
Terms for subject General containing PARIS | all forms | exact matches only
a two-hour delay is expected on the London to Paris flightl'avion Londres-Paris est annoncé avec deux heures de retard
Agreement drawn up in implementation of Article V of Protocol Nº II of the Brussels Treaty as modified by the Protocols signed at Paris on 23rd October 1954Accord conclu en exécution de l'article V du Protocole nº II du Traité de Bruxelles, modifié par les Protocoles signés à Paris le 23 octobre 1954
and two days later, I was in Pariset le surlendemain, j'étais à Paris
annual book fair in ParisSalon du livre
annual information technology trade fair in Parisle SICOB
Arab cultural centre and library in Paris holding regular exhibitions of Arab artl'Institut du Monde Arabe
architectural complex built in 1937 on the site of the Trocadéro in Parisle palais de Chaillot
area in Paris famous for its furniture shopsle faubourg Saint-Antoine
area of Paris well-known for its luxury shopsle faubourg Saint-Honoré
Arrangement establishing an International Wine Office in ParisArrangement portant création, à Paris, d'un Office international du vin
art museum in Parisle musée d'Orsay
art school in Parisl'école du Louvre
at every major exit from Parisà toutes les sorties de Paris
at the time of the Paris Communesous la Commune
be appointed to a post in Parisêtre nommé à Paris
building in Paris which houses the offices of the Prime Ministerl'hôtel Matignon
Business and Industry Advisory Committee to OECD , ParisComité consultatif économique et industriel auprès de l'OCDE
come and see me if you're in Parissi vous passez à Paris, venez me voir
concert hall in Parisla salle Gaveau
Concorde flies from Paris to New York in less than fours hoursle Concorde fait Paris-New York en moins de quatre heures
Concorde goes from Paris to New York in less than fours hoursle Concorde fait Paris-New York en moins de quatre heures
cultural centre devoted to music in the Parc de la Villette in Parisla Cité de la Musique
cultural complex in the north of Parisla Villette (including a science museum, theatre and park)
current Paris pricesles prix qui se pratiquent à Paris
dark green ornate pillar used to advertise forthcoming attractions in Pariscolonne Morris
Dayton/Paris AgreementAccord-cadre général pour la paix en Bosnie-Herzégovine
Dayton/Paris Agreementaccord de paix de Dayton
Dayton/Paris Peace AgreementAccord-cadre général pour la paix en Bosnie-Herzégovine
Dayton/Paris Peace Agreementaccord de paix de Dayton
Dayton/Paris Peace Agreementsaccords de paix de Dayton et Paris
Declaration of Parisdéclaration commune de vingt-deux États
Declaration of ParisDéclaration de Paris
during the Paris Communesous la Commune
eighteenth-century house in the Marais district of Parisl'hôtel de Soubise
everybody who's anybody in Paristout le gratin parisien
from her window you have a bird's-eye view of the whole of Parisde chez elle on surplombe tout Paris
get me the head office in Parisdemandez-moi le siège à Paris
go back to Parisremonter à Paris
go to Parisaller à Paris
greater Parisl'agglomération parisienne
he comes and goes to and fro between Paris and Marseillesil fait la navette entre Paris et Marseille
he has no ties in Paris nowplus rien ne l'attache à Paris
he lives in the South of Parisil habite dans le sud de Paris
he lives to the south of Parisil habite au sud de Paris
he's adopted Paris as his home townc'est un Parisien d'adoption
he's running for the office of Mayor of Parisil brigue la mairie de Paris
his father got him a post in Parisson père l'a fait affecter à Paris
historic building, now a museum, in the Marais district of Paris, a fine example of late medieval architecture famous for its associations with Marguerite de Valoisl'hôtel de Sens
holdups for Paris-bound trafficembouteillages en direction de Paris
how far is it from London to Paris?combien y a-t-il de Londres à Paris?
I commute everyday between Paris and Eglyje fais tous les jours le trajet Paris-Egly
I got it cheaper in Parisje l'ai eu meilleur marché à Paris
I left Paris a long time agocela fait longtemps que je ne suis plus à Paris
I saw all Paris in a weekj'ai visité tout Paris en huit jours
I saw the whole of Paris in a weekj'ai visité tout Paris en huit jours
I spent the weekend showing a foreign friend around Parisj'ai passé le week-end à promener un ami étranger dans Paris
I was born in Parisje suis natif de Paris
I'm forced to stay in Parisje suis contraint de rester à Paris
I'm going up to Paris tomorrowje monte à Paris demain
I'm in Paris for a few daysje suis de passage à Paris
I'm looking for somewhere to live in Parisje cherche un logement sur Paris
I'm never without my Paris street mapje ne me sépare jamais de mon plan de Paris
I'm obliged to stay in Parisje suis contraint de rester à Paris
I'm only an hour away from Parisje ne suis plus guère qu'à une heure de Paris
in the Paris areadans les environs de Paris
International Children's Centre, ParisCentre international de l'enfance
is he in Paris? — quite probablyest-il à Paris? — c'est probable (he is)
island on the Seine in Paris where Notre-Dame standsl'île de la Cité
it's not far from Paris to Versaillesil n'y a pas loin entre Paris et Versailles
I've just been in Paris and now I'm off to New Yorkje viens de Paris et je repars à New York
landscaped park in Parisle parc les Buttes-Chaumont
landscaped park in Parisle parc des Buttes-Chaumont
large annual funfair on the outskirts of Parisla foire du Trône
large auditorium in Paris used for classical music concertsla salle Pleyel
large football stadium in Parisle parc des Princes
large office block at la Défense near Parisla Grande Arche (de La Défense, shaped like a square archway)
large theme park north of Parisle parc Astérix
life in Parisla vie parisienne
live in central Parishabiter dans Paris
military hospital in Parisle Val-de-Grâce
modern concert hall in the north of Parisle Zénith
museum of African and Oceanian Art in Vincennes near Parisle musée des Arts d'Afrique et d'Océanie
museum of Far Eastern art in Parisle musée Guimet
name by which the Paris Stock Exchange is sometimes knownle palais Brogniart
national drama school in Parisle Conservatoire (national supérieur d'art dramatique)
next time I'm in Parislors de mon prochain passage à Paris
one of the best restaurants in Parisune des meilleures tables de Paris
palace housing the Paris museum of fashion and costumele palais Galliera
Paris and its suburbsl'agglomération parisienne
Paris CharterCharte de Paris pour une nouvelle Europe
Paris CommitmentsEngagements de Paris
Paris Commitments to protect children from unlawful recruitment or use by armed forces or armed groupsEngagements de Paris
Paris ConventionConvention de l'Union de Paris
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial PropertyConvention de l'Union de Paris
Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial PropertyConvention de Paris
Paris Declaration on Aid EffectivenessDéclaration de Paris sur l'efficacité de l'aide
Paris International Conference on Cambodiaconférence internationale de Paris sur le Cambodge
Paris International Conference on CambodiaConférence internationale de Paris sur le Cambodge
Paris is worth a massParis vaut bien une messe (Henri IV - allusion)
Paris Memorandum of UnderstandingMémorandum d'entente de Paris
Paris Ministerial OrgansOrganes ministériels de Paris
Paris MOUMémorandum d'entente de Paris
Paris OfficeBureau de Paris
Paris Pact Initiativeinitiative du Pacte de Paris
Paris PrinciplesPrincipes de Paris
Paris principlesprincipes de Paris
Paris SummitSommet de l'Arche
Paris Treatytraité CECA
Paris Treatytraité de Paris
Paris Treatytraité instituant la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier
Paris UnionUnion de Paris
Paris Union Committee for International Cooperation in Information among Patent OfficesComité de l'Union de Paris pour la coopération internationale en matière de méthodes de recherches documentaires entre offices de brevets
Paris Union for the Protection of Industrial PropertyUnion de Paris
passengers for Parisles voyageurs à destination de Paris
passengers travelling to Parisles voyageurs à destination de Paris
point near Notre-Dame from which distances from Paris are measuredkilomètre zéro
predominantly Jewish district of Paris famous as a centre for the clothing tradele Sentier
public library in Parisla bibliothèque Mazarine
sale rooms in Paris where auctions are heldl'hôtel Drouot
science and technology museum complex in the Parc de La Villette in Parisla Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie
science and technology school in Parisle Conservatoire national des arts et métiers
section of the Paris road system where parking is prohibited to avoid congestionaxe rouge
she lives in Paris now, that's where she found workelle habite Paris maintenant, c'est là qu'elle a trouvé du travail
shopping complex at Les Halles in Parisle Forum des Halles
site of a large exhibition complex in Paris where major trade fairs take placela porte de Versailles
square in Paris where the Ministry of the Interior is situatedla place Beauvau
stadium in Paris where international tennis championships are heldle stade Roland-Garros
Summit Conferences in The Hague and ParisSommets de La Haye et de Paris
take up residence in Parisétablir son domicile à Paris
the area around Parisla région parisienne
the area around Parisles environs de Paris
the Breton community in Parisla colonie bretonne de Paris
the capital-city mentality of the Paris mediale parisianisme des médias
the chief cemetery of Parisle cimetière du Père-Lachaise (where many famous people are buried)
the factory in Paris where Gobelin tapestry is madela manufacture des Gobelins
the fast lane is closed to traffic leaving Parisla voie rapide est neutralisée dans le sens Paris-province
the general atmosphere in Parisl'ambiance qui règne à Paris
the general mood in Parisl'ambiance qui règne à Paris
the inhabitants of Paris and the surrounding areales habitants de Paris et sa région
the inhabitants of Paris and the surrounding regionles habitants de Paris et sa région
the mass exodus of people from Paris and other major cities at the beginning of the holiday period, especially in Augustles grands départs
the most expensive in Parisle plus cher sur la place de Paris
the motorway linking Paris, Lyons and Marseillesl'autoroute du Soleil
the old city gates around Parisles portes de Paris
the old Paris Opera Housele palais Garnier
the Paris areala région parisienne
the Paris Basinle Bassin parisien
the Paris Boursela Bourse de Paris
the Paris food market until 1968les Halles (now a shopping centre)
the Paris Museum of Mankindle musée de l'Homme
the Paris Museum of Modern Artle Musée national d'art moderne
the old Paris opera housele palais Garnier
the Paris Stock Exchangela Bourse de Paris
the play all Paris is flocking to seela pièce qui fait courir tout Paris
the prefect of Parisle préfet de Paris
the river Seine flows through Parisla Seine arrose Paris
the suburbs adjacent to Parisla petite couronne
the train now arriving at platform 10 is the two-thirty to Parisle train de 14 h 30 à destination de Paris va entrer en gare voie 10
these products are sold exclusively in Paris and in the Paris areala distribution de ces produits est restreinte à Paris et à sa région
they're going to open up a new road link between Paris and Bordeauxils vont ouvrir un nouvel axe Paris-Bordeaux
this train calls at all stations between Paris and Vierzonce train est omnibus entre Paris et Vierzon
this train stops at all stations between Paris and Vierzonce train est omnibus entre Paris et Vierzon
towns in the Paris suburbs with Communist mayorsla banlieue rouge
traffic leaving Paris is at a standstillla circulation est bloquée dans le sens Paris-province
type of stone common in the Paris area once used for making millstones and as a building materialpierre meulière
ultra-modern business district west of Parisla Défense
unfortunately, they came to Paris when I was awaypar malchance ils sont passés à Paris quand j'étais absent
wax museum in Parisle musée Grévin
weekly entertainments listings guide in Parisl'Officiel des Spectacles
we're getting near to Parison approche de Paris
we're nearing Parison approche de Paris
what's the use of having a car in Paris?quelle est l'utilité d'avoir une voiture dans Paris?
when the Allies liberated Parisquand les Alliés libérèrent Paris
working-class area of Paris with a large immigrant populationla Goutte d'Or