
Terms for subject General containing French | all forms | exact matches only
a former French colonyune ancienne colonie française
acquire French citizenshipprendre la citoyenneté française
Agreement between the Government of the French Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland concerning the European Air GroupAccord entre le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord et le Gouvernement de la République Française relatif au Groupe aérien européen
all French nationals living in Londontous les résidents français de Londres
Association of Entirely or Partly French-Speaking UniversitiesAssociation des Universités partiellement ou entièrement de langue francaise
be Frenchêtre de nationalité française
buy French products!achetez français!
Chouan insurgents and Republican soldiers during the French Revolutionles Blancs et les Bleus
competition in which the best pupils in the two upper forms at French lycées compete for prizes in a variety of subjectsle concours général
Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Italian Republic on the establishment of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperationconvention portant création de l'Organisation conjointe de coopération en matière d'armement
Convention between the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of the French Republic, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Italian Republic on the establishment of the Organisation for Joint Armament Cooperationconvention entre le Gouvernement de la République française, le Gouvernement de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, le Gouvernement de la République italienne, le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord portant création de l'Organisation conjointe de coopération en matière d'armement
Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism, cross-border crime and illegal migrationTraité entre le Royaume de Belgique, la République fédérale d'Allemagne, le Royaume d'Espagne, la République française, le Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, le Royaume des Pays-Bas et la République d'Autriche relatif à l'approfondissement de la coopération transfrontalière, notamment en vue de lutter contre le terrorisme, la criminalité transfrontalière et la migration illégale
Convention between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Republic of Austria on the stepping up of cross-border cooperation, particularly in combating terrorism, cross-border crime and illegal migrationTraité de Prüm
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common bordersconvention de Schengen
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common bordersConvention d'application de l'Accord de Schengen entre les Gouvernements des Etats de l'Union économique Benelux, de la République fédérale d'Allemagne et de la République française, relatif à la suppression graduelle des contrôles aux frontières communes
Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common bordersConvention d'application de l'Accord de Schengen
Council of the French -speaking CommunityConseil de la Communauté française
court which deals with internal French civil service matterstribunal administratif
currency used in former French African coloniesfranc CFA
doctor who meets the French social security criteriamédecin conventionné
dubbed in Frenchen version française
Excuse me, I don’t speak French very wellpardonnez-moi, mais je ne parle pas très bien français
exposure to Frenchcontact avec le français
former festival of science-fiction and horror films held annually at Avoriaz in the French Alpsle festival d'Avoriaz
former French television channella Sept
former French television channelLa 5
former French television channelLa Cinq
French Army Doctrine Development Centrecentre de réalisation et d'étude de doctrine de l'Armée de terre
French Association for TerminologyAssociation française de terminologie
French boxingla savate
French boxingboxe française
French broadcastingle paysage audiovisuel français
French-built carvoiture de marque française
French-built machineappareil de construction française
French Caribbean Outermost Regionsrégions ultrapériphériques françaises de la Caraïbe
French Caribbean Outermost RegionsRUP françaises de la Caraïbe
French Central Inter-ministerial Unit for technical responses to CBRN terrorist threatsDétachement Central Interministériel d'intervention technologique
French childrenles petits Français
French classclasse de français
French Commander in Chief, AtlanticCommandement en chef de l'atlantique
French Commander in Chief, MediterraneanCommandement en chef de la mediterranée
French Communist PartyParti communiste français
French CommunityCommunauté française
French Communitycommunauté française
French Community CouncilConseil de la Communauté française
French Community ExecutiveExécutif de la Communauté française
French Community of BelgiumCommunauté française
French counter-intelligence agencydirection de la surveillance du territoire
french curvespistolets pour le tracé des courbes
french curvesinstruments pour le tracé des courbes
French daily newspaperLe Monde
French daily newspaper representing the views of the French Communist Partyl'Humanité
French-designed productproduit de conception française
French essaydevoir de français
French Forces in GermanyForces françaises en Allemagne
French foreign-language assistantlecteur de français
French funding body for public works and housingla Caisse des dépôts et consignations
French government body ensuring that laws, elections and referenda are constitutionalle Conseil constitutionnel
French group of graphological consultantsGroupement des graphologues-conseils de France
French Guianala Guyane française
French Guianala Guyane
French-language states of Africapays d'Afrique francophone
French left-of-centre daily newspaperLibération
French literary prizele prix Médicis
French loafpain français (Québec)
French-made carvoiture de marque française
French mail order companyLes Trois Suisses®
French mail order firmla Redoute
French motorcycle racing trophyle Bol d'or
French national art schoolles Beaux-Arts
French national board of judicial policedirection centrale de la police judiciaire
French national symbolcoq gaulois (a cockerel)
French national theatre companyla Comédie-Française
French nationalist and royalist group founded in the late nineteenth centuryl'Action française
French Observatory of Drugs and Drug AddictionObservatoire français des drogues et des toxicomanies
French Organising CommitteeComité français d'organisation de la Coupe du monde 1998
French Organising CommitteeComité français d'organisation
French Organising Committee of the 1998 World CupComité français d'organisation
French Organising Committee of the 1998 World CupComité français d'organisation de la Coupe du monde 1998
French outermost regions of the Caribbeanrégions ultrapériphériques françaises de la Caraïbe
French outermost regions of the CaribbeanRUP françaises de la Caraïbe
French overseas departmentdépartement d'outre-mer
French overseas departmentsles départements d'outre-mer
French papercomposition française
French pay TV channelCanal Plus
French pay TV channelCanal +
French-polishvernir au tampon
French Polynesiala Polynésie française
French Presidency of the Council of the European UnionPrésidence française de l'Union européenne
French Presidency of the EUPrésidence française de l'Union européenne
French Presidency of the European UnionPrésidence française de l'Union européenne
French Republicla France
French Secret ServiceDirection générale de la sécurité extérieure
French SectionBureau français
French SectionBureau Francais
French serviceservice à la table
French settlers in Algeria who were repatriated as a result of Algerian independence in 1962les rapatriés d'Algérie
French Social Security office in charge of medical insurancecaisse primaire d'Assurance maladie
French soilla terre de France
French-speaking countriesla francophonie
French-speaking front for the defence of BrusselsFront démocratique des francophones
French-speaking SwissSuisse romand
French state body that appoints members of the judiciaryle Conseil supérieur de la magistrature
French theatre awardsles Molières
French toastpain doré
French toastpain perdu
French turnipsradis raves
French womenles Françaises
French women whose heads were shaved at the end of World War II for fraternizing with Germansles tondues
French words derived from Latinmots français qui dérivent du latin
furniture in the French Empire stylemeubles Empire
game of chance organized by the French national lotteryTapis Vert
General de Gaulle's radio appeal to the French people to resist the occupying Nazi forcesl'appel du 18 juin 1940
give a proper name a French spellingfranciser un nom propre
give French lessonsdonner des leçons de français
give somebody a French kissrouler une pelle à (quelqu'un)
government certification guaranteeing the quality of a French wineappellation contrôlée
half a chapter on the French Revolution is a bit feebleun demi-chapitre sur la Révolution, c'est un peu mince
he was granted French citizenshipil s'est fait naturaliser français
her translation has brought his work to French audiencessa traduction a fait connaître son œuvre en France
he's half English and half Frenchc'est un Anglo-Français
his French has improved considerablyil s'est beaucoup perfectionné en français
I spoke Frenchje parlais français (during aperiod oftime, and I don't speak French any more)
I spoke Frenchj'ai parlé français (on oneparticular occasion)
I'm half French, half Canadianje suis moitié Français, moitié Canadien
in Frenchdans la langue de Molière
in proper Frenchen bon français
in this escape business, the French and Swiss authorities are trying to make each other carry the candans cette affaire d'évasion, Français et Suisses se renvoient la balle
International Assembly of French Language ParliamentariansAssemblée internationale des parlementaires de langue française
International Assembly of French-speaking ParliamentariansAssemblée internationale des parlementaires de langue française
International Council of the French LanguageConseil international de la langue française
label guaranteeing the quality of a French wineappellation d'origine contrôlée
Liberal Reform Party/French-speaking Democratic FrontParti réformateur libéral/Front démocratique des francophones
name given to the French Republic by Royalists during the Third Republicla Gueuse
OCCAR Security Agreement between the Government of the French Republic, the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Government of the Kingdom of Belgium, the Government of the Italian Republic and the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Irelandaccord de sécurité OCCAR entre le Gouvernement de la République française, le Gouvernement de la République fédérale d'Allemagne, le Gouvernement du Royaume de Belgique, le Gouvernement de la République italienne et le Gouvernement du Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Old Frenchancien français
on French territorysur le territoire français
one of the most famous French cabaret songs, by Joseph Kosma with words by Jacques Prévertles Feuilles Mortes
one of the top French sculptorsune valeur sûre de la sculpture française
organization promoting French language and culture abroadl'Alliance française
Parisian headquarters and studios of French public radiola Maison de la radio
part of the Northern French coastla côte d'Émeraude (near Saint-Malo)
pharmaceutical product not considered to be essential and not fully reimbursed by the French social security systemmédicament de confort
police officer in the French Criminal Investigation Departmentofficier de police judiciaire
Popular Party for French DemocracyParti populaire pour la démocratie française
popular 19th-century print showing idealized scenes of French and foreign life, well-known characters or heroic eventsimage d'Épinal
prepare for the French Open tennis tournamentse préparer pour Roland-Garros
pronouncing the English "th" is difficult for a French personla prononciation du "th" anglais est difficile pour un Français
Protocol on the treatment to be applied to products within the province of the European Coal and Steel Community in respect of Algeria and the Overseas Departments of the French RepublicProtocole relatif au régime à appliquer aux produits relevant de la Communauté européenne du charbon et de l'acier à l'égard de l'Algérie et des départements d'outre-mer de la République française
sash worn by French mayors at civic functionsl'écharpe tricolore
satirical television puppet show in which French political figures were represented as animalsle Bébête Show
section of the French armed forces responding immediately in emergenciesForce d'action rapide
seventeenth and eighteenth-century Frenchle français classique
she defended the French flagelle a défendu les couleurs de la France
she passed her French examelle a été reçue à l'épreuve de français
she taught me Frenchelle m'a appris le français
speak Frenchparler français
State Secretary to the Minister for Foregin Affairs, with responsibility for the French-speaking Worldsecrétaire d'Etat auprès du ministre des affaires étrangères, chargé de la francophonie
subdivision of the French social security system applying to certain professional groupsrégime de Sécurité sociale
Swiss Frenchsuisse romand
switch from French to Russianpasser du français au russe
take French leavese filer à l'anglaise
take French leavefiler à l'anglaise
take French leavese sauver à l'anglaise
take French lessonsprendre des leçons de français
the banking service of the French Post Officeles comptes-chèques postaux
the defence of the French languagela défense de la langue française
the deficit in the French Social Security budgetle trou de la Sécurité sociale
the former French Mintl'hôtel de la Monnaie
the Frenchles tricolores (team)
the French Academyles Quarante
the French Academyl'Académie française
the French Atlantic coast near la Baulela Côte d'Amour
the French audit officeCour des comptes
the French Coal Boardles Charbonnages de France
the French collections at the Louvrel'école française du Louvre
the French consulle consul de France
the French criminal investigation departmentla Sûreté (nationale)
the French distinguished themselves at swimmingles Français se sont illustrés en natation
the French elevenle onze tricolore
the French Fifteenle quinze de France
the French film institutela Cinémathèque française
the French flagle drapeau tricolore
the French Forestry commissionl'Office national des forêts
the French gas boardGaz de France
the French government stationery officel'Imprimerie nationale
the French hockey teaml'équipe de France de hockey
the French Local Historical Archivesles Archives départementales
the French mutual benefit insurance systemla mutualité française
the French nationl'État français
the French National Conventionla Convention (1792-1795)
the French National Debtle grand-livre (de la dette publique)
the French national libraryla Bibliothèque nationale
the French National Theatrele TNP (based at the Palais de Chaillot in Paris until 1972 and at Villeurbanne near Lyon since then)
the French Navyla Royale
the French nuclear programmele programme nucléaire français
the French Openles internationaux de France de tennis
the French Oratoryl'Oratoire de France
the French people have chosenle peuple français a fait son choix
the French postal and telecommunications serviceles Postes et Télécommunications
the French presence in Africala présence française en Afrique
the French Presidentle président de la République française
the French Red Crossla Croix-Rouge française
the French representative at the UNle représentant de la France à l'ONU
the French Revolutionla Révolution (française)
the French Rivierala Côte d'Azur
the French rugby teaml'équipe de France de rugby
the French space programmele spatial français
the French-speaking part of Switzerlandla Suisse romande
the French-speaking Swissles Romands
the French statel'État français
the French stock exchange shares indexl'indice CAC-40
the French teaml'équipe tricolore
the French teamle onze tricolore
the French team is making no impact on the game at allles Français ne sont pas du tout présents dans le jeu
the French turned out in large numbers to voteles Français ont voté massivement
the French West Indiesles Antilles françaises
the great significant dates in French historyles grandes dates de l'histoire de France
the metropolitan Frenchles Français de la métropole
the most prestigious French annual literary prizele prix Goncourt
the most significant dates in French historyles grandes dates de l'histoire de France
the settlement of the French in Africal'établissement des Français en Afrique
the subtleties of the French languageles finesses du français
the team at the top of the French leaguele leader du championnat de France
they're of French extractionils sont français de souche
they're of French originils sont français de souche
thick French loafpain parisien
this film has been coproduced by French and Italian televisionce film est une coproduction des télévisions française et italienne
this proposal met with a favourable reception from the French populationcette proposition a trouvé audience auprès de la population française
title of an open letter to the French President which appeared in 'l'Aurore' in January 1898J'accuse (in which Emile Zola insisted that Alfred Dreyfus had been unjustly incriminated)
title of the present claimant to the French thronele Comte de Paris
...to which French residents could subscribe without having to purchase investment currencydont les titres pouvaient être souscrits par les résidents français sans passer par la devise-titre
traditional French New Year's Eve celebrationle réveillon de la Saint-Sylvestre
traditional waiving of parking fines by French president after a presidential electionl'amnistie des contraventions
train for the French Open tennis tournamentse préparer pour Roland-Garros
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Member States of the European Communities and the Hellenic Republic concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy CommunityTraité relatif à l'adhésion de la République hellénique à la Communauté économique européenne et à la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique
Treaty between the Kingdom of Belgium, the Kingdom of Denmark, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the French Republic, Ireland, the Italian Republic, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, the Kingdom of the Netherlands, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Member States of the European Communities and the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic concerning the accession of the Kingdom of Spain and the Portuguese Republic to the European Economic Community and to the European Atomic Energy CommunityTraité relatif à l'adhésion du Royaume d'Espagne et de la République portugaise à la Communauté économique européenne et à la Communauté européenne de l'énergie atomique
Treaty Between the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Portuguese Republic, establishing the European Gendarmerie Force EUROGENDFORtraité instituant la force de gendarmerie européenne
Treaty Between the Kingdom of Spain, the French Republic, the Italian Republic, the Kingdom of The Netherlands and the Portuguese Republic, establishing the European Gendarmerie Force EUROGENDFORTraité entre le Royaume d'Espagne, la République française, la République italienne, le Royaume des Pays-Bas et la République portugaise, portant création de la Force de Gendarmerie Européenne EUROGENDFOR
Union for French DemocracyUnion pour la démocratie française
Union for French Democracy - Democratic ActionUnion pour la démocratie française - AD
Union for French Democracy - Democratic ForceUnion pour la démocratie française - Force démocrate
Union for French Democracy - Party for French DemocracyUnion pour la démocratie française - Parti pour la démocratie française
Union for French Democracy - Radical PartyUnion pour la démocratie française - Parti radical
Union for French Democracy - Rally for the RepublicUnion pour la démocratie française - Rassemblement pour la République
Union for French Democracy - Republican PartyUnion pour la démocratie française - Parti républicain
voluntary organization set up to combat racism in French societySOS-Racisme
when they set foot on French soillorsqu'ils mirent le pied sur le sol de France
with regard to the French overseas departmentsen ce qui concerne les départements français d'outre-mer