resource accountingcomptabilisation des ressources naturelles
natural resource baseressources naturelles
natural resource basebase de ressources naturelles
natural resource conservation The management of living and non-living resources in such a way as to sustain the maximum benefit for present and future generationsconservation des ressources naturelles
natural resource conservationconservation des ressources naturelles
natural resource endowmentressources naturelles
natural resource heritage accountingcomptabilité du patrimoine naturel
natural resource managementgestion des ressources naturelles
natural resource which has a regenerative capabilityressources naturelles reconstituables
Natural Resources and Energy DivisionDivision des ressources naturelles et de l'énergie
Natural Resources Defense CouncilConseil de protection des ressources naturelles
net resource depletion The total decrease in the amount of natural materials available for use by humans and other living beingsappauvrissement direct des ressources
net resource depletionappauvrissement direct des ressources
Network for monitoring European water resourcesWaternet
Network for monitoring European water resourcesRéseau pour la surveillance des ressources aquatiques européennes
non-conventional water resourcesressources d'eau non-conventionnelles
non-regenerating natural resourceressource naturelle non renouvelable
non-renewable energy resource Non-renewable resources have been built up or evolved over a geological time-span and cannot be used without depleting the stock and raising questions of ultimate exhaustibility, since their rate of formation is so slow as to be meaningless in terms of the human life-spansource d'énergie non renouvelable
non-renewable energy resourceressource d'énergie non renouvelable
non-renewable energy resourcessources d'énergie non rénouvables
non-renewable resource A natural resource which, in terms of human time scales, is contained within the Earth in a fixed quantity and therefore can be used once only in the foreseeable future (although it may be recycled after its first use). This includes the fossil fuels and is extended to include mineral resources and sometimes ground water, although water and many minerals are renewed eventuallyressource non renouvelable
Non-Renewable Resourceressource non renouvelable
non-renewable resourceressource naturelle non-renouvelable
non-renewable resourceressource non renouvelable
non-renewable resourcesressource non renouvelable
plant resourceressource végétale
plant resource No definition neededressource végétale
preservation of natural resourcespréservation des ressources naturelles
pricing policy of resources The guiding procedure or philosophy for decisions regarding the monetary rate or value of a country or region's resources, including natural resources, human resources and capital, or man-made goodspolitique de prix des ressources
to protect forestry resourcesprotection du patrimoine forestier
quantitative management of water resourcesgestion quantitative des ressources hydrauliques
rational management of water resourcesgestion rationnelle des ressources en eau
regrowable resourceressource renouvelable
remote sensing of resourcestélédétection des ressources
renewable resourceressource naturelle renouvelable
renewable resource Resources capable of being continuously renewed or replaced through such processes as organic reproduction and cultivation such as those practiced in agriculture, animal husbandry, forestry and fisheriesressource renouvelable
renewable resourceressource renouvelable
resource accountingcomptabilité des ressources
resource appraisalévaluation des ressources
resource appraisal Assessment of the availability of resources in a given areaévaluation des ressources
resource conservation Reduction of overall resource consumption and utilization of recovered resources in order to avoid wasteconservation des ressources
resource conservationconservation des ressources
resource depletionépuisement des ressources
resource depletionréduction des ressources
resource efficiencyutilisation rationnelle des ressources
resource efficiencyutilisation efficace des ressources
resource exploitationexploitation des ressources
resource exploitation No definition neededexploitation des ressources
resource indicatorindicateur de ressource
resource recoveryrécupération
resource reserveréserve de ressources
resource reserve No definition neededréserve de ressources
resource utilisationutilisation des ressources
resource utilisation No definition neededutilisation des ressources
resource value at riskclassement des effets du feu
resource water accountscomptes de l'eau
resources for interventionmoyens d'intervention
resources management A conscious process of decision-making whereby natural and cultural resources are allocated over time and space to optimize the attainment of stated objectives of a society, within the framework of its technology, political and social institutions, and legal and administrative arrangements. An important objective is the conservation of resources, implying a close and integrated relationship between the ecological basis and the socio-economic systemgestion des ressources
resources managementgestion des ressources
scarcity of water resourcesraréfaction des ressources en eau
sea resourceressource marine
sea resource Marine resources include food, energy and mineralsressource marine
sea resourcesressource marine
shared natural resourcesressources naturelles partagées
Soil erosion and land resources projectprojet "Erosion des sols et ressources en terres"
soil resourceressources du sol
soil resource No definition neededressources du sol
soil resourcesressources du sol
Soil Resources, Management and Conservation ServiceService des sols - ressources, aménagement et conservation
sound management of resourcesgestion saine des ressources
stock resourceréserve
Subcommittee on Water ResourcesSous-comité des ressources en eau
terrestrial biological resource Any source of supply derived from plants, animals or other wildlife inhabiting land or ground, which may be used by humans for food, clothes and other necessitiesressources biologiques de la terre
terrestrial biological resourceressources biologiques de la terre
tropical forest resourcesressources forestières tropicales
unconsidered exhaustion of natural resourcesépuisement inconsidéré des ressources naturelles
United Nations Scientific Conference on the Conservation and Utilisation of ResourcesConférence scientifique des Nations unies pour la conservation et l'utilisation des ressources naturelles
utilisation of resourcesutilisation des ressources
Vulnerability and Adaptation Resource GroupVulnerability and Adaptation Resource Group
wastage of natural resourcesgaspillage des ressources naturelles
water resource Water in any of its forms, wherever located - atmosphere, surface or ground - which is or can be of value to manressource en eau
water resourceressource en eau
water resourcesressources hydriques
water resourcesréserves d'eau
Water Resources BranchService des ressources en eau
water resources conservation Controlled utilization or protection of any supply of water so that it is potentially useful for some purpose, such as for an economic, recreational or life-sustaining purposepréservation des ressources hydrologiques
water resources conservationpréservation des ressources hydrologiques
water resources legislation A binding rule or body of rules prescribed by a government to manage and protect an area's natural water supply and waterwayslégislation en matière de ressources en eau
water resources managementgestion des ressources en eau
water resources management Measures and activities concerning the supply of water, the improvement of efficiency in its use, the reduction of losses and waste, water-saving practices to reduce costs and to slow the depletion of the water supply to ensure future water availabilitygestion des ressources en eau
water resources managementéconomie des eaux
wind energy resourcegisement de vent
World Information and Early Warning System on Plant Genetic ResourcesSystème mondial d'information et d'alerte rapide sur les ressources phytogénétiques
World Resources InstituteWorld Resources Institute
World Resources InstituteInstitut des ressources mondiales