
Terms for subject Insurance containing Members | all forms | exact matches only
bottom end member of containertraverse inferieure d'extremite
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workformulaire E105
certificate concerning the members of the family of an employed person or self-employed person to be taken into consideration for the calculation of cash benefits in the case of incapacity for workattestation concernant les membres de la famille du travailleur salarié ou non salarié à prendre en considération pour le calcul des prestations en espèces en cas d'incapacité de travail
certificate for the granting of benefits in kind to members of the family of pensionersformulaire E122
certificate for the granting of benefits in kind to members of the family of pensionersattestation en vue de l'octroi des prestations en nature aux membres de la famille des titulaires de pension ou de rente
certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsformulaire E109
certificate for the registration of members of the employed or self-employed person's family and the updating of listsattestation pour l'inscription des membres de la famille du travailleur salarié ou non salarié et la tenue des inventaires
certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateformulaire E111
certificate of entitlement to benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateattestation de droit aux prestations en nature pendant un séjour dans un Etat membre
certificate of entitlement to necessary benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateattestation de droit aux prestations en nature nécessaires pendant un séjour dans en Etat membre
certificate of entitlement to necessary benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateformulaire E128B
certificate of entitlement to necessary benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateformulaire E128
certificate of entitlement to necessary benefits in kind during a stay in a Member Stateattestation de droit aux prestations en nature pendant un séjour dans en Etat membre
certificate of entitlement to necessary benefits in kind during a stay in a Member StateE128B
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsformulaire E302
certificate relating to members of the family of an unemployed person who must be taken into account for the calculation of benefitsattestation relative aux membres de la famille du travailleur salarié en chômage à prendre en considération pour le calcul des prestations
council of membersconseil des membres-sociétaires
cross members of containertraverses du plancher du conteneur
general meeting of membersassemblée des membres
to increase the contribution by the memberrelever la contribution de l'affilié
Lloyd's membermembre du Lloyd's
member chargecotisation de sociétaire
member of Lloyd'smembre du Lloyd's
member of the family mainly dependent on the claimantmembre de la famille à la charge principale du requérant
member of the family mainly dependent on the claimantmembre de la famille à la charge de l'assuré
member of two health insurancesbénéficiaire de deux assurances
Member State concernedEtat membre intéressé
Member State consultedEtat membre consulté
Member State in which the risk is situatedÉtat membre où le risque est situé
Member State in which the vehicle is basedétat membre de stationnement du véhicule
Member State of provision of servicesEtat membre de prestation de services
Member State of the branchEtat membre de la succursale
Member State of the commitmentEtat membre de l'engagement
Member State of the provision of servicesÉtat membre de prestation de services
Member State of the provision of servicesEtat membre de prestation
Member State of the undertaking providing coverÉtat membre du fournisseur de la garantie
non-member third-country reinsurance undertakingentreprise de réassurance d'un pays tiers
non-underwriting membermembre non souscripteur
part-time insured unemployment fund memberassuré travaillant à temps partiel
request for information concerning the amount of income received in a Member State other than the competent Member Stateformulaire E601
request for information concerning the amount of income received in a Member State other than the competent Member Statedemande de renseignements concernant le montant des ressources perçues dans un Etat membre autre que l'Etat compétent
specimen agreement to regulate the reciprocal obligations of export credit insurers in cases where the principal contractor subcontracts to one or more undertakings of one or more Member States an export contractconvention type pour régler les obligations réciproques des assureurs-crédit à l'exportation dans les cas où un contractant principal soustraite à une ou plusieurs entreprises d'un ou plusieurs Etats membres un marché d'exportation
subsidising membersociétaire subventionnaire
terminated memberrésilié
terminated memberparticipant résilié
top end member of containertraverse superieure d'extremite