
Terms for subject Communications containing Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference for the Preparation of a Revised Allotment Plan for the Aeronautical Mobile R ServiceConférence administrative extraordinaire des radiocommunications chargée d'élaborer un plan d'allotissement révisé pour le service mobile aéronautiqueR
Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference for the Preparation of a Revised Allotment Plan for the Aeronautical Mobile R Service"Conférence aéronautique"
Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference to allocate Frequency Bands for Space Radiocommunication purposesConférence administrative extraordinaire des radiocommunications chargée d'attribuer des bandes de fréquences pour les radiocommunications spatiales
Extraordinary Administrative Radio Conference to allocate Frequency Bands for Space Radiocommunication purposes"Conférence spatiale"