
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Design | all forms | exact matches only
Application Planning and Design GuideGuide de conception et de planification d'applications (A supplemental document to the core application questionnaire that is intended to provide a broad overview of PerformancePoint Server)
conceptual designétude conceptuelle (A major stage in the design process, through which the project team translates the business requirements into a common language to be shared by users and developers, and describes the feature set and/or usage scenarios that the solution must encompass. Conceptual design is analogous to the rough sketches and scenarios created when designing a house. These are easily understood models jointly created by the customer and the architect)
data-centered designarchitecture centrée sur les données (A design in which users interact with their data directly without having to first start an appropriate editor or application)
Design Accentsobjets de décoration (A gallery of design elements that can be used to embellish publications)
design elementélément de conception (An item (such as a page, frameset, item type, form, view, script file, text file, cascading style sheet, or image) that contributes to an overall pattern, scheme, or layout)
design gridgrille de création (The grid that you use to design a query or filter in query Design view or in the Advanced Filter/Sort window. For queries, this grid was formerly known as the QBE grid)
Design ManagerGestionnaire de conception (A feature that guides the user through the process of using an HTML editor to design and customize a SharePoint site)
Design Masterréplica-maître (The only member of the replica set in which you can make changes to the database structure that can be propagated to other replicas)
design modemode Création (The InfoPath design environment in which you can create or modify a form template)
design setjeu de créations (A collection of publications that share a consistent color scheme, font scheme, and design)
design surfaceaire de conception (The main area of the Macro Designer where macro actions are placed to be made into a macro)
design templatemodèle de conception (A file that contains the styles in a presentation, including the type and size of bullets and fonts; placeholder sizes and positions; background design and fill; color schemes; and a slide master and optional title master)
design timeau moment du design (The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application)
design timeau moment de la conception (The time during which you create and modify the design of the objects and code in your application)
design-time controlcontrôle DTC (An ActiveX control that is used while designing or editing a Web page. Design-time controls are installed on the client computer)
Design viewmode Création (A window that shows a visual representation of a document on the artboard)
Design viewmode Design (A window that shows the design of these database objects - tables, queries, forms, reports, macros, and data access pages. In Design view, you can create new database objects and modify the design of existing ones)
Design viewMode Création (A window that shows a visual representation of the code behind a web page)
design workspaceespace de conception (A user interface area where general authoring tasks are performed)
logical designétude logique (A design process that details the elements of the solution and how they interrelate with each other. This design does not provide technical implementation details, and thus is prior to making specific technology decisions)
master design setjeu de créations maître (A design set that includes a broad collection of common business publications)
Microsoft design languagelangage de conception Microsoft (The set of look-and-feel elements (type, color, icons, etc) that create a sense of brand and a cohesive user experience with Microsoft products)
Microsoft design stylestyle de conception Microsoft (Styles that can be applied to enable apps to have a Microsoft look and feel, be touch targetable, etc)
original design manufacturerfabricant ODM (A manufacturer that designs and manufactures its own products and sells them to other companies with established brand names. Established brand name companies add their logos and sell ODM products as their own)
physical designétude de réalisation (The third major stage in the design process, in which the project team determines how to specifically implement the logical design. Physical design addresses the technology that will be used by the end user. The goal is to apply real-world technology constraints to the logical design, such as implementation and performance considerations. Physical design corresponds to a contractor's blueprints for the physical elements of a structure-wiring, plumbing, heating, and ventilation. The contractor's plans add detail to the architect's plans and reflect real-world construction constraints)
query designstructure de requête (All elements included in the Query window, such as tables, criteria, the order in which fields are arranged, and so on. The design also specifies whether Auto Query is turned on, and whether you can edit the source data)
Touch DesignPrésentation tactile (A feature that creates new and improved mobile browser views. Documents are displayed as big touchable tiles on the screen. Users can view their own documents, shared documents, or ones they follow. They can open documents or share the URL of a document with other users. Additionally, users can navigate to Mail, Calendar, People, and Sites to view sites that they follow and those promoted by their site administrator)