
Terms for subject Environment containing Large | all forms | exact matches only
deforestation of large areasdéboisement à outrance
International Commission on Large DamsCommission internationale des grands barrages
large-billed scrubwrenséricorne à grand bec (Sericornis magnirostris)
Large Blue Butterflyazuré du serpolet (Maculinea arion)
Large Blue Butterflyargus bleu à bandes brunes (Maculinea arion)
large bubbles aerationaération par grosses bulles
large clearingcoupe blanche de grande étendue
large combustion plant Any sizable building which relies on machinery that converts energy released from the rapid burning of a fuel-air mixture into mechanical energygrande installation de combustion
large combustion plantgrande centrale à combustible
large copper butterflycuivré des marais (Lycaena dispar)
large desert marsupial-mousesouris marsupiale du désert (Sminthopsis psammophila)
large-headed woolly yarrowachillée à gros capitules (Achillea millefolium var. megacephalum)
large point sourcegrande source ponctuelle
large punctual sourcesgrandes sources ponctuelles
large whorled pogoniaisotrie verticillée (Isotria verticillata)
Yellow Sea Large Marine Ecosystemgrand écosystème marin de Mer Jaune