
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Consumers | all forms
business-to-consumer sitesite entreprise-client (A Web site that provides retail shopping directly to the public)
consumer endpointpoint de terminaison consommateur (An endpoint where an application or system uses a service)
consumer goodbien de consommation (A good that is created for consumer user rather than business use)
event consumerconsommateur d'événements (A recipient of notifications that report an occurrence of an event. An event consumer is either temporary or permanent)
event consumer providerfournisseur de consommateur d'événements (A provider that determines which permanent event consumer handles a given event)
Microsoft License Terms for ConsumersTermes du contrat de licence Microsoft pour les consommateurs (Applications in Windows Store are distributed with user-based licensing model. Windows runtime and application model will only allow applications that are for user-based license as well as signed by Windows Store to be installed/run on Windows 8)
permanent consumerconsommateur permanent (An event consumer whose registration lasts until it is explicitly cancelled)
standard consumerconsommateur standard (One of several preinstalled permanent consumers that perform an action, such as sending an e-mail or writing to a log when configured by a managed object format (MOF) file or a script)
stream consumerconsommateur de flux (The structure or device that consumes the output of a query. Examples are an output adapter or another running query.)
temporary consumerconsommateur temporaire (An event consumer that receives event notifications only while the consumer is active)
trace consumerconsommateur de messages de suivi (An application that formats and displays trace messages)