
Terms for subject Microsoft containing Conference | all forms | exact matches only
audio conferenceaudioconférence (The audio portion of a meeting. The audio can be provided through a telephone conferencing service or by using Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technology)
audio conference lineligne d'audioconférence (The bridge line that participants call to hear the audio portion of a Live Meeting session)
Centralized Conference Control Protocolprotocole CCCP (A custom protocol for communicating conference creation and control commands from clients to Communications Server)
Conference Announcement ServiceService d'annonce de conférence (The service that implements in-conference services for multiple PSTN users at the same time. For example, it can be used to play an entry or exit tone to multiple PSTN users at the same time)
conference calltéléconférence (A telephone conversation between three or more people)
conference centercentre de conférence (The server location, specified by a URL, for all Live Meeting sessions conducted within an organization)
Conference IDID de conférence (A field label for the identifier of a conference that is conducted through a conferencing service provider)
conference modemode conférence (A Groove talk tool option that allows all members who select it to do audio-chat at once instead of one at a time)
conference resourceressource de conférence (A Microsoft Exchange mailbox that allocates a specific number of connections. The resource serves as a virtual room for your online meeting. You invite the resource to an online meeting just as you would reserve a room for a meeting)
Exchange Conferencing Servicesservices de conférence Exchange (A service that allows users to meet in virtual rooms on a server running Exchange)
federated conferenceconférence fédérée (A conference with federated partners)
In a conferenceEn conférence (The status label that indicates that a user is speaking with more than one person via phone)
Join an Existing Conference...Participer à une conférence existante... (An item on the Actions menu that adds the user to an existing conference)
Join Conference optionoption Joindre la conférence (An optional function in integrated audio conferencing that enables Live Meeting to dial a participant's phone instead of requiring the participant to dial in)
Lock ConferenceVerrouiller la conférence (A button on Conference Controls that prevents anybody else from joining the current conference)
Remove From ConferenceSupprimer de la conférence (An item on the right-click menu for a conference participant that removes the selected participant from the current conference)
Schedule a Conference...Planifier une conférence... (An item on the Actions menu that opens a new Outlook meeting invitation using the user's conferencing information)
scheduled conferenceconférence planifiée (A conference scheduled using Microsoft Outlook with the Outlook Add-in)
Start a New Conference...Démarrer une nouvelle conférence... (An item on the More/Actions menu that starts a conference with the person the user selects from the corporate address book. Also an item on the right-click menu for a person that starts a conference with the person)
unscheduled conferenceconférence non planifiée (A conference that is created on the fly by inviting multiple users to a new or ongoing IM session)
VOIP-enabled Live Meeting trial conference center sessionsession d'essai Live Meeting du centre de conférence en mode VoIP (A Live Meeting session conducted using VoIP to transmit data and conducted on a Live Meeting conference center accessed with a trial account)
Web conferenceconférence Web (An online gathering of people facilitated by software that allows participants to view, and optionally control, shared content and communicate with each other using various means, such as a telephone conference call)
web conferencingconférence web (Functionality supplied by the Web Conferencing service such as data sharing, and uploading documents and PowerPoint presentations, by using whiteboards and desktop sharing)