
Terms for subject Economy containing Provides | all forms
company providing servicessociété de service
Demonstration projects, projects to raise public awareness and projects to provide technical assistance in the field of protection of the Mediterranean environmentProjets de démonstration,de sensibilisation du public et d'assistance technique,dans le domaine de la protection de l'environnement méditerranéen
examination of the market ... in order to provide an outline of the situation and of its characteristic trendsexamen du marché ... afin de donner un aperçu de la situation et de l'évolution des caractéristiques de celui-ci
extension providing institutioninstitution d'encadrement
funds provided by member statesressources budgétaires des Etats membres
non-market services provided to individualsservices individualisables non marchands
provided for remunerationfourni contre rémunération
restrictions on freedom to provide services within the Communityles restrictions à la libre prestation des services à l'intérieur de la Communauté
service provided to individualsservice individualisable
service providingprestation de services
services provided by commercial agents and correspondents and by brokersservices fournis par des agents et correspondants commerciaux et par des courtiers
services provided by general governmentservices fournis par les administrations publiques
services provided for remunerationles prestations fournies contre rémunération